Rumors of Lautaro and ICARDI to start, DYBALA and more called to Argentina team


Rumors are already circulating as to which names will be called to the Argentina team for next month’s friendly matches.

Newly crowned COTIF U20 champions Lionel SCALONI and Pablo AIMAR have a lot of work to do with the senior Argentina squad. Their first test will be in September against Guatemala and Colombia in a set of friendly matches to be contested in the United States. For many, this is seen not only as a general fresh start but as an entirely new team which is to be constructed for the future.

Several names are already being rumored to be selected for the squad. The Inter attacking duo of Lautaro MARTINEZ and Mauro ICARDI are rumored to both not only get called-up but would be set to start. Not only those two but Paulo DYBALA, Giovani LO CELSO and goalkeeper Franco ARMANI.

Per Hernan CASTILLO, the two coaches are also looking at Sergio ROMERO and how he is following his injury.


  1. Its great to see so many Young talented upcoming Midfielders(A Position we lack freshness for years now) Paredes, Lo Celso, Ascacibar(The Midfield trio), Palacios, Almendra, Reynoso, Barcos, Vargas, Nico Dominguez, Vada, Colambatto (For some reason i like this guy).. How many will make an impact in the Senior Level.


  3. A promising youngster who has been forgotten is Valentin Vada of Bordeaux. We were so interested in Lo Celso that we have forgotten there was another promising box to box midfielder. He featured in 21 matches last season, 2 goals and one assist. He regularly takes freekicks for them, has become an important member of the XI. I request you to give a read:

    Another youngster who is mentioned less is Giovani Simeone. He has improved heaps and bounds. He is our luiz Suarez. Fast,hungry, good on ball, good with build up, good on counter attack and a great jump and header. He is dangerous in and outside of D box. He is more talented and all round striker than Icardi. Atletico offered 40 million, Fiorentina refused.

    German Pezzella has become the new captain of Fiorentina which is not easy achievement. After first season on loan, Fiorentina decided to buy him. A german club offered 20 million, Fiorentina refused. Pezzella was such a huge talent back then in 2011, a great leader of defense. I expect this season will be his breakout season. All things are set.

    • @Mafioso I said it long time ago Giovanni simoene has quality to play for the national team. People talk about icardi but Giovanni simoene much faster and hard working forward he is exactly what you said. I will take him over icardi

    • I noticed vada a while back but he’s still hasn’t reached his potential quite yet, plus the coach didn’t seem to know where to play him, sometimes he was box to box and then other times he was an engachΓ©. He is one to watch out for.
      Simeone is a solid player although his position is one that Argentina has an abundance of.

      Pezzella should be a starter (maybe even captain) for the NT, he’s the real thing.

  4. No Romero also…
    Take 3 young goalkeeper who are starter for their team…

    Make a team for Icardi Lautaro Dybala
    Midfield in this time use LOCELSO as a starter and give him 10 15 games continuously otherwise we will loss him…
    And use Banega and Messi
    In Defence take young blood with few experienced like Otamendi Rojo

  5. Projects take years so Patience is key in this rebuilding phase even Missing the 2022 cup is possiblity before we see the desired results.
    Tapia needs to do a good job in the Pr department. the crazy local media has been the biggest problem the team had last few years.

    • De Paul has largely went unnoticed last season, he’s quite underrated and could be a very useful option playing as a right midfielder since one of his main attributes is his crossing, which would come in handy if someone like icardi is on the team.
      Pussetto was one of the best players in the primera last season, a speed demon, great with the ball at his feet, scores goals and very good defensively, I really hope he succeeds because he could prove very useful for the NT in the future.

  6. Its like this Andrada is 27 , Rulli is 26, Musso is 24, if at least one of them fix their position as the Number 1 for us anyone of them can carry on for next 5 years or may be 8 years (like Romero did for us). If we stick to Romero or Armani they will be around 35(Which is not a bad age for a GK) but logically their reflexes will be low compared to the younger ones.

