Argentina list is announced with MESSI, ICARDI, PAREDES


Argentina’s list has been announced and it’s a good one!

There are 8 new players that appear on this list, most of which have been wanted by Argentina National Team fans for some months (or in one case, years). Nearly four years since receiving his first and only cap for the Argentina National Team, Inter captain Mauro ICARDI is in the team.

Two players who have been in great form lately, Leandro PAREDES and Papu GOMEZ also make the list.

These are all the players that reside outside of Argentina. Locally based players will be called up later.


Geronimo RULLI




Eduardo SALVIO


Lionel MESSI
Joaquin CORREA
Alejandro GOMEZ

What does everything think?? What local based players would you like to see called up? The rumored players to be called up in the following days are: Ignacio FernΓ‘ndez, Jonatan Maidana and Lucas Alario, of River Plate, NicolΓ‘s Tagliafico, of Independiente, and Javier Pinola, of Rosario Central.Β  We’re finally getting some must needed changes. Β There’s more to come. Β We’ll have all your updates as they come in!



  1. @Nohate
    Really man what are you watching. The commentary is not in relation to Barcelona but Mascherano. In less than 3 weeks the guy is going to be 33 years old. You are comparing him with other players that have A LOT LESS mileage than him even at the same age.
    Nobody is discounting how good he was. The key word here is WAS. He is slow, he can’t pass, he doesn’t have stamina, and he gets beat on set pieces regularly. Nobody is hating on him. Age catches up with all of us. He is no longer the best option. And before you have a heart attack Messi will be the same way in a couple years, and this will most likely be his last world cup in which he contributes in a meaningful manner. Its a fact of life, we all get old.

  2. As a defensive midfielder myself i love Masche but lately he lost his touch a little. Noo! I am not talking about age or stamina. It’s passing. His passing gone poor. There might be two reasons Sampaoli selected him.
    (1) He is experienced and mentor to everyone. He is like another coach in the field
    (2) If Sampa plays 3-4-3 than he needs Masche in same position where Sampaoli used to use Diaz for Chile,that’s why Masche name in defence i guess. However,he turns into 3-4-3 into 4-3-1-2. In this case Masche will play as defensive midfielder.
    But all this thing we can only can guess and argue because we really don’t know what going on in Sampa head. There is gonna be alot practice of different formation and strategy . He must have tons of idea. If he can use Medel and win Copa America than i am sure he has plan for Masche too. Or we have pool of talents to pick from. I am not worried about it at all. What i am worried is to qualify! We need to win next 2 games or even 1 draw and 1 win.

  3. Wow, Barcelona lost the league and it’s all because of Mascherano being a ”bad’’ defender? SMH, I cringe reading some of these comments. Yes, poor Masche, if only he didn’t play Barcelona would have won the league a long time ago. Oh wait, Barcelona conceded less goals in La Liga than the Champions Real Madrid. I’m guessing it was Masche fault Barcelona failed to score away against teams like Malaga and Deportivo, the two games that cost Barcelona the league title NOT Masche. This game against Eibar was a prime example of why Barcelona lost the league, both Suarez and Neymar have been horrible in front of goal this season, and despite Messi having one of his best season yet, the rest of his team mates (especially Suarez, Neymar and Gomes) let Barcelona down in crucial games. Barcelona losing La Liga had nothing to do with Masche, it all came down to losing away to mid table teams like Malaga and Deportivo. Mascherano is a legend, stop trying to throw every negativity at the guy! Way too many plastic ungrateful Argie fans around here. Masche on most occasion had to cover for Sergi Roberto who is neither a natural RB or defender.

    Ter Stegen is more of a risk than any of the Barcelona CB’s, they need to offload this guy, if Barcelona want a ball playing goal keeper then might as well they bring back Xavi out of retirement and put him in goal.

    This was Barcelona bench against Eibar; Arda Turan, Jasper Cillessen, Lucas Digne, Denis SuΓ‘rez, Borja LΓ³pez. Does anyone here think Barcelona was going to be competitive this season with such an average roster? Look at Real Madrid roster compare to Barcelona? The difference with Real Madrid winning the league over Barcelona was their quality in depth NOT Mascherano!

    I keep reading how Mascherano is bad yet no Argentina player in his position on the pitch have shown any class of his level. It’s Really shameful and disgusting how you people threat Mascherano. Nobody here have any right to tell the guy to retire or tell a coach not to select the player.

    BTW, how is the U20’s doing? Argentina youth football has become so mediocre that even Venezuela is having a better youth system nowadays. Headlines like β€˜β€™England ease pass Argentina’’ and β€˜β€™England made light work of Argentina’’ was some of the worse possible headlines an Argentina fan could come across on the internet especially given how England was average on the day.

    • Well honestly Mascherano should retire. No disrespect to his achievements, but he is no longer a world class player. He really needs to go. He was once a wonderful player that made up for his shortcomings with speed and agility. But now that he has so many years on his body, he gets beat like a drum on a regular basis.
      I am glad that midget lawn statue known as Aguero isn’t on this team. The guy is a clown.
      Next unload the choker Higuain and bring up Alario, and going back to my original comment, get rid of Masche.

    • nohate only love…. you come again and create different story… i know bauza you are bauza… bauza fan…..we know what you put in this site…. we never forget… maybe others but i wont.. go and support uae with bauza mr no name no hate only love… thats funny

    • @ NoHateOnlyLove – Lets be practical..Barcelona was defensively flawed this season that includes Mascherano. Mascherano is not automatically selected in starting 11. He himself is aware of it..more likely he will be moving out of Barcelona very soon..

      Lets not go by past glory. If that was the case, we need to call Demichellis and others…We need Mascherano, Zabaleta etc. only as mentors or assistants to Sampaoli..

      The need of the hour is stamina and grit. There should be a fighting power in everyone..Mascherano legs are aging and he will not suit to high tempo games..hence he was moved to defense in Sampaoli’s lineup..atleast from the line-ups that i see on online forums..or may be moved to bench role..

      The only existing inconsistent performers are Di Maria and Romero – I would give benefit of doubt to Romero..atleast for some more games..Di Maria should be worried due to more competition for his spot..

