Lionel Messi lands in Argentina, entire team at the training camp


Lionel Messi has landed in Argentina as the entire team is now at the training camp.

Messi was part of the last batch of players to arrive as coach Lionel Scaloni now has all of his players at his disposal. Messi arrived on Tuesday morning with Emiliano Martínez, Lautaro Martínez and Lucas Beltrán.

The Argentina national team start their 2026 World Cup qualifiers on Thursday with a match against Ecuador. The reigning World Cup winners will train on Tuesday at 4:30 pm local time.

Scaloni has called up the following players for the World Cup qualifiers:

Emiliano Martínez (Aston Villa)
Juan Musso (Udinese)
Walter Benítez (PSV)
Franco Armani (River Plate)

Nahuel Molina (Atletico Madrid)
Germán Pezzella (Real Betis)
Gonzalo Montiel (Nottingham Forest)
Juan Foyth (Villarreal)
Marcos Senesi (Bournemouth)
Lisandro Martínez (Manchester United)
Cristian Romero (Tottenham Hotspur)
Nicolás Tagliafico (Lyon)
Nicolás Otamendi (Benfica)
Facundo Medina (Lens)

Leandro Paredes (AS Roma)
Rodrigo De Paul (Atletico Madrid)
Guido Rodríguez (Real Betis)
Facundo Buonanotte (Brighton)
Enzo Fernández (Chelsea)
Alexis Mac Allister (Liverpool)
Exequiel Palacios (Bayer Leverkusen)
Thiago Almada (Atlanta United)

Nicolás González (Fiorentina)
Lautaro Martínez (Inter)
Ángel Correa (Atletico Madrid)
Julián Álvarez (Manchester City)
Alejandro Garnacho (Manchester United)
Ángel Di María (Benfica)
Lionel Messi (Inter Miami)
Lucas Beltrán (Fiorentina)


  1. Netherlands were outplayed by Argentina during the whole match. The Dutch were very lucky to drag that match to penalties and the same goes with France as well. Argentina were bossing France in almost the entire match as France showed up for only the last ten minutes of normal time. I acknowledge the fact that they fought and managed to take the match to extra time though but even in the extra time Argentina took the upper hand and took the lead again. Argentina was much better at the majority of time at the match.
    What i am trying to say is that it is clear that the best team which really deserved to win was Argentina and nothing is more fair than the best team winning and everyone knows that!
    Argentina won fairly and well deserved simply because they were superior!

    Bitter words may be spitted through from haters mouth but like it or not, this Argentina team proved to be if not the most successful and legendary national team from all national teams from any country, surely among the most successful ones, as i don’t remember any other national team managed to be treble champions, especially in 2022 than other teams which accomplished things at times where tvs were in black and white where the level of difficulty is unmatched and also no other team had ever had just one defeat after so many games. If i remember correctly, after a total of 47 games Argentina has just one defeat and this was by Saudi Arabia which were way too lucky not to be thrushed in that match by Argentina. I also don’t remember any other national team to have ever accomplished something like that!

    Like it or not, we are talking about one of the greatest national teams ever and everyone knows that!

    • Netherlands was only in the game in last 15 minutes of normal time when that stupid ref was calling a fouls left and right. In extra time, Argentina had so many shots on target. Di Maria almost scored directly from corner, Enzo had 2 shots on target, Lautaro had 2 , Messi also had one. Netherlands did nothing other than trying to drag it into shootout. LVG was actually the one who taunted Argentina by claiming if it came to penalties, they’d win. Well, they didnt!

      • Yes, absolutly as without that Ref the game would had ended and not gone to xtra time and as u said ARG kept on outplaying the Dutch only they were unfortunate not to score as they were unfortunate by only that Ref, that the game went to xtra time….and what comes to LVG and once more to his words, well i can’t stop laughing as his IQ never was the greatest and, well, that can make either one as very bitter and stupid Person or as it would be better also including for himself just to accept the facts by himself and try to leave in peace with himself. Lol !

    • Yes, Wawe that is exactly and more than correctly written about everything u wrote !

      Completly Spot on !

