Lionel Messi and team walk away after police attack fans, Argentina vs. Brazil delayed


Lionel Messi and the Argentina national team have walked away from the pitch after Brazilian police attacked Argentina fans.

Brazilian police attacked Argentina fans in the stadium prior to the 2026 World Cup qualifying match. The teams were about to kick off when Brazilian police attackd Argentina fans.

Messi and the Argentina national team went up to the Brazilian policy to try and get them to stop. The Brazilian police continued and Lionel Messi waved no with his finger and the team walked back to their locker room.


  1. Not a good match by any measure but handing Brazil it’s first home loss in a WCQ is an accomplishment, even more so when one considers that Argentina didn’t play well.

    The match itself was contentious and just overall ugly but Brazil -by far- had the better of what little chances were available and could’ve scored 3 had it not been for Dibu and Cuti. So I can say that Argentina’s defense stood tall but not so much when it comes to the midfield and the attack.
    The midfield added nothing to the attack, which isn’t surprising considering how poorly aligned it was. I mean:

    —–Mac—————Paul——————Enzo——————–Celso ????????

    Allister never played flanks and never shown any indication that he could do well there yet Scaloni decided to put him there at such a crucial match?
    Celso playing RMF is also a bit of a headscratcher but atleast he has shown to be capable of playing there with Villareal.
    Personally speaking I would’ve gone with this:


    Rodrigo is more than capable of playing on the flanks where he can create space for Acuna to make some killer crosses or create some killer crosses himself like he did against Brazil in copa 21.
    Also, I would’ve added Nico Gonzalez to the RMF and either moved Celso to the middle or kept him on the bench at the start, Nico Gonzalez -while capable of playing both flanks- has shown time and again that his forte is on the right side.

    Messi was off his game and lacking match fitness but at 36 he gets a pass and can’t say much about Julian or Lautaro since they didn’t get any service.

    overall, I am exctatic with the win, again Brazil at their home no less, but Scaloni (if he’s staying) needs to stick to the basics that made him so successful and place players in their right positions because like it or not, this was a lucky win against an under strength Brazil side.

  2. Great win. Argentine players support towards the fans was great to see. This makes the team so unique and great. I have never seen any team supports their fans like this. Disgraceful behavior from Brazilian police.

  3. Refereeing could have been better. Lo Celso deserved a penalty. Raphinha deserved his second yellow card after that high boot foul against McAllister. But if we keep our eyes shut to ignore the ineffectiveness of Molina, Enzo, McAllister, Alvarez in two successive games, then Scaloni is heading for trouble in Copa. A depleted Brazil side, which was missing its key players, kept us on the hook through out. Shame on our midfield. They lacked intensity. Lo Celso tried and so did De Paul. But we’re they creative and very effective? No. Frankly, team looked much better after Messi’s departure. I am worried, he suffered an injury. But our next match is in March. Scaloni has time to rethink about his team and strategy.

  4. Our midfield couldn’t offer any service to our forwards (Messi and Alvarez) while Brazilian forwards couldn’t capitalize on the service they received. The lack of quality upfront in Brazil costed them this game while our world champion midfield was ineffective. Locelso was okay in set pieces but he wasted a great chance to score and Acuna is done. He isn’t good defending an for someone who is a winger turned full-back, he is offensive game is also going down hill. Molina offered nothing when attacking, defending wise he was better than last match.

    I am not sure what was Scaloni’s strategy today. When he couldn’t get anything going from the centre , his players didn’t try much from the wings either, may be because of poor display from Molina and Acuna. Nobody tried longs shots expect one from Messi and that was too straight into the defender. Overall the match had unnecessary amount of fouls from both side slightly more by Brazil. We never got into rhythm because of their fouls while our defenders were stretched every time they managed to bring the ball near our goal. Dibu saved us few times and Romero clearance saved the match for us. Otamendi again great with the header and took full advantage of poor defending from Brazilians, but he again almost cost all a goal due to his lack of speed and poor focus, but overall he played better than last game. Worst Brazilian team in last 20 years.