      • Cheillini from Juventus and Mascherao is the same age. Di Rossi from Roma is older than Mascherano. Both players regulars for Italy. Pepe is older than Mascherano, starter for Real Madrid before his injury and Portugal first team defender. Buffon is almost 40 years old. Mascherano still has a lot to offer Argentina, does this mean he has to start every game for his national team? No. And as for Barcelona, when they lost by four goals away to PSG, Masche did not play. The notion that some how Mascherano is one of the main reason Barcelona lost the La Liga title is absurd and short sighted. Masche have been the one carrying this Barcelona back line for years since Puyol retired, he doesn’t score much that’s why he is always overlooked in the media. Demichelis is the past, why bring him up? Sampaoli is doing the right thing, he is playing club players in their position they play for their respective club, making his job much more easier. The recent Argentina coaches select Mascherano and expect him to be a creative midfield player when he is doing the opposite with his club Barcelona.

        • I agree that La Liga loss cannot be blamed on Mascherano. There are of course several reasons:
          – the Barca bench does not compare favorably with the one in Madrid with people like Isco and James.
          – There is no real replacement for Xavi
          – Disappointing buys, e.g. Turan is not a shadow of the player he was for Atletico and Gomes is simply not good enough
          – Loss of pace in midfield (Iniesta is aging)
          – Alves who helped midfield and attack is clearly missed
          – Under pressure Barca cannot distribute the ball as fast as a few years ago
          – Poor management decisions (Bellerin, Icardi, Alcantara were all let go in the past)

          and probably a few more reasons

          • spot on richerd you said what i thinked… but why mache failed in midfield… because he only playing cb at club level where he had enough time to think and pass long ball.. he dont have a great control like busgutes pirlo put he still has the pressing and agression..and he made mistake… he think he was at cb… few matches ago he back pass to striker but.. in club level it will go to goalkeeper… thats why he is good at cb… in midfield he needs quick thinking… he dont have… he played at rcb i will be happy.. and his passing will find icardi…

        • Mascherano is not the player he was 2 seasons ago. Although Mascherano alone entirely cannot be blamed for Barca conning up short this season, however he was part of the defensive deficiencies, a fact. E.g. Mascherano playing as a CDM for Barca in a 3-0 loss at Juventus made me accept the reality of aging. It was so evident that commentators were even lanented the absence of Busquets who himself is also starting to show signs of slowing down. Players forms are only as good as their present abilities not past events.
          As for the NT, now that we’re likely to see structured football under Sampaoli, We can afford Mascherano to come off the bench in some games that require pace in transitions. IMO Guido Pizzaro can do a better job than Mascherano, Biglia and Banega in the midfield at present.
          The only indispensable player Argentina has is Messi. Everyone else is replaceable.

    • KidultHood,

      I know you didn’t watched Argentina – England. The team is not mediocree. I think Not many people from Mundo have watched the game, but you may ask Vimaldass, Enganche, Istiaque wheter the team was mediocree. They were really the better team most of the game. They lost. I believe in some kind of balance in the world and I think that incredible lost was retribution from fate for that very lucky advance on SUdamericano.

      I know you are frustrated because your favourite generation will slowly going away from NT (and Mr. Status Quo Bauza is sacked) and that so many of young players that we were talking about for some time is finally called up by Sampaoli – players that you was bitterly criticizing as weak footballers of weak clubs – but you should not pretend for Argentina fan while one of the only 2 people here that are truly getting satisfaction from any misfortune of young players.

      I don’t know what will reach current U-20 players on WC but I hve no doubt COlombatto, Palacios, Ascacibar, Foyth, Torres, Ponce and maybe few more are pure talents.

      • That’s true @kid. If you actually watched the full game,you’d understand how brilliantly we played in midfield and how fluid we were in attack but failed to find the net. Luck just wasn’t on our side and England undeservedly scored with literally the only chances they had. Our midfielders as mentioned by gonzalo are pretty skillful and confident on the ball and could seamlessly fit into our senior squad in the near future. Watch it and you’ll understand us

    • @Nohate
      Really man what are you watching. The commentary is not in relation to Barcelona but Mascherano. In less than 3 weeks the guy is going to be 33 years old. You are comparing him with other players that have A LOT LESS mileage than him even at the same age.
      Nobody is discounting how good he was. The key word here is WAS. He is slow, he can’t pass, he doesn’t have stamina, and he gets beat on set pieces regularly. Nobody is hating on him. Age catches up with all of us. He is no longer the best option. And before you have a heart attack Messi will be the same way in a couple years, and this will most likely be his last world cup in which he contributes in a meaningful manner. Its a fact of life, we all get old.

    • Barcelona have only themselves to blame for losing La Liga. Their defense has been abysmal this season, and I hate to say it, declining Masche may have been part of the problem.

      • Oh yes. Mascherano’s decline in fitness more than his technical ability is probably the main reason they’ve been suffering throughout the later part of the season. I blame their awful new signings and their over reliance in MSN for their steep decline this season in terms of consistency in attack.

        • That’s why I’m concerned about Mascherano playing in central defense for us. It’s not like we have no ball playing centre-backs at all.

          • Oh yes enganche. They’re literally struggling to find a decent replacement who supports messi in attack on the right. (Used mostly as a decoy to free messi so that he can easily cut in). I’m sure barca misses his marauding runs on the right which I believe is the reason messi has to shift more towards the centre nowadays. I would prefer garay instead of mascherano though.

          • masc is one of Argentina’s heros for so long and always will be for what he has done…applause from me… but for me these days its off the bench only as he is the type of guy you want to close off a game but their is no way I want to rely on him to start for a 7 game tournament all game every game these days.

            I still feel he does have some thing left in the tank to offer and what a man to bring off the bench for us but use sparingly and wisely.

  4. I’m not sure on what position Sampaoli has called Tagliafico for because he is playing CB for some time. And I must to say he is better CB than previously LB. Against Huracan absolutely flawless in defence. But on the other side he had 2 great missed chances to score. Despite this provided important pass in 94 min on winner goal.

    Bustos who was before one of 4 best RB in league (alond Gomez, Peruzzi, Di Placido) played as RB for the first time and did very well.

    Barco is growing very fast and that was one of the best his games in senior level.

