Chambers Bond

  • We spent the average time of 126 hours and 57 minutes each year in reading. Reading speed depends on the aim of the reading:150-250 words for each minute (wpm) for any comprehension, 100 wpm for the memorization, 100-200 wpm for any learning, 300 wpm is usual of a college reader, 400-700 wpm for skimming and 700 wpm for scanning. A lot of people…[Read more]

  • We spent an average use of 126 hours and 57 minutes per year in reading. Reading speed is determined by the aim of the reading:150-250 words per minute (wpm) for the comprehension, 100 wpm for the memorization, 100-200 wpm for a learning, 300 wpm is typical of a college reader, 400-700 wpm for skimming and 700 wpm for scanning. Some people read as…[Read more]

  • Chambers Bond became a registered member 3 years, 11 months ago