solarpanels . posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
At Thunder Solar, we are committed to helping our community make the leap and switch to a renewable energy source in a quick, easy and economical way.
By installing a solar panel system, you will not only save money, but you will add value to your property while helping to improve the environment. Acquiring a solar panel system is the best decision you can make for yourself and your family. Renewable energy is not the future, it is the present. So not only Can you … It must and must be done.At Thunder Solar, we are committed to helping our community make the leap and switch to a renewable energy source in a quick, easy and economical way.
Al instalar un sistema de paneles solares, no solo ahorraras dinero, sino que anadiras valor a tu propiedad mientras ayudas a mejorar el medio ambiente. Adquirir un sistema de paneles solares es la mejor decisión que puedes hacer por ti y tu familia. La energia renovable no es el futuro, es el presente. Asi que no solo Se puede…. Se debe y se tiene que hacer.
A solar panel is a device that is used to absorb energy from the sun in order to generate heat or in many cases electricity.
SOLAR PANELS It is also referred to as a photovoltaic cell since it is made of many cells that are used to convert the light from the sun into electricity. The only raw material for these solar panels is the sun. it is made in such a way that the cells face the sun in order to enable maximum absorption of the sun rays. The greater the energy from the sun is, the more the electricity that is generated. Solar panels are used in many homesteads in the world due to their many pros that are far more than cons. Some of these pros are discussed below.
One very important advantage of using solar panels is that they do not emit any gases that are common in green houses. The panels do not emit any smoke, chemical or heavy metals that can be risk factors to human health. Solar panels are therefore environmental friendly when compared to burning of fossil fuels to generate energy. This is very important since carbon emissions are dangerous and avoiding their emission helps in safeguarding our present and future environment. Being environment friendly is important since the government is constantly coming up with ways to control global warming and the use of solar panels is a great way to start. The solar panels therefore maintain a clean setting and they leave the air fresh. More importantly they help in prevention of many cancer incidences. This is because some products from some sources of energy like nuclear energy have been said to cause cancer due to initiation of mutations in cells.
Secondly, use of solar panels ensures ongoing free energy for those who use it. This is mainly because the only cost incurred is that of installation. Once the installation has been done the energy is free since the panel does not require regular maintenance or fuel to run it. It also requires no raw materials for its operation. It works as long as there are sun rays which is an everyday thing in most parts of the world. In a world where equal distribution of resources is continuously being sought, this is very important since each and everyone has equal rights when it comes to use of solar energy. This is because the energy from the sun falls on all. This is a good way to maintain equality as compared with energy from fossil fuel which low income homesteads do not afford in many cases.
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