    Also Jose Luis Gomez was one of the best Lanus Players in win over Atletico Rafaela.

    • Gonzalo, to answer your question about Tagliafico, I think there is a category of fullbacks who are so good defensively, with their tackle, positioning, interception and heading, that they can also do very well in the centre of defence. For example players like Alaba, Kolarov or Azpilicueta who are excellent fullbacks that also thrive as centre-backs. So, I think Tagliafico is exactly that type of player. Me personally would much rather see him as a left-back cause this is the position in which we have been lacking since the days of Sorin and Heinze. I think Sampaoli has a plan for back three and a plan for back four. The latter will probably (hopefully) include both J.L. Gomez and Tagliafico.

      • Two extremely attacking fullbacks could be pretty bad. I think if we play one attacking and one defensive fullback, that’s enough width through wingplay. On top of that, imagine we will have Acuna/Di Maria will play LCM, so that’s enough width there.

        Balance is keyword here. Argentina traditionally attacks down the left, but that should change now. Our best players are left footed and love to play on the rightside to cutback and shoot, so a change in tradition is in order.

        • Fair enough although I don’t see Tagliafico as extremely attacking though unlike J.L. Gomez. So in theory it should be balanced with those two if they ever play together.

          • Yes, thats what I was saying. Gomez on the right and Tagliafico on the left.

            That is good balance like Alves and Abidal for Barca, not comparing the individual qualities.

          • Yup, Gomez is attacking extremely boldly, Tagliafico is not, on the other hand he is guarantee of best defending on the left.

  5. It will be great if we play 3-5-2 or -3-4-3 ..we need more attaking minded player not 5 or 6 central defender which formation we played last 7-8 was never swift for us,,I think sampoli will bring us Argentines tiki taka something like of luck argentina…

  6. rulli or guzman will start for sure.gomez&icardi will be the subs for dimaria and higuain.
    mercado,mache,otamendi in defence.what about the midfield?i think its going to be either
    peredes banega nacho or guido banega nacho.if dybala n higuain is not there because of CL final
    we might see lanzini as AM with messi dimaria and icardi.

  7. Look guys many of us are very happy with this list of players and some are talking about few selection.
    1.this squad is itself a positive signal.
    2.Midfield is filled with performance wise talented players. seems like argentine team specially midfield not going to look like average team as we saw in bauza period.
    4.Lots of local defensive players will be added, so this squad will have an flavour of sampaoli’s taste.
    5.Icardi himself a positive point (amazing 9)
    Icardi will must start vs Brazil as Juventus playing CL final.
    6.sampaoli is a great coach with Chile & sevilla .now he will have better players he coached .that has a positive impact too.
    7.Messi is great and inevitable part of National team. Messi did doing and will be doing everything to win and he just needs little support.Sampaoli will provide it tactically.
    8.messi Dybala Icardi & sampaoli

    Vamos vamos

    • @ Gonzalo. Independiente doing well after a long time and good batch of youngsters. Sadly, Figal has got suspended just when it looked like forming a solid partnership withTagliafico. What about their young new RB, Bustos?
      Gabriel Gudino is another player from a small team that has been impressing this year. Right sided midfielder is being wanted by Racing and River.
      what happened to Ian Escobar that u rated highly some time back?

      • Figal was IMO one of best young CBs in leaugue. One of those that made me big optimist about future our center back in NT. But still there’s a lot of big talents: Mammana, Barboza, Conti, Martinez Quarta, Foyth, Cristian Romero, Pezzella, YOnathan Cabral, Jonathan Galvan, Gaston Campi or the one who took place of Figal in Independiente – Franco.

        Bustos is one of the new wave of Argentine talented right backs: Peruzzi, Gomez, Di Placido and Bustos. Alle they make tough competition on the position and are real future of Argentina.

        Ian Escobar doing really well in Talleres though without big progresssince I was talking about him. Despite this he has a lot of time because ’96. At the moment I prefer Dubarbier, Angileri, Sosa of Tigre. Tagliafico is already in higher class as NT player.

        Gudino – I just noticed his current form and generally of Atletico Rafaela. I’m going to watch few full games.

  8. Excellent list, still I’m gonna act like a typical fan and nit pick alittle bit.

    Garay is still not getting called up and for the love of me I don’t know why.
    I would’ve loved to see piatti and perotti instead of Dimaria and correa.

    Battaglia instead of Rodriguez. Now this isn’t entirely fair because I haven’t seen Rodriguez play because he’s in mexico but I have watched Battaglia in Portugal and he’s damn impressive! He showed great potential in the U20s back in 2011 and he’s living up to his potential; and speaking of the 2011 U20s team, German Pazzella has been quite impressive for Real Betis despite of the team’s struggles so I’d like to see him get a chance down the line.

    Gonzalo mentioned Castro and a friend of mine has been raving about him so I checked out his stats in whoscored and they’re very, very impressive especially considering the fact that he plays mostly as a CM, which is a position that Argentina is in need of.

    Looking forward to the domestic list and hopefully Nacho, Tagliafico and Peruzzi all make the list.

    • I think this is why Garay is not called up of late.

      16/17 Wound May 14, 2017 May 28, 2017 14 days

      Muscle Injury Dec 5, 2016 Jan 14, 2017 40 days

      Muscle Injury Sep 15, 2016 Sep 29, 2016 14 days

      perhaps just a little to injury prone at the moment?

      • Is it true that messi not shave his beard untill
        argentina win a major trophy ?
        Please realise his commitment to argentina

    • Agree Mamoun,

      Rodrigo Battaglia is impressive one CM. I hope Sampaoli will notice him soon because the guy has maybe most potential all of us CMs in Europe. Battaglia should be in NT.

      Lucas Castro with his impressive stats (as for CM and weak Chievo player) should be also on radar.

      • Battaglia rather instead one of Banega/ Biglia. Guido Rodriguez not my favourite but I like Sampaoli for this original choice and still may be in this call up good idea in Sampaoli’s mind that we can’t understand yet.

  9. Paredes is too lazy to be the only defensive midfield,he is slow too but good at dribbling .looks like another banega. within 3313 the DM is very important so guido rodiguez is the best solution. also we have no attactive LB such as alexis soto or sanchez mino.

