
  • Bullock Sargent posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago

    Camping is a fun activity that anyone can do. It’s just you and the great outdoors, allowing you to fully appreciate nature. Before heading out into the wild, it is important to know exactly what you’ll need to bring. There are some useful camping tips in the following article, so be on the look out for them.

    Figure out your new gear before you go camping. The practice does really help. No one wants to get to the campground, only to find out that they don’t know how to use something or set up their own tent. Practice with your new gear before you ever set foot on the campground.

    As a courtesy to other campers, don’t leave your lighting on overnight, if you are close to others. Pack a timer that you can attach to your lights that will automatically shut them off after a certain time. Leaving lights on overnight is a popular complaint among most American campers!

    Carry a survival kit on your person. Things to include in your survival pack are a knife, matches that are waterproof, first aid kit, flares and tablets to purify water. You may find that this kit makes the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. Remember to carry it with you and do not leave it in your camp.

    If you are camping and the weather is starting to rise significantly, tale the coolers that you have with you and put them somewhere in the shade. It will also help to keep them covered with some type of tarp. This will keep the temperature inside the cooler from rising too much.

    When you are heading out for that long awaited camping trip, don’t forget to take along your cell phone. You may be tempted to leave all the texting and calls behind, but your cell phone can be one of your most important safety lifelines in the event of an emergency. Make sure it is fully charged and keep it protected from the elements in a plastic bag or waterproof case.

    Practice makes perfect when pitching a tent. Take the time to put the tent up before leaving for your trip. This allows you to build your proficiency at erecting the tent, and will also help locate any issues with the tent in case you need to exchange it for a better option.

    A bandanna or a handkerchief can be beneficial to bring on your trip. A bandana is very versatile and can be used as a blotter, potholder, mini-bag and more. There are many uses for these, so you want to be sure you have one or both of them on your next camping trip.

    Bring your cellphone with you when you go camping. Even if you are serious about roughing it, cell phones are still very useful in emergencies and should not be left at home. A cell phone is no longer a hobby, and when you go camping it can help you reach police and emergency personnel–bring it.

    Don’t wait until nightfall to start your camp site. When traveling in an RV, locate a safe parking area. When Relax In The Great Outdoors With The Help Of These Tips find a camping area, make sure that your tent is pitched on a flat area that isn’t near any unsafe ledges. Knowing the area around your campsite before it gets dark adds to your camping safety. This will also let you avoid the frustration of doing it when it’s not at easy to see what you are doing.

    Collect more wood than you think you are going ot need. Unless you go camping every day, you probably don’t have an accurate idea of what "enough wood" actually looks like. You can always leave the extra wood in a pile as a gift for anyone that uses the campsite after you.

    When camping, periodically do a tick check. Look for any brown or black spots that have just appeared on your skin. Ticks attach themselves to the skin without causing too much of a disturbance, so be sure to check yourself and your companions for ticks after spending time camping outdoors.

    If you are new to camping and you are going without a more practiced friend, you should consider staying in a campground rather than camping in the wilderness. This will help you to learn the basics of camping while still having basic infrastructure and friendly people around you in case of emergency.

    Giving yourself enough time to enjoy your camping trip is key. Plan out your trip far in advance and get a couple of days off from work if possible. You want to enjoy yourself camping for at least a few days, that way you feel like you got the full experience out of it.

    Now that you know what to bring, you can start planning your own camping trip. How The Whole Family Can Have Fun While Camping has provided you with information on the essential items needed for any camper preparing to venture into the wild, so always remember them.
    Live A Busy Life? Head Out To The Woods To Recover! will come in handy and make your camping experience an enjoyable one.