Juan Foyth agent hints at Tottenham Hotspur exit


Juan Foyth has been rumored to leave Tottenham Hotspur in the upcoming transfer market and his agent has hinted that it could happen.

His agent spoke with talkSPORT regarding Foyth’s possible exit. Here’s what he had to say:

“We still have a pending talk with Tottenham to clarify the future. We don’t judge the coach’s decisions and we don’t get involved in his job but what’s clear is that the club’s project with Juan has changed.

“We have a pending chat with Tottenham and for sure the topic will come up. If he can’t have minutes in Tottenham we will have to look at the best options for him to develop and play anywhere else.

“Juan is grateful to Tottenham, but he needs to have more minutes to grow as a player and he also needs to hold his place in the national team. The only way to do that is to compete. Surely he is not happy, but he is a professional, and he will finish the season in the best way.”

Thanks to @Lilywhite_Rose for the quotes.


  1. Foyth is a very talented player like Gabi Milito. He should have been the future of the NT. However he has a discipline issue. We should not concede the penality against Brazil in the friendly. Too many mistakes. He has the talent to be a very good player but does he have the mental? Mou doesn’t like him, Aurier is not better than him, the young Tanganga is all over the place but we need to admit that Foyth doesn’t help himself as well.

  2. It looks like Otamendi and Pezzela going to stay till 2022 WC.We can see Ayala is doing really great work, it can be seen there is no anger issues in Otamendi in recent one and half year.He is kind of in his okay behaviour.Pezella is always calm.Quarta Martinez and Foyth can be their back up player.

  3. It’s gonna be chaos on 2021.How r everyone gonna finish the qualifiers, plus Copa, plus euro. Added to that there is club football, Olympics(Atleast it don’t effect our main players) Players like Messi will have to be careful to prevent injuries.

    They have to somehow start qualifiers this year itself even if to play in empty stadium. Other wise all the players is gonna have a hectic 2021.

    I think most of our old players will stick till 2022 WC to get a final shot at the WC. Players like Di Maria, Otamendi, Aguero, Armani, (Messi is another case, we need him for sure) will probably stick around till 2022. There is only 2 years left.

    Time flies 2018 WC feels like just finished. Because of this Covid half a year is lost. And it’s still ain’t over.

    • Angel Di maria(one of my favourite players) has not been called for recent friendlies so hopefully he wont be getting any more call ups at least for WC Qualifiers,Most likely there is a chance that Otamendi (BEST CB IF HE IS IN FORM BUT HAS ANGER ISSUES) could also be left out due to his dwindling form at Man City, Hopefully Armani(problem is his age but he performed well at copa 19) could also be left out due to emergence of Juan Musso and Walter benitez Even Andrada is better than Armani.In case of Aguero(In TOP 5 strikers of europe but his age is the main issue) if COVID had not happened then maybe he could have been at copa but hopefully he is not selected for WC Qualifiers due to presence of younger alternatives like Lautaro, Icardi, Alario, Gaich etc. but Messi(The best in his position) hopefully will be available for both COPA AND WC Qualifiers

      • Age should not be barier, No striker at moment close to Aguero or Lewandowski level

  4. Diego Maradona the greatest footballer of all time says Tomas Carlovich and Magico Gonzalez were better than him.
    Surely these 2 gems must have been great talents.
    Argentina was unlucky not to have had Tomas Carlovich playing for them during his peak… Probably we could have won more world cups.
    Playing for Argentina XI he is said to have destroyed Germany’s NT. Was taken off by AFA during half time to avoid Germany getting embarrassed (foolish decision)
    Roy, can you more insights into Tomas Carlovich.

    • I heard about Maradona mentioned about Magico Gonzalez, unbelievable technical skill with the ball always closed to his feet by 2cm no matter how he moved. Very pleasant to watch.

    • What? Carlovich never played in argentine NT.

      “The last match as a preparation for the 1974 World Cup found the Argentina national football team going to Rosario to play a friendly game against a squad formed exclusively by players born in that city. Some of the Rosarian players were prominent footballers, such as Mario Zanabria, Daniel Killer, Carlos Aimar and Carlovich as well.”

      “At the end of the first half, the team from Rosario led 3-0. The supremacy of the local team was so big that the Argentina national team coach, Vladislao Cap, asked for his colleague to exclude Carlovich for the second half, and this is what finally happened. The final score was 3–1”

    • Already 28, best time to leave a big club if he has talent then no need to worry.

  5. Mou wants to re-fresh the team with his new recruitment and dump the Poche’s selection, as it did not suit his style and taste. It’s better for Foyth to find and join another club. Barca indeed is beyond the dream and reality…

  6. Foyth to Barcelona is going to be the best move his career if it happens. It’s always better to move from a mediocre club Spurs where he is not getting playing time. In Barca Foyth will not get playing time too ahead of Pique and Langlet but Pique is already 33, Varane also sat on the bench in real at 22 when Pepe and Ramos used to play but he learned experienced and become world class. Similar thing can happen with Foyth and he will get cup matches regularly in Barca if performed good then can earn into the first team squad too. Moving from Spurs is must where many suggest Foyth should move to the mid table club where he get regular playing time but I think Barcelona move will be the best for him.

          • This is the reason they will now part with Semedo. He has been good defensively but disappointing in attack. They have Wague and Emerson coming back as RB, so I think Foyth would be CB. Would be awesome to see Foyth making it there but the most important is that he leaves Tottenham.

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