    • No matter how will end World Cup U-20 for our boys I think Santiago Colombatto may be better version of Paredes with his ver good passes but better freekicks, more movement and aggression in defence.

      But we still don’t know what is the value of Paredes for NT and all this new players. He must get few full games. on the other hand that’s unfair Pizarro is dropped after just 1 game in NT. He was good.

  10. not much defenders, it may be unbalanced list.
    For me ,giovani lo celso ,Valentin vada, Franco Vazquez ,Hernan Toledo And alexis soto should be included.But now the best solution should be



    Mercado Otamendi Mascherano

    guido rodiguez Nacho fernandez Dimaria
    Joaquin correa

    Messi Icardi Gomez

  11. I am excited for argentina match after long a time. Here is my list.

    I hope this happens. I dont think lanzini will be in starting xi if there is messi and dybala because these three have similiar playing style.

  12. I have not been able to bridge the gap between my fantasies and the harsh realities about Argentina football! Today is the day that ended this! All my fantasies became reality! All the players I wanted to see in the NT finally appear on the selection list! Tagliafico, Gomez,Nacho, Paredes, Icardi, Rulli, Guzman, Mammana, Lanzini, Jose Luis Gomez, … – these new names along with Acuna and Salvio make me happy! Wonderful menu even though feeling nausea when I see di Maria’ name on it! But sincerely hope that he will be thrown out in due course along with Biglia and Higuain. Also sincerely wish that Romero will not be the first choice goal keeper!
    Vamos Argentina!

  13. Lucas Castro scored for CHievo today against Roma. I think he is interesting player. 5 goals and 6 assists in this season.

  14. Benedetto instead Alario, Dubarbier/Angileri instead Pinola, Garay/Alexander Barboza instead Maidana, Pity Martinez/Cervi instead Di Maria, Pizarro instead Banega/Biglia and would be ideal list. But I’m exageratting because this list is fantastic.

    • Martinez Qarta instead pinola , Barboza instead of maidana,lo celso instead of lanzini, hernan toledo instead of salvio,pizzaro in stead of biglia, alexis soto instead of taligfico, pavon instead of a gomez

    • Hi Vimal,

      From the formation – this is what i understand

      1. There is going to be Sevilla Players favoritizm – Understandable..
      2. Players in form – But need to get them work together..
      3. I have already discussed about Mascherano – But we need him in our bench as a motivator and one of senior player, could be a team man. Atleast he is better than Riquelme from an attitude perspective..This is my guess
      4. I still have doubts about Banega.. Is there anyone else..Ascacibar?
      5. Looks to be gritty midfield selection..but might need fine tuning like defense as well.
      6. Higuain and Aguero might need to show more movement to be in the selection – I am concerned..

        • Banega will never play as a typical number 5 if he plays in that 3-3-1-3 lineup. That lineup feels like Banega will be a deep lying playmaker while paredes will be tasked to do the tackling and staying back. Thats the theory at least.

          In a 3-3-1-3, one of the midfielder drops back in defense to make the defense of 4 people. I’m guessing Paredes is that guy. So when the RCB moves wide, in this case, Mercado – the back 4 will be Mercado-Paredes-Mascherano-Mammana. While Banega and Di Maria will be tasked to take the ball forward to one of Messi or Papu Gomez.

          The theory upto this is fine, but I don’t know both Paredes and Banega are actually capable of doing these things. Paredes never strikes me as the guy who will be flexible and disciplined enough to move between the lines that quick. And while Banega, as good he is in his passing, never was disciplined enough to play as an out and out central midfielder with that much responsibilities. We will have to see how Sampaoli actually creates his sytem, as these systems are quite different and depending on the personnel. I am thinking in terms of club level, where you have many days to practice these details to iron out the problems and glitches – but at national team level, you hardly ever get times for these. It has to be absolutely sure.

          Another thing is that he is also calling Jose louis Gomes and Tagliafico. So I think the 3-3-1-3 with Banega-Paredes-Di Maria is bullshit.

          LaNacion might have gotten the personnel right, but how they know his formation?

          – They called him? I doubt that.
          – Did they call Beccacece? Could be, but the second guy also wouldn’t know the exact formation I think.

          Lets wait till his first official press conference and first practice. We should know a lot more. Also, we need not worry much, he knows about these things better than Bozo or us lol

          • I agree on the fact that banega wouldn’t work that effectively as our no 5 as he lacks pace, strength,has no tenacity, average in tackling and extremely careless in possession. Worst part is he lacks game time now too which would make his fitness questionable.

            Honestly I’m not a huge fan of parades and if he pairs both of them,I believe we will be severely lacking in speed at the centre which would spell disaster against teams like Brazil and France. I think we have many other more capable players than banega to slot in the no 5 role. Parades could be maintained though.

          • As you I don’t see Paredes as one of 2 CM’s around typical No.5. FOr example:


            Why? As you’ve said the 2 players must give max of movement and raids while Paredes is not running player. No.5 is normally non-running forward player bounded by defensive tasks (last bastion). So IMO you can’t add to one standing CM (No.5) another one like Paredes because your midfield would be dead. No.5 is position for Paredes as far as he will able to do well in defence (maybe upcoming friendlies will tell) with help of 2 CMs, and as far as he may provide good long pass from deep midfield even as standing player. He should be sourrounded by 2 box-to-box midfielders as Nacho, Lanzini, Battaglia…

            I think Paredes and Guido ROdriguez are players for strictly the same position.

            We may play also with 2 CM’s but I don’t see which of our players may make enough good duo. Parede + Nacho – I’m not sure enough solid defensively. Paredes + Banega ass above… I think midfield with triangle of CMs is most adequate.

          • So I think rather


            ANother problem is with RB like Jose Luis GOmez which is attackig often like forward you may need fast No.5 to back up eventual absence of your fullbacks.

          • Oh yes that would be a mouth watering midfield with nacho and lanzini supporting parades. Banega and parades would just be another less defensively capable version of our “nonshakable” biglia-mascherano partnership with slightly better attacking capabilities.

