
  • Jefferson Hjorth posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    Pet GPS Tracking

    It’s natural. Pets (dogs, cats) are prone to stray away, go amiss, or be stolen. Being a pet owner, you always feel fear of their safety and unwanted thoughts come to you like what happens if each of you never get a in order to be reunited again.

    Luckily, technology is here to help and game titles enhance the return rates of pets if they travel missing. With so many tracking systems available, GPS tracking technology is an effective system that can to be able to resolve all lost-pet problems and notify your pet’s whereabouts.

    How Does GPS Pet Tracker Achieve their purpose?

    They work on the simple principle. Supplier of protein a GPS chip inside, which pick up the signals beamed by GPS satellites that cycle around earth to determine pet’s lost spot in the actual time. GPS pet tracker can help pet owners to locate their pet anytime anywhere. Usually an app is used to display the pet’s setting. Having a GPS enabled chip on receiver collar can monitor canine at all times constantly by providing you updates.

    Types of Pet (Dog, Cat) GPS Tracker

    Generally, there are two types of GPS pet trackers obtainable in this market. First type belongs to those trackers, which tracks by having a cell phone provider. And obviously they require cell coverage to be able to send data to owner’s smartphone. However, this type of trackers comes with two major drawbacks: since they require cellular coverage, which isn’t possible to track pets in an isolated area where cell coverage is out of stock. Also, they charge monthly fees with regards to the tracking services.

    Whereas the different of trackers use radio waves to send out signals. Absence of monthly charges will be the main benefit of this technology. Yet the downside is its shorter range (closer you are to the pet, stronger the signal will be) and limitation to access the pet’s location along with a handheld device as an alternative to smartphone.

    Want to adopt a pet? Whether you like to make a cat or a dog, owning a GPS pet tracker of your choice can keep them safe and in order to track down.

    Benefits of
    GPS Tracking System for Pets

    Many pet owners are opting for cellular trackers and radio trackers for its various benefits. Beneath are:

    The GPS pet tracking technology has changed a lot from being bulkier and heavier to lighter and smaller. What this the pet will feel relaxed after wearing the equipment, and give you peace of mind by not stripping it away.

    Many pet tracking devices will allow owner to be heedful (email or text alerts) when their pets transcend the safe circumference. The ability to set safe zones means that we can know when the pet escapes from allowed areas and hence you can act accordingly before they’re going too far aside.

    With increasing rate of theft reports, no wonder that some pets are stolen and sold on cheap. So, one of the bonus features that some GPS tracking equipment manufacturers’ offer is the pet search services’. A specialized service like this implies GPS location of your pet and which you bring missing animal back home.

    With the growth of tracking systems, it’s no more trance for pets who do morning exercise alongside with their owners.

    Owners can monitor their pet activity for an extended period of a moment. This is possible because server of equipment manufacturer saves location history of pets, only you have got to log in and appearance any change in activity.

    Most Common GPS Tracking Issuesto Ponder over and Their Solutions

    Does it keep you just busy more when compared pet in itself? While using battery operated tracking device, you might feel the necessity to frequently recharge it which may cause interruption in monitoring the your dogs. So what is the solution? Well, while making your choice, don’t forget the battery lifetime of tracker. Pets spend most their time outdoors so opt for trackers that include long life batteries.

    In case of radio-based tracker system, you need handheld transmitter to be lugged at all times (which is not ideal). However, this can be avoided having mobile carrier based trackers that you can easily monitor anytime anywhere.

    Your pet tracker device needs in order to waterproof. A person cannot dictate your pet where to become or not to, what will happen are going to starts seeing? Can you afford such a tracking device that wont be functional at this moment?

    When we try discussing tracking the pet, you’ll need a tracker that serves past the coverage setting. If you have a very active pet, then don’t neglect the tracker coverage range before making a choice. A mobile based tracker provides more reasonable range.


    Pets are part on the family. Take all precautions to protect them. A GPS pet tracking device is all you needto have the peace of mind and in addition be clear on your pet’s history.

    Posted in News Tagged device, gps, pet, tracker, tracking