
  • Bachmann May posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    Losing weight isn’t just about being on a diet or even working out as demonstrated by the large number of unsuccessful diets and workout programs. First, you have to discover the many M.E.S.S. cubes (Emotional, Mental, Subconscious, and Spiritual cubes ) which prevent you from losing weight and then have them go. These M.E.S.S. cubes are twisted beliefs, ideas, or fears that stop your weight loss. If you don’t get rid of these M.E.S.S. blocks, you’ll keep with a very hard time losing weight and, even if you succeed, then you may always recover the weight.

    If you have been physically abused, you will likely be fearful of being abused again, and you’ll search for a way to protect yourself. Fat protects you from being detected and noticed. Fat reduces the sexual attention that you receive from others because fat makes you attractive. Fat again becomes a kind of security.

    A lady I met in a seminar told me about her overweight teenager daughter who was allowing herself go by not caring for herself and her body. Confronted by her mum, the adolescent admitted that the only way she knew how to take care of the unwanted sexual attention from boys at school was to look bad and be obese.

    If you are fat and less attractive, you are going to feel more protected from physical abuse. Many women create this belief when they have been traumatized by physical abuse. If this has happened to you, you’ll have to give up this belief. If you have been defeated on a certain area of the body, you may develop a layer of fat to protect yourself in the physical pain of the beating.

    Slim Couture store the psychological pain inside the same area too. Thus, this layer of fat will be full of the emotions and memories related to the physical abuse.

    One of my clients was defeated her legs by her mum. All her life, she had enormous legs and she had trouble losing weight. One of her limiting beliefs was that she still needed to protect herself from her mother’s beating and also have at least four inches of fat around her thighs as a defense.

    To make certain you feel secure shedding weight, you have to let go of the following M.E.S.S. cubes to weight loss:"fat is really a protection against abuse","fat protects me";"being fat makes me feel protected";"I feel insecure and dangerous when I am thin";"I feel protected from abuse if I am fat". You will not be able to achieve permanent weight loss until you forego those twisted beliefs.