    I still have no idea how Romero been our Number 1 GK for such a long time. Rulli was on Fire 2 years back still he haven’t debuted for us. Our Coaches (No matter who it is) have always been adamant. I don’t know why.

    • > I still have no idea how Romero been our Number 1 GK for such a long time

      Because he was great, easily one of the best keepers in the world cup and copa. I don’t give a shit if he didn’t start for club, there was no reason for another keeper, we were lucky to have him. I have no clue who can replace him now, all options are mediocre

      • Romero is and was Average at his best, He is not a Great Goal keeper by any means, but he was not error prone that’s what mattered, That doesn’t mean he is Great, Neuer is Great, Romero is not. Its a fact, He always performed decently for us. We had better options like Rulli but none of the coaches tried any of the options available. So Romero became the Starter and continued as a starter, Its a position most of the Argentine Coaches and Fans neglect, And we paid the price for that this World Cup. We criticize Armani on basis of one match vs France, We criticize Rulli on basis of a blooper in Olympics, What about Romero when he conceded 4 against Germany in 2010. We have to be patient with players we cant judge a player only on the basis of 1 or 2 Matches, We can draw conclusion of a player only after seeing him play for at least 10 matches.

  7. I hope Vietto will prove his quality in Primier League. Not that we are not lacking strikers with Icardi n Lautaro there. But the idea of going back into the Crespo-Saviola type 2 men forward is promising. I’m eager to watch they 2 starting in both Club n for us. Luciano will be a decent backup option in that scenario. But all will depend on his performance in England this season.

    In my opinion 4_2_2_2 is the best system for Argentina.

    Locelso/Banega/Ascacibar + Parades in middle.
    Pavon/(Many options) & Dybala/(Many options) should own the wings. Pavon disappointed all in World Cup, but the boy won’t leave like that.!
    I wish Lanzini will recover fast a will give a competition for the starting spot in the time of copa..
    I hope they won’t waste these glorious chances vy calling the likes of perotti to the team, nothing against him, but there’s no point in inviting players (especially forwards) who will be 34 in 2022 (unless he is Lionel Messi) .

  8. Foyth should leave Spurs. Pocho not helping Argentina,i really wish he doesn’t buy any of our young players anynore. Pablo.d… do you think you can call Pocho and tell him off :-p

  9. Playing against Guatemala does not bear any risk so why not go bravely for experiments including even players from COTIF tournament if Scaloni and Aimar knows them already:



    ……………Lo Celso…….Paredes…….




    Foyth or Conti or Barboza
    Lema or Martinez Quarta or Franco

    Cervi or Pity Martinez or Centurion/Acuna

    Nico Gonzalez or Pavon

      • That’s my experimental names. But yes, Messi should not be called up at least till Copa America. I’m not against him but youngsters must take charge without being in the shade of Messi to deificate him, ask for autographs and t-shirts. They will grow only if Messi takes break at least for some time. Yes, we don’t need him now.

        • Me too, don’t want him to be called this early in the new project time. Was asking your opinion on the possibility of them calling him for many obvious reasons including finance.

          • I see.

            It looks like even AFA management understood it’s time to give him a break and peace and that rebuilding team period would be better carry without him. Then, when new team will get some shape we will see wheter/or how Messi may reinforce us.

      • Yeah, that’s Almendra. Resemblance to young Riquelme.

        I’m not feeling a fan of him. I hardly feel fan of any single Argentinean player, believe me (just Argentina as a whole). If talking about a player a lot or taking his picture it’s just to promote and popularise name I consider valuable for NT now or soon. Just like with Lanzini, Ascacibar and others before. Now I don’t need to talk about them because they are around NT and believe it’s good for us.

    • Looks a refreshing set to try with. I would also want ocampos , Ruilli & a correa to get much deserved chances. I think the quality of opposition Ruilli plays is better than Andrada & he deserves a chance. A correa is doing pretty fine in a gruelling atletico environment.

      • There are some players seems to be more useful for me but I really don’t know who will be better Andrada or Rulli. Open minded to every young player. The only thing I don’t know is to see NT still blocked by old guardy and people who want throw out any toungster that didn’t delivred within first 2 games in NT.