            Its high time we integrate a well capable box to box midfielder into our starting eleven to carry the element of surprise into the opposition’s defence. I miss players in the mould of lucho gonzalez and Redondo whom we used to enjoy watching those days.

          • I believ the trio Palacios – Ascacibar – Colombatto is so much talented. No matter how far they will go in U-20 WC

    • Is it mentioned in the article why Papu Gomez is on the right wing and Joacquin Correa on the left? To my knowledge, Gomez is right footed player playing on the left wing and Joaquin Correa usually plays on the right wing.

  15. Interesting list. Most of the players called up are at last called up on the basis of their form.

    However I still would like some more solidity in midfield in terms of winning the ball and also defensively.

    I would much prefer Ascascibar get a call up ahead of Guido Rodriguez and Musacchio instead of Mascherano. Mascherano needs to go to the bench. Yes a huge loss in experience but a good player to bring on if needed to shore up a game.

    Also get Rulli experience with some games maybe even Axel Werner at some stage. Musacchio, Piatti can count themselves unlucky not to be near the squad.

    I wonder if Poland will try and call up Alexander Szymanowski ? Had an excellent season for Leganes and part of the sizeable Polish diaspora in Argentina.

  16. I do understand the excitement over the arrival of Sampaoli as we all wanted a professional coach who demands high level football from his players. But at the same time Sampa’s first match against Brazil game will mean little as he’d only have spent a few days with his players and players will be mentally on holidays already.

    I already see excited over new call up which I also regard as a positive way forward. But like I’ve always stressed the main important think is
    1. To build a team where Messi can thrive in. A ream that plaus to it strength instead of pursuing a style. By the way 2006 was dominant on possession but not an attacking juggernaut. If it was it the case Germany would have been conquered. But even in the previous matches ootball was beautiful on the eye but lacked the grit and aggression. We almost won the World Cup because Sabella understood the if he defended well Argentina had an arsenal to hurt any team offensively. Unfortunately his trusted fab 4 unit showed up unfit at the WC otherwise I’m sure Argentina would be defending champions right now.

    2. We need a team that creates numerous chances in a game. It’s pathetic to see Argentina go a match without creating real chances. I always feel confident when a team creates chances at will not by oopponents’ mistakes unless it’s forced mistakes. 2 years in a row in the final and Tata only has to missed Higuain chances to lament of as a coach? Simeone, Ancelotti, Guardiola, Conte, Pocche,Klopp, Zidane or Allrgri would be talking about lack of chances generated in the game. And for me this is element I hope Sampaoli can bring back to the team. Confidence in the team even if they miss a few chances because everyone is sure that it will not be the last one to be generated in a match.

  17. What a stunning team selection…best ever team except Aguro…I want too see aginest Brazil……


    Salvio——–Peredes– guido———–lanzini-



    • Dude….A stunning team is only when they perform on pitch…This can only happen when the coach and players (Especially Senior players) are on sync..

      You need to use Mascherano as a substitute..which will get the most out of him and respect as senior player..

      This is happening to Terry, Totti, Rooney why not Mascherano..

      • I concur 100%. You can give the same line up to Sabella, Tata, Bauza or Sampaoli, and I can guarantee you that the performances will very different. I realized that the we have different people on the forum. Some know the football from playing it and some know the game out of passion of watching it, therefore I do understand when some members think line ups guarantee results.

    • against brazil higuain and dybala… wont play… its icardi time… if sampoli goes 3-3-3-1 or 3-5-1-1 or 3-1-3-3 this is good one..





      • Higuain won’t play. Says who? because of Icardi inclusion? Sampaoli included him because he believes in his striking capabilities. Not because of what he did in the past.

        • he have chapmpions league final… dybala and higuain wont play… they will join the team for singapoor match… check champions league final date.. and if they win they celebrate one or two days with juve… and need rest few days… icardi will start against brazil…. iam sure about it

  18. * Just watched Arg – Hol n Ger – Arg final in youtube. I am not sure that again I am able to watch such a tense shoot out with our team. Feeling now that my addiction reached the next level. As I am nearing 40, those last 15 or 20 min against Chile in the qualifiers were extremely torturous. Felt a deep pain in my chest. After that decided not to watch our games anymore. ( Great Bauza said after we scored the game finished..).

    * That was a great pass from Biglia in the final n how on the world Messi missed that. Almost a piece of cake with one on one with neuer.

    * If palacio had controlled the ball, history could be different.

    * Higuain apart from that sitter from kroos back pass, must have hesitated a little bit for that offside goal. Even if he had delayed a second or two, the defenders might have failed to reach the ball as it was a great cross from Lavezzi.

    * Lavezzi totally dominated the right flank in that first half n most of the germany attacks happened in the left. During that cross if you see Lavezzi face, he was the most commited n concentrated player in the first half.

    * I know you guys are happy with the new faces in the team n life just refresh itself with new hopes. But I think or I feel I just witnessed these things again n again. Hope n waiting for eternity n one day everything vanishes n again the same cycle. It sounds too negative n of course sorry for negativity in this time as I said I am seeing these things since 1990.

    * Only thing to say is just let sampaoli work with peace. He will bring us glory or atleast take near to glory. Just give the money he deserves ( of coz feel he even work free for our national team n this attitute is a such a huge relief ). What ever happens, he should be the coach till 2023 copa america.

    * Waiting for that day..

    • i felt i was watching the final again.. my heart felt litle pain when i remember those moment… if these thing not happened messi may be stopped playing… everthing is good … positive thouhts will succeed…

