Kent Holland

  • The hustle involved in all freelance jobs can commence to wear a gal down after a while, and as an independent escort provider is obviously the same. There’s the gnawing uncertainty of if your next gig is coming and how it will go; the aggravation of always-in-flux finances; the tedium of unpaid hours spent networking, answering emails, and…[Read more]

  • Initially when i first heard about Google Glass several months ago now, after watching Google’s demo video that shows a male waking up and wearing the new tech device as he goes about his daily tasks. Such as making arrangements with a disciple to meet somewhere and video chatting with a lady at the end, among several other common aspects of your…[Read more]

  • Since appearing in print in 1940, comic book villainess Catwoman (then known simply as The Cat) has attained the status of pop culture’s premiere fetish-y femme fatale. She made the transition from page to screen in 1966’s BatmanTV series and has appeared regularly in black-and-white and color, on television and in theatres, given that. As…[Read more]

  • Kent Holland became a registered member 5 years, 4 months ago