        A half of people for J. Correa a half for A.Correa. I would take the first for some reasons (I feel he is more team player) but who know of their future. Just suppose.

      • I forgot about Ocampos:

        Cervi/Pity Martinez/Acuna/ Centurion/ Ocampos

        everyone has his favourite. The ideal situation would be giving all them few caps to choose best two. Unlikely.

        • On the left my favorite ones are Acuna and Ocampos. On the right, Angel Correa. My main argument is their defensive contribution. In your list, I guess I will consider J Correa and Pavon as false winger-9 half, same position as Lautaro Martinez.

    • The only names of older players I could consider for WC 2022 are Romero, Messi. The only names consider for Copa Romero, Messi, Otamendi though the last is getting older while he didn’t looked solid during WC. Pezzella is already experienced and will be 28 next year, 31 in 2022. No need for 34 yers old Otamendi. WC 2022 age should be indication.

    • @Gonzalo, a big Yes to Ocampos, I wasn’t a big fan of him when he played at Monaco as I found him random and average technically. He made such a spectacular progress in a couple of years and now he became decent in crossing skill and control. Naturally he is a hard worker and defend a lot. If we play in 442 we need both wingers able to defend and can run with high intensity. That’s why I will go for Angel Correa and Ocampos on each side.

    • I agree that a defensive 433 is the best fit, my starting 11 is actually very closed to yours. I would just suggest Angel Correa or Ocampos on the left and Icardi as forward. I think the recent WC shows that it’s the return of more traditional tall forward. If you look at the top 4 team they have all a pivot in attack. I have nothing against Aguero/Martinez type striker but if I have to choose, I will go for a tall guy. Happy to debate.

  10. The friendlies against Guatemala and Colombia should be to experiment! Guatemala should be a walk in the park, but again we played Haiti before the World Cup began with Lo celso, Lanzini but then again it took Messi to score and assist every goal scored that game! He won’t be here against them so we’ll see how we do. Should be a walk in the park, but you should never underestimate the opponent! That goes with Colombia as well! We’ve beaten them without Messi before, so we can do it again!

    The real challenges will be against the USMNT and Brazil that will be in October supposedly. The US is also trying to rebuild their squad and won’t be a walk in the park, they’re going to put up a fight, like they did against France before the World Cup! And Brazil is Brazil, even their B team is enough to beat the best national teams in their day!

    Hopefully players like Jara, Pezzella, Mammana, Paredes, Rigoni, Icardi, Lauturo all get their chances! And also we get a glimpse of what life would be like without Messi and with Dybala in his place. At least for a while! Hopefully it looks bright, or give us reason to be concerned!

    I believe the best is yet to come! Vamos Argentina!

  11. If we look into the players names, Icardi, Lautaro, Dybala, Angel Correa, Pavon, Lamela, Lo Celso, Paredes, Lanzini, Ascacibar, Tagliafico, Pezzella, Mammana, Cervi, Centurion .. These all doesn’t sound bad isn’t it? They all looks good players on Paper. Sometimes its always better to have No Superstars. Its clearly up to the Coaching staff and what formation these players will be aligned in. RB we may have to use Leonardo Jara but the biggest head ache is to have a Commanding Goal keeper, I think Musso or Rulli may have to be trusted or Andrada. Armani and Romero are older than 30 there is no point in sticking with those guys now. Whats the point in keeping the older generation players, Are they Waiting for COPA 2019?? Biglia and Mascherano at least had the dignity to Retire after the WC Catastrophe, What the Hell is Higuain, Di maria thinking, More opportunities to showcase what they can do??We have already seen what they r capable a billion times now? Apart from Messi i don’t want to see any other player from the older Generation. Enough is enough.

    • I agree and totally, we shouldn’t call back players that will be over 30 in the next WC or those who get always injured. I believe that Higuain, Aguero and Di Maria will always play well with their club in the next 4 years but it’s not the reason why the NT should rely on them. We have the material in attack and the young players need room to grow up and that has to be done without them. I go even more radical, I would give up Mercado, Rojo and Otamendi by now and try new CBs even though Otamendi is currently our best CB but we need to focus on longer term. So in my opinion, only Messi and Romero should be in this team.