  19. I can’t see a place for the oldies more. Sampaoli should strike directly for the friendlies:


  20. Sampaoli last interview as sevilla manager…SAMPAOLI: β€œNO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE THE LAST SEVILLA GAME AWAY FROM ME”
    Jorge Sampaoli gave what could be his last pre-match press conference as Sevilla manager on Friday morning, ahead of the last game of the season against Osasuna.
    The Argentine was asked several questions about his future, with speculation linking his name with the Argentina national team job.
    But Sampaoli insisted that his mind was on Saturday’s game against Osasuna, who are already relegated, before giving his verdict on the 2016/17 campaign.
    β€œThere’s one game left and it’s as important as the first,” he said. β€œOur goal was to exceed 70 points and we’re hopeful of doing that. For me, to assess ourselves on a personal level and as a group, we’ve spent a year competing at the top among the best teams in LaLiga.
    β€œWe were there against Lyon, Juventus, we were knocked out unfairly against Leicester when we deserved to go through. We’ve averaged 1.7 goals per game. The sporting project has been good, the team had an identity in the way they played which the Sevilla fans appreciated. All of this filled us with hope and expectation over the course of 12 months .
    β€œWe got a new team organised, we competed against strong teams, the best sporting director in the club’s history left and not even that stopped the team from carrying on fighting.”
    Of the long-running speculation surrounding the Argentina job, Sampaoli said: β€œI wouldn’t miss out on managing. My contract has a few clauses which allow me to leave, but beyond that, it comes down to bad intentions and not just from the media.
    β€œTo say that we lost a game because we were distracted is unfair. No one is going to take this last game with Sevilla FC away from me, I’ve earnt that and I want to enjoy the moment and to reach a total of 72 points. No one is going to take the last game in Sevilla FC’s dug out away from me.
    β€œ The SΓ‘nchez-PizjuΓ‘n should be a party and, while a lie told a hundred times becomes the truth, what they’re looking for us to divide us . I wouldn’t miss out on this last game.”
    And, should the Argentine Football Association (AFA) and Sevilla reach an agreement, Saturday’s game will be his last.
    β€œMy contract with the club has a few clauses enabling me to leave,” he said. β€œThere is a clear intention on the part of my country to have me as their manager and I have wanted this opportunity from a young age. It’s an opportunity that I turned down when I took over at Sevilla in pre-season, but is still there .
    β€œI feel that I would only stop my career – and everything that I’ve done to become a manager in one of the best leagues – to go and manage Argentina. It’s something that I can’t turn down now. But the president is in charge of this, there’s a contract to respect and nothing has been resolved yet. That said, my contract has a few clauses that allow me to leave.”
    He denied that he had selected an Argentina squad: “To give them that squad I have to have authorization from my club, Sevilla FC , over and above the fact that the media speculation might say I’ve acted in secret. I haven’t needed that, I’ve acted with full clarity and transparency with the club for the whole year.
    “The matter of the contract has to be cleared up between the Club and the Federation. In the last meeting I had with the president I conveyed that I was keen to manage the match on Saturday, that there was no chance of me not doing that.
    ” Now if they reach an understanding it has to be between them, AFA and Club, it’s something I want to be settled without breaks, it’s important for me that there’s understanding on both sides “.
    And Sampaoli insisted: “I have a contract with Sevilla FC and the AFA have to resolve this with the president. Although every human being has a dream and mine is to manage my country’s national side.
    “Even if it alters my path as a manager and I can’t manage league campaigns like I enjoyed doing this year, I feel that I have to go. Faced with the need of my country I have to be there.
    “But it’s not something I was thinking about before, we had a lot of things to play for and it was impossible to get distracted. Today I can sit down and evaluate it because the target has been reached. But, apart from everything, it’s something that’s not in my hands.
    “So I took the decision not to speak about any matter not to do with Sevilla FC because it had created the idea that I was imagining myself as a manager somewhere else when I’m defending this club’s colours. There’s a very big bond between this shirt and me. The project was very exciting, even taking this team to fight in this competition for the second season … but I didn’t decide this.
    “I want people to judge what we are, not what they say we supposedly are. One chapter ends, once again an opportunity that I wasn’t expecting opens up and I have to look at it as a commitment which, as an Argentine, I wouldn’t let myself turn down”.
    The manager said that he would prefer it if people remembered how the team played, rather than him: “I’d like them to remember how we bravely faced the challenge of fighting for the Champions League, the cup tie with an exciting match against Real Madrid… that Barcelona were the only team who beat us at home with an equally exciting match…
    “I don’t want them to remember me, but my teams. What defines me are my teams. We had an incredible first half of the season, we broke all the records, the team created an expectation which, afterwards, was difficult for them to live up to, but they created it.
    ” Then we didn’t manage to live up to it, because the expectations were very big, but the team created them when no one expected it .
    “No one would have imagined we’d have these numbers in my first year and that people would be talking about Sevilla all over Europe. It filled me with joy. And the bond with the fans, there came a moment when we shared the same feelings. The Sevilla FC fans have become very much a part of the team’s style of play, they enjoyed it”.
    He asked the fans to be proud of their team: “They’ll welcome me however they want to tomorrow. But I know that they consume criticism and malice, both through the media and social media, and people also condemn it, which goes unnoticed.
    “Here the important thing is the team, the fans have to be proud of them. They’ve been fighting there and you can’t tarnish that “.

    • Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong tonight. Really feeling bad for the boys. they should absolutely continue to do what they did today…with a little more execution, we should go through.

      Difference between south american U20 tournament team and this team is clearly visible. Ubeda did some good work.

      • Agree. They should play next game with the same line up. “Ubeda did some good work” – this is crazy to say with 0:3 but I agree with you.

  21. how on seven heavens thats a red??

    My God…thats how you turn a good thing bad…kiss my ass video refereeing. After watching a replay how do you make a wrong decision?

    • Tough on Martinez. Sent off 15 mins after coming on. Now after all the fuss over releasing him, this happens.
      Tough for Argentina from here on. Korea at home will be a difficult proposition. They have 2 Barca kids, one of whom could be promoted this season.
      Also, most European and African teams, who have youngsters playing in European leagues have sent a much weaker team. Hence, I’m not surprised with Venezuela beating Germany. Also, England have left behind at least 4 or 5 talented youngsters who are busy in the PL. Most notable among them are Man Utd. duo Lingaard and Marcus Rashford.

      • “Also, England have left behind at least 4 or 5 talented youngsters who are busy in the PL”

        we have left at least 10 Primera regularly playing players. Most of these on WC are from reserve league.

  22. Our youngsters are technically superior to England, but get a lesson in effectiveness. Weak crosses and passes in the box. Not a single shot on target from outside the box. Lots of possession but to no end. They have a lot to learn.

    • This something more than only technically superior. They have more ideas for construcion attacks than ENglad. But as Istiaque said problem is final third.

