
  • Miranda Neville posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    There are reams and reams of documentation on pregnancy and related factors and a couple could well spend hours studying them in order to learn how to get pregnant. However, following these basic 10 tips a couple increases their chances of quick and assured pregnancy. It is as simple as that. Only knowing these 10 tips will assure you a quick and assured pregnancy.

    1. Frequent and Regular Intercourse

    Frequent and regular intercourse is a key to successful conception. As the day of ovulation approaches, a woman feels a natural, increased desire for sex. Take advantage, indulge in the days leading to ovulation, and be assured of pregnancy in a short time. It does not have to be every day but thrice a week is a good figure.

    2. Intercourse up to and on the day of ovulation

    The egg is only fertile up to 24 hours after ovulation. Sperm can survive for 6 days. Indulge in sexual intercourse on the days before ovulation occurs and on the day of ovulation. Thereafter,

    ECOVACS DEEBOT N79S of conception decrease.

    3. Have enjoyable sexual intercourse

    The couple should indulge in foreplay and indulge in enjoyable sexual intercourse leading to orgasm in woman that facilitates movement of sperm through contraction of the cervical and uterine tissues.

    4. Retain Sperm through Appropriate Sexual positions

    Adopt sexual positions that permit deeper penetration. After sex keep your hips elevated to allow semen to slide into and towards the cervix and uterus to facilitate conception.

    5. The Calendar method is not 100% reliable

    It is a fact that ovulation occurs somewhere around 14 days after the period, i.e. halfway through the menstrual cycle of 28 days. However, not all women ovulate precisely on the 14th day so this method is not 100% reliable.

    6. Use an Ovulation Prediction Kit

    It is easy and convenient to use the ovulation prediction kit that gives accurate results and increases probability of impregnation. These kits rely on readings of the luteinizing hormone and other hormones for a fairly accurate prediction that takes guesswork out of the equation.

    7. Fertility charting by itself is not a fairly accurate indicator of ovulation happening

    Some women take pains to maintain a chart spread over several months to find out the exact date of ovulation. These rely on basal body temperature readings and checking the mucus secretions in the vagina. The only drawback is that when she checks the chart for her current cycle, she will already have ovulated and may have to have sex in a hurry to become pregnant on that day!

    8. Abstain from alcohol, caffeinated drinks, drugs and smoking

    All these substances are contra-indicated if you are seriously concerned about becoming pregnant. You and your partner too should abstain for successful impregnation to occur.