Manuel Lanzini scores for West Ham in 3-3 draw vs. Tottenham


Manuel Lanzini scored for West Ham after coming off the bench in their 3-3 draw vs. Tottenham.

In a game which saw Tottenham up 3-0 until very late in the match, it was the Argentine Manuel Lanzini to the rescue. With the score at 3-2 and in injury time, the ball would fall to Lanzini outside the penalty area as the Argentine would score to draw West Ham level.


  1. So happy for Lanzini. An unexpected stunner. He can be a valuable sub for last 20 minutes for our national team as he is one of the few players to strike from long distance. But he should take care of injuries as he’s in a crucial stage of his career. He can be an asset for both club and country. It’s up to him to use the opportunity.

  2. if scaloni wants to bring trophy for Argentina then he must start line up from strong back line, he must start with emi Martinez (a strong foundation is need for a good building) so what’s your opinion guys!

  3. I would like to see just one time this team :

    ——–Ocampos—–Messi——-Di Maria
    —————Paredes—-Lo Celso

    Bench : Icardi – Correa – Dybala – Gomez – De Paul – Palacios – Acuna – Lisandro Martinez – Quarta – Foyth – Musso – Benitez

    I know Di Maria is the past but he is much better on the right side and with NT he always played on the left …. Ocampos could be very interesting for the “diagonal pass” of Messi and Lo Celso, more close to the defender could be the guy who start the offense and give the rythm of the game like Thiago did with Bayern. He “feel” the same football than Messi and they can be amazing partner with chemistry to create Argentinan chances.

    My 2 most important sub could be Dybala when we need more offense and De Paul when we need more control and work in the midfield.

    Of course the Back right and left need to improve because Tagliafico and Montiel have to help more in offense with more combinaison with Ocampos and Di maria.

    For me Martinez is 100% sure the n°1 and Musso, very serious with Udinese, the number 2. For the third spot i dont care but Benitez deserve his chance.

    As i said i like that team because on the wings you have guys with skills who can play in 1vs1 and run, fight and help the defense. In the center of the game a triangle : Messi-Lo Celso-Paredes with creativity. Lautaro who is a fighter as striker. Senesi and Pezzella could have a great connexion : Senesi have good feets and he is strong with good reactivity, Pezzella is a boss with a very good jump.

    I want Icardi on the bench because he is a pure striker and for some games you need that profil like Palermo was. I dont close the door for Aguero, waiting to see because he have too much injury this last years. The other sub are serious guys.
    Waiting to see how Medina, Perez, Molina and Romero will improve this year … Same for Foyth but the lack of option for the right back make him in the team. MacAllister or Domiguez have to succeed in their clubs as titulare before to be real option to win a Copa America…

    This team just miss a real defensive midfielder but im not sure about Guido Rodriguez… Battaglia is far away of his best and Ascacibar look outside of the game now ….

    • Actually that is a very good lineup, miles better than the one scaloni plays with. I congratulate you on such an interesting lineup

  4. Watched a video in YouTube today and instantly became a fan of Alexandro Bernabei. This kid from lanus is a top class fullback. Certainly a potential world class material which can be fulfilled only if he ends up in good hands and a well drilled system. He is so fast and has such precision in putting weights in crosses.
    Surely enjoyable, the kid is only 19 and has got time in his side. I hope Scaloni might have noticed him cause he was making headlines for last few weeks.
    Definitely a NT material.

  5. The work De Paul does for NT goes unnoticed. Those work rate actually better then assist or goal. Example Bolivia game. Our midfield out run Bolivian in their backyard.

    • His game against Bolivia was horrible. Run is nice … but run with the ball and use correctly the ball is better.

      De Paul is a very nice player but clearly Equator and Bolivia wasnt the best representation of his quality for Argentina

  6. Emiliano Martinez stats, goals concided 2(just to compare with other goal keepers next least concided goals by a goal keeper is Leno, concided 6) out of 4 matches 3 clean sheets. Man we are going to witness best argentinian goal keeper in the premier league

  7. One of the goals of the season. I would like to see him leave the premier league to a league with less physicality to see if he can recover his career.

  8. Please guys I want make one thing clear
    Currently Argentina world class players are
    Lionel messi
    Angel di maria
    Sergio aguaro
    Maybe papu gomez
    World class material are but not yet there
    Lo celso
    Lautaro Martinez.
    De Paul
    So please let’s stop misusing world class

    • So we don’t necessarily need world class players to play well. Di Maria is “world class” but every time he plays for us he fucks things up one way or another.