      As i can’t also remember any NT team from any country to acomplish something similar what this team of ARG did since days of black and white TV and even if i’m wrong about and just can’t remember any other team to manage be treble Champions,

      well anyhow it is just like u said as it can’t be compared as the level of and entire foitball was completly different obviously to nowdays as i not mean, that i did not like the way how football was played at it’s best level since 70’s, no not at all as infact completly opposite, i fell in love with football soon as discovered it with the guidance from my dad and grandpa and it just hapoened to be, that the first WC i saw was at 1978 and even i was very young and maybe also was blown away from ”constant snow falling from the stands” and even if so, that the semi was rigged, because mainly due of the importance of goal difference,( as there were no question about ARG beating Peru) , but Still the Dutch could not win ARG in the final, though i have to admit, that they cane very close as i think even more closer than against Spain at 2010, but close is not unfortunatly gonna’ make u champions as we the fans ARG know that side of football so well as how many times ARG should have won allready with LEO on board with his team mates or even before, that ARG.could have won at 2006 as 1990 also if talking only about WC, let alone the COPA itself, which ARG and Uruguay been completly dominating compared to other SA nations etc..

      As there is also a reason why the first WC was played in Uruguay, because of Uruguay’s previous records of winning the Olympics before, that and they covered all the and whole cost of WC itself by themself’s as after, that FIFA stated, that every second WC should have been played/ arranged between Europe and SA, but after the second WC in Italy they started their dirty politics and instead of SA they gave it to France, which obviously made Uruguay and ARG very pissed indeed and therefore they did boycott the WC several times in the past as also after another kind of unfair things and racism did occur against specially ARG and Uruguay too, because they kept their stand, which they were more than right and fair to do so….etc….and rebelled against FIFA !

      And the one’s keep on saying something stupid like the last WC was rigged for ARG have sorry to say, but no zero understanding of the game itself as WAWE said there were no question about who was the best team by far in the last WC and also way before that with winning The Copa at Maracana and then, the Finalissima and only lost to Saudi’s, which ARG should have also won, but like Scaloni said in his interview, that sometimes to be able to win at the biggest stage of football as, which Copa and WC are for me personally though offcourse i do watch the Euro’s too obviously) , to be able to win one must learn to suffer and be able to go through things in the life by suffering to learn how to get rid of it and not to suffer anymore as offcourse this very easy to say compare to actually to acomplish and, that make’s the way how ARG outplayed their opponents as for example Netherlands, Croatia and France even more greater, than it sounds as forexample it is very hard to understand the level of the foitball played in the WC’s or COPA or Euro’s,Olympics and all around the world with different domestical leagues as also i’m not only talking about men playing foitball at the highest level, but women too if u just have acces watch it by TV as most of people does compared to watch the game from the stands as also if u only watch games from stands been played at highest level, well Still is hard to understand the actual level of it as if for example u will make an effort instead to go watch some second or third division game from whatever country basicly as by doing , that one even those who have played football in whatever level can see how good are those players playing in lower level compared to the top and by doing, that one will ultimatly understand how freakin’ good are the players who play on the highest level and how SUPERIOR WAS CURRENT ARG TEAM FOREXAMPLE HAS BEEN SINCE THEY STARTED THEIR JOURNEY TOGETHER AND COMPLETED TREBLE CHAMPIONS THEY TRULY ARE ! and offcourse as i allready said before there were so many ARG NT teams in the past, that were more than unlucky not win more, but one can’t allways win even being the better side as there so many X-factors, that can come in between and ruin it, so in otherwords football is not allways necessaraly fair and only results matters in the end, but there is huge difference by being completly the best team and outplaying and winning your biggest games in the tournament like WC or COPA , Euro’s etc…than winning only by results, which may not tell u allways the whole side of the game itself….

