Gonzalo ESCALANTE scores for Eibar in victory against Real Madrid


Gonzalo ESCALANTE scored for Eiber in their 3-0 win against Real Madrid.

It took the former Boca Juniors man just 16 minutes to make it 1-0 for Eibar and get his second of the season for Eiber in their first ever win against Madrid. It’s Santiago SOLARI’s first loss as Real Madrid manager after having been announced that he signed a multi-year contract.


  1. Pussetto is a very busy player…keeps defenders busy always..Good to have him in bench…de Paul is a genuine no 10
    I follow Betis (Locelso)
    Udinese (depaul pussetto and musso) Eibar (escalente)
    Nantes (emiliano sala)
    zenit (paredes)
    Tottenham(Foyth and Gazzaniga)
    Etc etc

    Escalante creates a great position for him
    I like his footballing performance

    Suddenly Argentina is getting better midfielder option

  2. Best about the game is it’s really fifty/fifty. Supporting River though as they may field all-Argentine starting eleven and more future players. If Martinez Quarta and Montiel starts they will probably be the only River players that had not played so far for senior NT (Montiel only for U-20). While Leonardo Ponzio – one of the last active 2001 U-20 WC winners.

    • Yes, there are several generations of great players. Actually among all, the coach Gallardo was my favorite player by far. His understanding of game, his passing skill was exceptional. To me, Riquelme and him are the best playmakers of Argentina in the last 2 decades, followed by Aimar and Lucho.

      • Mate lucho was more box to box
        Midfielder he doesn’t same
        Category as Roman riquelme
        Pablo aimar and Marcelo garalldo
        Best midfielder Argentina produce
        Was Fernando Redondo and he had
        Only 29 caps wonderful?

        • Lucho played as 10 with Porto and Marseille. But you are not wrong he was more like a 8 in Bielsa and Pekerman. Redondo my favorite DM ever. To me the best midfield after Maradona would be Redondo, Veron, Riquelme

    • Gonzalo,
      I really respect your way of looking at things, supporting anything Argentine, and keeping on the lookout for new talents.

  3. I am looking forward to watching the Superclasico and all the drama involved, they postponed the game for me because I was working yesterday LOL.

    I hear RM is interested in Icardi and I for one would like to see that.

    • Lol
      I think Inter make it too easy for Icardi. Because they need his goals to keep themselves afloat. A different club may help to improve his overall game.

  4. wooow to you scribes and Pharisees HYPOCRITES !!!

    where you was Mrinal1235 in 2015 Copa Libertadores when Bosteros peper spray our players in half time in their chicken house?
    now you cry ha?
    i am so touched about your sensitiveness !!!

    well i don t care at all about your opinion about us River fans and sure i don t feel ANY SHAME
    about my club or the fans of club.

    you can support Boca and you can pray Conmembol disqualify us to take the CUP WITHOUT GAME !!!
    Yes i like this idea.

    Bosteros take the cup without they win us at all !!!

    this will make us will feel so PROUD and it will be so grate story for the future.

    i am with you on that.

    something last to make clear myself.
    i don t like the violence and i don t support those fans that attack to the bus.

    they was 100 people and yesterday in stadium we was MANY THOUSANDS !!!

    those little are not represent the majority of RIVER PLATE FANS we was yesterday there
    and sure those 100 are not represent all the millions of our fans in Argentina and in all around the world.


    • I am not hypocrite , this is shame and what boca fans did in 2015 was also shame, if you support these kind of activities then this displays your voilent mentality.

      • now you make clear yourself. it is ok then.

        as about if i support the attack i already answer in my last post clearly
        that i don t support that and not that is be supported from the huge majority of River plate fans.

    • I see no difference with the 2015 Boca supporters scandal, then Boca were disqualified and River won the Libertadores later, so now the opposite must happen, btw Boca always beat River in Libertadores on the football pitch!!! 2000 Liberadores semi-final, 2004 Libertadores semi-final, and now will too, from the last 16 superclassicos 13 were won by the away team!!! 2 drawn and onle 1 home win. Boca will win my friend if the game will play. I am sure about it πŸ™‚

      • Bosteros throw peper spray to our players in half time INSIDE STADIUM.
        our fans attack unfortunately to their bus.
        just this happened more far from authority our club have around the Monumental.

        the club is not responsible for what happened in every corner of Buenos aires.
        whatever you believe this is not same.

        anyhow we will have the punish according to what happened as it is correct to happened.

        as about Libertadores history we have lost 10 games from them
        we won 7 and exist 8 draw games.

        so it is not correct you use the word ALWAYS.
        yes they have 3 more wins than us in Copa Libertadores history.

        if boca will win tonight if the game will play we will see about it.
        just don t be so sure πŸ™‚

  5. These country based are worst same they do for NT when they lose.They do not know how to support the football,how to support a team.Yeah their world is upside down.

  6. What a shame! Don’t the River Plate fans understand Boca is also a club of Argentina and most of the players of Boca sing the same anthem as the River fans. These fans must be put behind bars and Boca should be declared as Champion as a penalty for shameful behaviour of River Plate fans. Tevez is injured, pavon is ill, both are albiceleste player.

    This is not fierce rivalry. Fierce rivals compete fiercely on pitch. This is ill rivalry and this ill temperament from the ppl cost our beloved NT mental peace. I am gutted…

    • YES YES YES !!!

      give the cup to Bosteros without game as penelty to us.


      after this story will became legendary story to the new generation of River plate fans
      which the olders will teach to them.

      and…. guess what my friend !!!

      after the violence will repeated in future in worst way and more hard !!!
      the revenge will bring new revenge and the story will continue like this worse and worse !!!

      this is not way to fight the violence.
      this way you just put oil to fire.