    • That’s fair I suppose, we have some elite players that do their job in key moments, e.g. Romero and Dibu, it’s has not been just about Messi anymore for a while.

      Brazil, for all their supposed flair, played very dirty tonight and paid the price. We battled but avoided yellows. Our bench is also great.

    • LOL some of you are really ridiculous. Do you realize that Brazil has never lost at home in qualification? That’s ever. It was pretty even all in all despite Brazil playing extremely dirty. Did people think would dominate and win 3-0?

      • We would have been 3-0 down if they had better strikers. They dominated the attacking aspect of the match and if it wasn’t for our defenders and Dibu we would have lost the match. This is the worst Brazilian team of the last 2 decades. They have average players in all the departments and we barely managed to beat them!

        • The had 1 good chance and a couple of half chances. We each finished with 8 shots. It was pretty even. Furthermore, thought we were starting to take control before the red. You’re a natural pessimist.

          • Nothing pessimistic! Our midfield failed to provide any service whatsoever! Yes, we won because Brazilians were very average near the goal and failed to capitalize when we made mistakes and gave the ball away multiple times.

        • LOL 3 goals with 0,4 xG under 90 minutes, everything is okay in your head? This was an even game against the dirty brazilians, but we are much tougher mentally.

          • what LOL? We made a quite a few mistakes in our box but average Brazilians forwards failed to capitalize on any of them! Yes, their fouls didn’t let us get into the rhythm but our midfield wasn’t able to provide any service whatsoever!

        • ” if it wasn’t for our defenders and Dibu we would have lost the match”

          Hmmm, that’s literally their job though, we can’t always attack, it was an away game in Brazil of all places.

  5. History made, we conquered the last remaining Brazilian fortress, it’s OK, we have this in our DNA too, a win a la Bilardo, we did not get a single yellow though somehow!

  6. It seems Ref is on our side in 2nd half, or at least not against us. First half pen should have given to us then.
    We have some luck. This is the worst Brazil side I had seen in the last 20 years

    • Lisandro Martinez is injured and I don’t think Pezzela and Medina is better than him…

      Remember Pezzela was the culprit for the last second equalizer in QF.

  7. De paul is rubbish today.. only lo celso is trying. Messi is injured.. I’m sorry Mr scaloni u need to end thus honeymoon and pick players who are in form

  8. So far we are stuggling to even string 3 passes together! Both because of constant fouls and good pressing from the Brazlians. MacAllister and Enzo haven’t done anything and are completely ineffective so far and Locelso missed a very good chance and Acuna failed to do anything when he got inside the box. Both Locelso and Acuna are poor in the final third. Brazil have created more chances and are able to put more pressure in the box while our mids are even struggling to get the ball near Brazilian box let alone create any chances. Messi hasn’t been able to display his natural game due to some rough play by Brazil and seems like he is injured.

    • Enzo has been pretty good. Other mids have not but Brazil should have been down to 10 already. Molina having another poor match in possession.

      We have to accept we’re not good enough on the ball go always play out against intense pressure, especially if the refs allow fouls to go on and on

    • De Paul has been instructed to play double pivot as 5. It’s not his role. He needs to be released on the flank. Move MacAllister to double 5 if you want that or even Paredes.

  9. So the refs will let Brazil kick us blatantly nonstop? 16 fouls and most not even going for the ball. Plain kicks from behind. 3 yellows given but it should have been 6 including 1 double yellow leading to expulsion.

    • Offensively there’s just not too much going on in this game. We play very conservatively and that’s understandable.

      I haven’t watched Brazil’s games against Uruguay and Columbia, but this Brazil team doesn’t look bad in this game…

  10. No wonder Mbappe bashed the South American football… Two most prestigious and talented national teams shouldn’t play football this way.

  11. Why are the Brazilian police attacking our fans. Brazil once again fail to handle hosting a match of this magnitude. The same incompetence during WC qualification when our match had to be cancelled!!

    • Yep, identical levels of embarrasment as that time two years ago. Brazil with their world cups and stadium infrastructure and prestige — should be way better tha this

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