  23. This team is so fucking good. They deserved dor few goals. And the lost 2. I can’t believe what happend

  24. It’s too early for comparisons but at the moment COlombatto for me is better version of Paredes. Better because while also good passer he is more agressive in defence, better freekicker and a bit more movement from him.

  25. We were dominating absolutely and the stupid Englands have scored. Almost all our team was good. Best IMO Colombatto, Torres good as always, Palacios disappointment as far IMO. Ponce good. Montiel must improve crossing. Zaracho for Rodriguez.

    • I think our rightback is crossing too early. He should take one more player
      on before crossing. Also, we need some little extra something on the final third. Our buildup is super, but the final pass is a little meh.

    • We are playing Scintillating football. I am so glad the guys are playing and enjoying. Thats what youth team needs, not trophy, just a group to grow with and be mature.

      It’s exactly the way we want our youth team to play. Awesome!

  26. so happy to see this…first of all the words from sampaoli then the squad…if bauza had performed a little bit better it would have been happened!!!!…EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD NOW….
    eagerly waiting for the starting 11 and formation vs brazil.will he go with 3 cbs straight away or with usual 4.
    3331 or 3313 / 442 or 433.
    if he is going to play with 3cb s what will be the midfied?. 3 CM from paredes/nacho/rodrigez/biglia/banega/lanzini or will he use 1 HM with 2 wide players like tagliafico,jose luis gomez or a 343 with 2 CM and two wide players like salvio,dimaria,papu,lanzini.upfront with messi,dybala/icardi/alario/higuain (bec of CL final..
    one thing is sure that he will make some many good players are there.lanzini prefers left midfield in a 442 or 433.papu/dimaria as left wingers.or dimaria in a more central position.paredes performs well when he is half attack half defense poaition.will he trust banegas and biglias over nacho,paredes,lanzini and guido.who will be the keeper..mache as CB etc etc….
    cant wait…really i cant……

  27. Wow!!!
    Can’t believe this.
    Almost every players i wanted to see and you guys make jokes on it months or years ago is here now.
    Icardi is here—take that icardi haters!!!!
    Lanzini and Paredes!!!
    Wow joaqim correa is better than the midget correa imo
    Mammana is bout time.
    now bring tagliafico peruzzi garay and icardi…oh wait…he’s already here, is he not?
    Hahahahahaha today, it is a Good Day!!!

    • travis: its always nice to see you here as its been a while,
      finally to have some hope towards the n/t, sure its not going to happen over night and time is not our friend but we are seeing some names that deserve a chance, some will be great and others may not make the grade but at least they gat a chance and its up to them to take it and to have a coach who actually knows how to coach-impressive.

  28. with this squad he will play pressing football… mammana great with ball like machE otamendi and marcado… they all have agression they can close the space easily.. and have pace to.. with this players we are going to play attaking football.. no need to worry.. banega as a midfielder and biglia as a no 5.. beacause everybody good on the ball they will never lose ball easily they can create many chances.. and more importanly we have to defend as a team… and attack as a team and we have pace in midfield too.. lanzini dimaria gomez they can win the ball with pressing method.. and finally we can put long ball in to the penalty box we have cb like good long range pass mache mammana and otamendi.. icardi will win the areial dual.. and feed in to the feet of messi… rest is history…

  29. hi guys… i know everybody having a great day… here some of the members fuking messi haters … they’re said messi selecting team… he runs a team he chooses team… and some journalist put maxi photo with messi he runs a team… if he runs a team he will never choose bauza as a coach he will never seclect higuain as a partner.. i said messi will play along with icardi… some of the doubters said this wont happen… we have better players compare to any other country we have best coach compare to any other country currently have (simmone pochetina barrizo sampoli) we have best player in the history.. we have best strikers.. and top scorer in every league.. first understand messi… no one in argentina except few dont know about messi.. they hate him every chance they can get and never support messi…but they supported every moment of marrodona… it is a time to support messi.. he will bring trophy for you … he is playing for argentina not spain or any other country… love him and enjoy his play… and finally we are going to play better than spain and germany…. if any one post against messi… dont support argentina… you are an idoit… you are equal to bauza

      • thank you rahul… and lovely team mammana right side player
        this is against brazil

        mammana mache otamendi

        dimaria– banega(fernandez)—parades—lanzini—papu gomez


        against brazil… dybala higusin need rest after chsmpions leage final

  30. @VarskySports

    Ligas del exterior que mΓ‘s jugadores aportan en la 1Βͺ lista de Sampaoli:

    Italia: 7
    EspaΓ±a: 5
    Inglaterra: 3
    Francia: 2
    MΓ©xico: 2
    Portugal: 1

    TambiΓ©n es renovaciΓ³n por caracterΓ­sticas y edad: Icardi (24), Lanzini (24), Guido RodrΓ­guez (23), Paredes (22), Correa (22), Mammana (21).

    Citados por Bauza que no convocó Sampaoli: Agüero-Zabaleta-Lavezzi-Pratto-Buffarini-Roncaglia-Mas-Musacchio-Pizarro-Enzo Pérez-Ángel Correa.


  31. Why still Biglia? Is Kranevitter injured?

    Hope the new players get to play as starting eleven or even called up and subbed in as regularly as possible and not there just to make up the numbers (i.e. part of future core team and stop playing with Mascherano-Biglia-Banega-Di Maria-Messi-Kun-Higuain in starting eleven).

    Hope the pay issue is somehow resolved or mitigiated fully or at least partially. No doubt these are rich professionals but would there be a limit to how much one can tolerate?

    Things are slowly but surely starting to fall into place. Now’s the time to show us what you all are made of. To the new guys, show us all what the team has been deprived of, that the past managers might have done better in including you. To the veterans, show us all that you have overcome your past demons (yes you Higuain and Di Maria).

    I’m still willing to cut the team some slack – let them settle down, assimilate with each other and let Sam’s plans and tactics trickle down into them.

  32. 4:3:3 is not a good formation for Argentina. It think so at least
    Icardi dybala Messi di Maria should be the forward line up. Need more versatile defender in the back

  33. listen guys!

