
  • Mckee McGee posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago

    Should the Israelis nuke Iran’s nuclear facilities before Iran nukes Israel? And if anybody become victims inside the fall-out of these a conflict would we be blown up inside a good religious cause you aren’t?

    The United States has always been a robust supporter of Israel due partly to the influence with the Christian Right who start to see the prospective fulfilment of God’s promises for the patriarch Abraham via a resurgent modern Israel. Israel Cities – Jerusalem is the theology behind this that I am questioning on this page. I certainly don’t have any wish to see Israel (or any other nation for example) assaulted by nuclear weapons; nor am I offering any solution to the current problem.

    St Paul explained the apparent failure of God’s offers to national Israel by abolishing the excellence between Jews and Gentiles. (Romans 10:12) Only those inside the Christian era who accept Christ as their saviour are children of Abraham and permitted inherit the promises designed to him. (Galatians 3:29,30) In fact even during pre-Christian times literal descent from Abraham would not necessarily make anyone part from the real (spiritual) Israel. Abraham had eight sons plus an unspecified amount of daughters but only the descendants of Isaac inherited the promises (Genesis 16:15, 25:1-4; Romans 9:6-8); in addition to those merely a "remnant" would really increase the risk for grade. (Isaiah 10:20-22)

    So what are the results to the Jews? According to Paul they’ve exactly the same possibility to be "saved" as Christians have. He apparently used the symbol of your olive tree to represent the actual Israel of every age group. (Romans 11:11-24) After the crucifixion of Christ some (Jewish) branches were broken off this tree. Gentiles could be grafted in on the tree should they accepted Christ. The same privilege is extended to the Jews.
    Explore Israel can be grafted in on the Israel tree but only on individual profession of faith in Christ. The "remnant" from national Israel who lived in harmony with the principles with the Hebrew Bible would currently have been inside tree rather than among the branches broken off. Thus Paul paints images of the true spiritual Israel coming from all ages who’ll inherit the promises created to Abraham.

    Many scholars dispute this talk of a spiritual Israel. They can indicate a passage where Israel is clearly national Israel. It experiences a "hardening.. until the full number with the Gentiles has come in". (Romans 11:25) So when the following verse says that "all Israel is going to be saved" it must mean every one of national Israel will ultimately be saved. Not so! If Gentiles come in, what is it which they can be found in to? His home country of israel Cities – Jerusalem : the Gentiles are "grafted in" on the olive tree. (11:17) Thus it is not national Israel that is saved but every one of the real Israelites of every age group because seventy one aspects of spiritual Israel discussed above will be "in".

    When are we able to expect to start to see the offers to Abraham actually fulfilled? Only when the saved of every age group gather with a new earth. This new earth is, obviously, our old planet with an all new land surface along with a new atmosphere, no sea whatsoever. (See definitions of earth and heaven, Genesis 1:8,9 KJV) And if the promises created to Abraham have been fulfilled by doing this then for Christians the fate of recent Israel is simply a geo-political issue, not just a religious one.