  7. All overseas fans were waiting for this match. What a shameful act by river fans in eyes of world football. How argentina football association can tolerate these kind act, river plate should be disqualified directly as a strict warning to the fans to not repeat these kind of acts.

      • “Questions must also be asked about why Boca were there in the first place. Police organise scores of River games every year and know where potential flashpoints are likely to occur. Why, then, was the bus directed down Monroe street in Nunez, a place where River supporters gather at every home match, with a criminally insufficient escort to avoid trouble? ”
        Both clubs did not want to play the match in such atmosphere, which was a sign of unity against the violence.

        AFA, CONMEBOL and FIFA lost millions because of this in broadcasting rights/commercials/logistics expenses, They tried to force Boca and River players to play the game, CONMEBOL medical team lead by DR. Pangracio who said he can not document any injuries to Boca players, while Perez and Lamardo where already transported to the hospital, the game should go ahead, Infantino was present and also tried to force Both club players to play the final.
        AFA should have planned with local authorities the safest path possible for boca players to arrive and play the most exciting super classico on earth.

  8. what a complete disgrace today but not at all surprising, the afa and argentine football are a constant and complete mess, the eyes of the world were watching, waiting for this game or games and as always we fail to organize a piss up in a brewer.
    the planner of the bus route and im not sure what that were thinking that it would a great move to have the boca team bus travel the route of tens of thousands of drunken river fans…what did they expect to happen? the river fans (who were going to be in various states of intoxication) to lay the red carpet…hah as if..these 2 teams really hate each other more then celtic/rangers or real.m barca etc etc team, their is no quarters asked and none given, nothing but victory is remotely acceptable, what teams in this world can get 49,000 fans just to watch a last practice match before serious battle.

    oh vamos River!!!!

    • This is really disappointing, AFA is complete disgrace. Authorities are the main to blame, they should have expected this and not allow people to gather on the bus route to the stadium.

      I felt really sorry for boca players.
      I hope it will not reflect on the moral of the NT players from both sides.
      Vamos River !

      • my friend you are the voice of logic here.
        what police did yesterday was CRIME !!!

        for first time and I DON T KNOW WHY
        they bring the Boca bus inside the square before Monumental !!!
        the square was full of our fans.

        this is CRAZY !!!
        instead of bring the bus as always from sea side highstreet
        the police bring it from the other side that the fans mostly coming from!!!

        anyway. i don t know what to say anymore.

    • I see that as bad news because his current position is the same as that of Hazard. Unless Sarri moves him as box to box midfielder, his previous role with Juve, then he may have much more playing time and can be a good thing for Argentina as we only have Palacios.

  9. Why don’t we mundo followers talk about city’s benjamin garre ,he is an excellent lW/forward who has good pace which we are badly looking for ..Instead of giving chance to players like meza who was used as RW against mexico why can’t we invest on him ??He can be a big asset for us in 22 wc and may be copa too , moreover he is playing under guardiola who is known for developing players and I genuinely fear that Italy will try their best seize him

    • i thik he is still raw to be considered plus senior players also come back and meza is untouchable because he is always every coach favorite for obvious reasons

      • I am sick of this meza ,its high time to throw him out of the team …may be his club authority are pressurising afa for selecting him again and again
        NB =have heard that tapia is relative of independinte’s owner (meza’s club)

    • I have been watching this kid for a while, you are right he could be big. Let him grow little by little, I don’t think he is ready for the toxic NT atmosphere,yet.

        • The truth is all young players need playing time. Garre shouldn’t stay at a club like City at his age. Mbappe and Dembele were at Monaco and Rennes at his age. Between 17 and 21 years old is the most critical time for a player.

  10. argentina wants 10 years football programme. tapia told these things multiple times. i hope we get new coach. Scaloni tactically is inept as well as he dont have any cv apart from 6 matches.earlier as well becacea and coudet both taking digs on scaloni. Maradono also told the same things. i hope we get a good coach with good cv.

  11. Well Solaris honeymoon seems to end I guess. Once made as permanent coach he may have relaxed a bit, it can happen..

    And Ladies and Gentlemen Apparently the Copa Live final suspended, there is Argentina football for all.. Too much passionate football fans?? Anywhere else in the world?? I don’t think so? That they attacks opponents players bus… Double sighsss…

      • which was the best argentina player of all time after messi?? But mardona can’t play again similar to higuain who was finished after 2016 but Frienfs club carrying him next two years which cost Argentina

  12. Lautaro should move to city and played under Pep which will make him to develop better at least100times better than overrated Jesus and I’m sure Man city will go for Lautaro after Aguero

    • He will move next season or the one after. Real madrid might come for him now that they are back doing what made them great which is hiring argentina players.

      • Real madrid always go for big name like kane/icardi or neymar)mbappee only pep city goes for young talent and man city will be the best team for lautaro

    • one of the very few times you say something meaningful!
      I am satisfied that his career is ONLY going uphill. and HE will be ready to make his mark in the NT in less than 2 years.

    • Lautaro will be the key in 2022 but at moment not enough to wear no9 when Aguero and Icardi is there

    • Spot on. He is like young luis suarez with same energy and off the ball movement & has more in his game than all the other strikers we have. if he plays regularly for inter he could be ready to be the starting striker at copa america.

    • Hope that Pussetto won’t join Squadra. I started following Udinese because Gonzalo you talked about De Paul and then I discovered this player. NT has a lot of options on the left but not much on the right. Dybala and Lamela are better in central position, Pavon I think he’s better on the left, even though Angel Correa seems to be the only option.

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