    β€œMy country wants me as national team coach and I’ve had that dream since I was a boy,”


    β€œI feel like I have to go. Based on the needs of my country, I have to be there. I’m not leaving Sevilla for another club. If it all happens, I’m leaving Sevilla for my National Team. The chance to coach my National Team has once again resurfaced and I can’t turn it down.”

    must be made as quotes on picture after he puts our coaching gear on.
    he is a superhero that we all wanted.
    can somebody do this?

  34. I had a lot respect for this man and now i have even more. He choose his country over money. Arguably best squad called by any Argentine coach in last decade to be honest. Time to gel on for the team. I think Dybala and Pipa is here for first team talk or get to know part. From this list alot will get cut in next time call up i think. Icardi,Pardes,Ignacio,Taglifico and Gomez call up made my day. Now we will look for business with a proper coach. I hope he gets all the support from players and stuff and board members even local team. No fucking messing around. Vamos Argentina

  35. Local Argentine players: JosΓ© Luis GΓ³mez (LanΓΊs), Javier Pinola (Rosario Central), NicolΓ‘s Tagliafico (Independiente), Jonatan Maidana (River), Marcos AcuΓ±a (Racing), Ignacio FernΓ‘ndez (River) and Lucas Alario (River).

    WOW, except for Pinola, and maybe Maidana, this is a great list.

    I can’t believe what I am seeing: J.L.Gomez, Tagliafico, Nacho Fernandez, Lanzini, Rulli, Paredes, Icardi, all called up by Sampaoli!

    It’s great to feel validated and vindicated after all those years.

    I wonder if certain trolls are reading this? πŸ˜€

  36. what i think will be the starting line up
    -Gomez————-banega———tagliafico/di maria—-

    • Mascherano should neither be a midfield nor at defense..he is good as a staff to Sampaoli..

      Mascherano days are over..still we are hanging on to him..

  37. Excellent feedback of GUIDO

    Guido Rodriguez

    There is a simple answer to who Guido Rodriguez’s replacement should be, and that is no one. Rodriguez is irreplaceable and the Tijuana Xolos will not be the same team without him in their starting 11. The Argentine is one of the hardest working and versatile players in the Liga MX, being critical both in defense and going forward. Guido is easily one of the most intelligent players in the league, having a spectacular ability to read the game and intercept balls. At 22 years old, Rodriguez also provides outstanding leadership, making the midfield his own and telling his teammates what to do. Guido Rodriguez is the most valuable player on the Xolos and it will be a tough season for the Aztec Canines if he is in Mexico City.

    • Guido Rodriguez along with Guido Pizzaro and Guzman are the 3 Argentines named in Liga MX 2016/17 team of the season. I would have loved to see Pizzaro called up too. Consistently a top performer in Mexico. And at 26 right age to groom for the NT.
      Back to Guido Rodriguez. Another River product. How sad they don’t always trust their own. He along with Lanzini never really got a chance to flourish at River, in place of players like Cirigliano and Kranvitter. Other examples include River loanees Augusto Solari doing well for Estudiantes and Barboza (has interest from Ligue 1)is developing into fine defender at Defensa.

  38. What happened to Aguero and Pastore? Is Claudio yacob not in contention at all? We will have to see Banega’s consistency..

  39. he will call some local player alario,musto,acuna,tagliafico,jl gomez and pinola…
    as european style 3-3-1-3 i will make as



    ..dimaria………icardi…….papu gomez

    if nacho fernandez selected i will go for him but banega

  40. Romero

    masherano Mussachio Garay Mercado
    Augusto F Lanzini Messi Banega

    Dybaly Icardi

    Sub( Paredes Salvio Gomes Mammana Biglia Aguero Dimaria???

  41. One of the strongest line up I ever dreamed. I think lo celso,and cervi should also be called up.
    My eleven

  42. Many of the names we have wanted to see for a long time, but Martino and Bauza failed to call up. This is definitely the start of a new era! I am a bit surprised to see Biglia is still there, but with Icardi, Gomez, Rulli and Parades all there, we have no reason to complain. I, like many here, am happy.

  43. Thanks to the God almighty! Sampaoli, welcome at home!! Now we have to make a team, a real team. Let’s the journey begin….

  44. And it begins!
    The list is a massive jump from the last 2 years. Funny how 2 to 3 inclusions lifts the mood and ambition.
    If and a big If, this is Sampaoli’s requests or list then the man has the balls to silence the dressing room mavericks. Joaquin Correra is an intelligent inclusion only because of his height and strength.
    Bang on Jorge
    Vamos albiceleste

    • im delighted to see changes and some will work and some wont as that is the game of football but the big thing that the last few baboons have got wrong was from day 1 was as a manager you have to stamp your mark from day 1 and this tells the players and the Afa exactly who is the manager of the team is and exactly who the boss of the team is-a great start from samp.

  45. this team selection brings goosebumps; the one every fans were waiting to happen. one concern though, is there any local players who can play good left back????

  46. Romero

  47. I’m guessing he will play a 3-4-3 of some sorts. Because of no natural fullbacks, I think this is a good idea. Plus all of these CBs ate great at playing out from the back.

    No central back will play as fullbacks. No more double number 5 bullshit. Anyone noticed Mascherano is placed as a CB? Sweet!

    And I can bet that Romero will not start.

    This team will be a treat to watch.

  48. Seriously though… after all the negativity of recent times, it feels so good to be genuinely excited again.

    What I find most pleasing is that Sampaoli so clearly wanted the job. He is at one of Europe’s top clubs, but he has decided, no, this is my dream job, and there’s no way I’m letting this opportunity pass.

    Whatever happens, we can rest assured that he will give the job his absolute all.

  49. No kun is good. Higuain may be better but best is Icardi in.

    Messi -Icardi -Dybala
    Lanzini Paredes Gomez and another best one is j.correa instead of A.correa…

    J.Correa is in best form now a days. ….

    Many will be wanting Garay /Fazio too
    But 8 new names from overseas leagues is great great great. ….

    Surely more great news will be coming. …
    It’s just the start. …

  50. Aguero is playing very well from last one month, higuain should be rested instade of kun, i hope sampaoli will not give importance local player like pratto, happy for icardi hope icardi starts ahead of higuain. Top 3 argentina striker aguero,icardi,higuain at moment happy to see sampaoli try to build mf

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