      • @candienroyal

        I agree with all your sentences above with one exception about Messi. I’m open for him but only after some break to give space and opportunities to other players. Give them time to play together and grow. Give the call ups now to Dybala and other RF instead of Messi.

  12. You see here this is what I was talking about. AFA will never quit of keep famous players money-makers even if it’s slowing down rebuilding our team. There’s a contract Scaloni and Aimar must call up at least 7-8 players of last WC:

    I hopw they will go for lesser names as Lo Celso, Pavon, Armani, Tagliafico instead take our oldies. When is the time for experiments if not now, against Guatemala and so on…

      • This is the case. But there are other dark interests of federation that work like commercial institution. Money is priority for them. Hence we will have few oldies in friendlies that we completely don’t need (maybe noe maybe at all). They will only took playing minutes from young players that necesarilly needs them.

  13. I read on Golazo Argentino:

    Nicolas Dominguez vs Newell’s:

    1 assist
    82% pass accuracy
    77 touches
    5 tackles
    6 interceptions

    Matias Vargas:

    1 goal
    2 key passes
    5 successful dribbles

  14. Lautaro and Icardi are must. It’s not about who is better – Lautaro or Aguero but simply Aguero is not doing any special thing that Martinez can’t do, also in NT. This goes for Icardi as well.

    • Lautro has long way to reach at Aguero label, Icardi in his prime but Prime Aguero was out of the world. I don’t think any striker in the world is better than Aguero at most let leave Argentines, but looking at 2022 lautro and icardi deserve more chance but Icardi or Lautro or Dybala can’t do anything for NT with out CB, Full back and DM

      • r/k: “I don’t think any striker in the world is better than Aguero”
        at n.t level kun has been average-89 caps for 39 goals but out of them 17 are in friendlies, only 2 in world cups, he is a fantastic epl striker and one of the best their but at n.t level is average and his time should now be up.

  15. We need to invest in youthness so why not one goalkeeper experienced – Romero, one in middle age, talented – Andrada and one outstanding young talent – Pourtau.

  16. I’m not sure Icardi if he will be better leader or not he seems to me he has wrong personality. I will give chance Giovanni simoene instead he is hard working player.

    Some mundo followers are always like to mention fancy names. right now Argentina need to build good balance squad not relying on any particular player.
    It will be good if next manager not calling anyone whose over 28 years old and give chance the youth not fancy names again.
    I had enough of that it’s time for albicelestes to start dominating world stage. Come you albicelestes

    • id be happy with that, icardi is a born winner and has a will to win unlike so many of the “old guard” who at times are more interested on how they look on social media as opposed to the field of play.

  17. To be fair to Armani, we just threw him to the wolves. But he is no where close to Romero i.e world class. I may draw a bit of crticism based on my comment but unfortunately that is the truth.

    • I think so too, both him , Caballero and Fazio shouldn’t just be called for this WC. All of them were called by the NT for the 1st time only around their 30 years old and there are reasons for that.

  18. Franco Armani? Lol……You must be kidding. Instead of calling Armani it’s better to use the U20 goalie or someone else. Scaloni and Aimar have to realize that it’s time for the youngsters.

    • Our U-20 goalkeeper portau must be selected in Argentina team. For me he is the best Argentine player in cotif tournament & could becomes one of the greatest Argentine goalkeeper.

      • Ruilli , romero & maybe Portua. Ruilli for sure should be given a starter chance. There is too much of critisicm for his Olympics mistake. Every goalie would have some mistakes to show.

        • People forgot our coach start working with Olimpic team just few weeks before tournament. Enough said. The same case with U-20 WC and COTIF tournament.

    • @dadir10
      I believe romero still injured so calling Armani for one of the three gk slots is not a bad idea….sure he didnt perform against france but that just one game he can bounce back to form

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