        • Come on. He has a more defensive role in NT. You can see his creative exploits far more often at Udinese. I’m sure he’ll come good for the NT on the attacking front as well sooner rather than later.

        • Thanks for letting us know, the goal and assist is the basis of world class. When he transferred to Juventus or Inter, you will start to believe.

      • De Paul? Seriously?
        He is an established system player for NT.
        And an undisputed star for his club. Other than that it seems like a naive thought

        • Yeah seriously, in copa the team only started to click when De Paul and Lautaro were introduced.
          In serie A he scored 16 goals and 14 assists over 2 seasons while playing central midfield, more so than any other central midfielder in serie A and more than most attacking midfielders. He’s also top 3 in key passes and dribbles over the 2 seasons. That’s why Inter were willing to pay 33 mill for him and why Udinese refused their offer and wouldn’t even consider for less than 35.
          I agree with Godin, De Paul is class and world class potential, but needs to go to a bigger club to solidify his world class status.
          Celso and Ocampos are both world class IMO, Celso scored 16 goals with Betis, destroyed Real and Barca and was in la liga team of the season and despite playing DM for Tottenham he was still one of their best players to the point that Mourinho singled him out and called him irreplaceable.
          Ocampos was in la liga’s team of the season along with Messi and when you are in la liga’s team of the season you are world class in my (and most people’s) books.

    • Well that should end the debate here and we here in mundo shouldn’t call out for everyone who is playing some great matches to be NT material also. We should look for the consistency , talent, injury history … Etc..
      Other wise many.. comments here are childish..
      Some players scores a goal or had a great game..
      Many here would argue some already established players to be thrown out from the eleven or even from the squad

      Honestly we doesn’t need everyone to be world class to establish a winning team.. we also need above average system players to fit in to a competitive team..

      Let the potential world class players plays their part to be in the elite gang..

  9. Super happy for Lanzini. What a screamer!!! I felt like taking my shirt off!!!

    The guy is too injury prone. His situation is like Gago. Otherwise, he had a lot of promise. He went to Al Saad very early. But his talent was not unnoticed. Came back to Europe. But the injuries killed his career.

    However, I am a super fan of Emi Martinez. Love the attitude of the guy. He trains hard and is not ready to sit on the bench. We need more like that. Make your own career. We have generated a reputation that we cannot produce top goal keepers. To a large extent it is true. Brazil was like that too. But now they have transformed it. We need to have a strategy for the same. But this guy is the real deal for me.

  10. Emi Martinez is world class he has just played 15 something games in PL and he is being recognised.This season Emi Martinez going to be best keeper of Premiere League.He has many things to offer for a team. He organises his defence, commands well, good in playing out from back, good shot stopper, reads the game well. In short he is world class.

    • Well Locelso is only useful if he is closer to the goal . But since we have plenty of attacking players and not much creative mids , he has to play deep. Regarding your Locelso vs Lanzini , Locelso is quite injury prone but mr Lanzini’s injuries are so frequent , he will be liability like
      Gago if picked for a major tornament. Lamela is better than both, he is complete midfield player, like poor man’s Zidane but he is also quite injury prone and doesn’t last more than 5 games!!

    • If so you don’t know much about football…

      Lo Celso our best midfielder at the time. I’m following him since early days he is gonna be one of the best midfielders

  11. That’s the whole point here..
    Here a player is too much exaggerated , if he scores a goal ,made an assist,had a good save., A overall good game, or a lone cameo performance.. doesn’t even consider if he is a regular player or not..
    Did he have any consistency?is he reliable? Any such things..
    We should keep in mind that , we must appreciate each and every raw talent and support them.. but meantime we must be realistic that they aren’t world beaters yet.. they have a long way to go.. they are nowhere near the elites..
    And I would say..
    Emi Martinez is a world class Argentinian..
    But is he a world class player ?not yet he is somewhat equal to the rest of GKs in the league barring the elites..
    Same is the case with DePaul,paredes ,ocampos ,correas or even celso.. they still have a long way to go.
    But they are one of the bests we have got.. and we must support them

  12. Leicester vs Aston villa , minute 10-11 , watch even though it was an offside on liecters striker , emi Martinez ran out of the box at the perfect timing and cleared it . This is the kind of goalie we need . I need to remind everyone Armani’s mistiming in the Bolivia match , he’s shaky , I don’t trust him .

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