
  • Hinton Thiesen posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago

    But here we have a different approach meant for longtime development. Which is absolutely OK for intermediate to experienced marketers, but not recommended for newbies.

    Someone who has downloaded a free report from you is more likely to respond positively to a product pitch than someone who has just happened upon your site and is reading your sales letter.

    xe daewoo .com/media/photo-s/01/39/0f/e1/oto.jpg" width="450" align="right" />

    Hence the regular use within internet marketing of the One Time Offer (OTO). Such a mechanism encourages the customer to act there and then, purchase the upgrade (upsell) to the Back End product, the BE.

    Breaking through a prospect’s resistance in order to get them to buy can be very difficult. However, it’s much easier once they’ve already purchased from you.

    This message will welcome them and have a link for them to get their free products that leads to your oto. You should also be able to have them sent to the OTO after signing up. The email will serve as a reminder.

    Now experience shows that it is easier and cheaper to sell to someone who has bought from you already than to acquire a new customer altogether. This assumes that their first buying experience from you was an easy and pleasant one. Do not feel bad selling to your customers over and over again. Their needs change or evolve and so should your products.
    xe tai is your duty to do so! In fact, you will be doing your list a disservice if your list needs a product and you do not sell it to them. If do not have the product, become an affiliate of one and sell it to them through your links.

    By giving steps to follow, you can direct your subscriber to your "special" offers. Your download page can have more offers. Always add more peel away ads and bonus boxes to your download page.