
  • Winters Walter posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    The house owner was not at home at the time of the crime. Therefore, he noticed the slump in his family home until late.

    The thieves had been there about a week ago.

    A vacant house is an invitation for every burglar to look around in peace and undisturbed to take the valuables.

    In order to avoid that, the invitation for the burglar should be left as unspoken as possible. Avoid
    schlüsseldienst wien,

    for your absence, to maintain the burglary protection for your home.

    An alarm system is an effective but very costly security measure. You can use the following tips

    Minimize the likelihood of burglary and enjoy your well-deserved holiday much more carefree.

    1. A clear sign of a vacant house is the overflowing mailbox. Drop off schlüsseldienst wien, and

    to empty by a neighbor or a friend. Subscriptions, we can also cancel the holiday period.

    On the other hand, avoid the written notice on the mailbox for the postman about your absence. He also answers

    without absence notice with your neighbor. The burglar, however, will be much more interested in the period of your vacation.

    2. A classic enemy of any burglar is light. There should be at least at the entrance doors lamps with motion sensors

    be installed. If the burglar first stands in the light, he will most likely turn back.

    Another number safer are timers coupled with the interior lighting. How to simulate your presence while

    Your absence. In this case, you should also inform your neighbors so that they do not call the police on suspicion.

    3. The outward appearance of the house is often a clear indication to the burglar if the resident is staying for a long time

    are gone. Permanently lowered blinds, covered garden furniture and garbage cans which take several days to pick up on the street

    There are clear indications of your absence.

    For longer holidays, the neglected garden maintenance is an indication for the smart burglar. An unkempt garden

    stands for an abandoned house. It would be advisable to ask someone to mow the lawn as needed.

    4.Not the answering machine should tell by a band announcement that you are traveling and certainly not how long you

    are still gone. This gives the burglar a unique opportunity to plan and carry out his act in peace.

    Even your social media platforms should not tell anyone what period your house is empty.

    5. A permanently empty parking space can be treacherous. Maybe there is someone in the area who owns your parking space

    like to occupy from time to time. This gives potential burglars the impression that the house is inhabited.

    6. Even at the airport lurking telltale hints for the thief. The address label of your suitcase not only reveals your address,

    but also that you will not be home for at least a few days. So avoid your address for strangers

    To carry people too easily visible.

    7. If things do break in spite of everything, you should protect your valuables. A safe or a locker are here

    very helpful. Important documents can be scanned and stored in a cloud or on an external hard drive.

    The data on the laptop, computer or tablet should also be backed up externally as a precautionary measure. This is how your underlay stays

    Photos etc. always available for you.

    8. schlüsseldienst wien, should also make a list of your valuables and deposit them safely. In case of damage, the

    Information on the list a faster and complete determination of the amount of damage by the insurance.

    Thomas Ernst, the renowned expert from GSW recommends implementing the following checklist:


    Mail, parcels and newspapers – interrupt delivery

    Neighbors – inform about absence, keys for emergencies

    Pets – Organize care

    Plants, Garden – Who Gives Water?

    Valuables and important documents – deposit copies with friends or relatives, originals in the safe deposit box or safe

    Timers – mark presence with light and noise

    Close the windows and doors, leave the blinds open and the shops open

    Organize house sitter

    Post social media pictures only when you’re back home

    Enjoy your holiday

    GSW has been the leading security and technology company in Central and Eastern Europe for 3 decades. Careful work, reasonable prices

    as well as reliability and fast help in an emergency distinguish us. That’s why Krone Hit partner craftsmen 2017.

    The company has been run by entrepreneur Thomas Ernst for decades.

    GSW has been the leading security and technology company in Central and Eastern Europe for 3 decades. Careful work, reasonable prices as well as reliability and fast help in case of emergency distinguish us. That’s why we are Krone Hit Partnerhandwerker 2017!

    The company has been run by entrepreneur Thomas Ernst for decades.