      By winning and outpalying clearly your most important games combined with the style of play current ARG team truly have made history not only being TREBLE CHAMPIONS, but the way they did it was something so, so UNIQUE, that is hard match as the level of football nowdays is so intense and so high up and constantly just basicly getting just more faster and more intense….by saying this i do not mean, that the previous WC CHAMPIONS OF ARG FROM 78 and 86 or the one’s who won the COPA before or the one’s who came so, so close and even those who were eliminated maybe sooner, than expected were not playing with such an intense, no they all were playing with their maximum level of intense and quality and only the difference between is , that theese levels from ARG teams from different era or any teams from different era can’t simply be compared, because of time’s of level were obviously different in every era itself…

      Therefore i remember every ARG team, that i’ve seen since 78 by it’s own and playing with it’a own level and style of beauty and keep them separeted and not mix them or compare them between themselfs as simply because of different level of time’s…offcourse i have my favourite’s like everyone else as, that is part of football and sometimes i do think what if this player was borned in different era and what if this and this would had happen or not happen, but in the end one can’t change the past also one can’t change future, but at least to try to do things differently if they do feel so….etc

  2. Bitter LVG has forgotten that he was lucky to get to extra time. Bobo’s equalizer came in 90+11 mins, there were no injuries or even altercation stoppages that warranted 14 mins of stoppage time. The Paredes ‘F… you shot incident didn’t take 5 mins to settle down. If that stupid ref was not against Argentina, LVG, Bobo and the rest of oranges would’ve have been squeezed and KO’d in normal time.

  3. I think L Vangal not released yet from that Messis fantastic pass .Argentina. almost 80% of that game outsmart Dutch. Loui is frustrated bcz of its memories..

  4. So according to Van Gaal’s asinine logis was Messi’s nolook, defense splitting pass to Molina against the Dutch defense also rigged? Their goalkeeper did not save any penalties either. Just silly….

    • Gvardiol did a hand ball in first half when he blocked RDP shot and the ref turned blind eye on it! When Montiel did the same in final, the ref noticed it right away without VAR.

  5. Van Gaal, or better yet we should name him Can’t Gaal, because he couldn’t get it done. The Dutch can’t ever get it done. They are the little train that couldn’t. He is just bitter, and the worst thing about it is that while he fancies himself a tactician, his playbook went into the toilet by just dumping balls in the area. And the second goal which tied the game was stolen out of the Argentina play book with Zanetti and for a tactician he had to steal somebody else’s play. Some tactician. I just hope he shuts his fucking pie hole because that guy is bad for football. I know we think everyone is entitled to their opinion, but as far as I am concerned he can write his opinion on the toilet paper I use to wipe my ass.

  6. The Dutch players do not share Van Gaal’s opinion.

    Van Gaal is still angry that Messi did not get yellow for handball and Paredes did not get red for kicking the ball in the dugout.
    Argentina frustrated his ambition in 2014 and 2022. Claudio Lopez frustrated him by scoring many goals for Valencia against his Barca. Milito scored 2 goals in the CL final 2010 against his Bayern.

    His comments do however remind people of the bribed WC win in 1978 against Peru which has been proved and the famous handball by Diego on 1986. Some frustrated Dutch fans claim Argentina stole WC titles.

    Meanwhile, we enjoy being WC champions for the next 33 months. 😁

  7. LVG is way overated indeed and don’t really have anykind of status to even talk some crap like this, so instead he should just keep his mouth shut and not to turn to old man who is just complaining about everything (as even u naturally become older there is no help from complaing about everything) etc… which he has allready done, unfortunatly for his sake….i know he has some sickness issues as well, but so does others too in this world….anyhow i think/ remember him and his personality, which has allways been like this as way too much complaining and (maybe) he has some issues about ARG too, which i really don’t care about at all what the guy is thinking about….as what happened with RIQUELME and SORIN, well i can’t fully remember, but i assume, that was at least around the time, when he was at charge of Barca….i would personally not dig in any comments made by LVG as he has allready show’n the world as what kind of Person he really is based obviously by his comments about ARG so i quess that he does not have anything else to do anymore as just to keep on barking….poor guy indeed as it looks like his IQ has dropped seriously downwards( don’t really know if his IQ was never, that great either as football wise…etc) which never was quite good enough to win something big as only that CL final 1995, as offcourse if u are able to win CL final once in your lifetime, well it can be either, that u are great coach indeed or it can also be as u happened to be at right place in the right time as coach with very good team and players available…etc…well Ok i quess or if remember right both same teams as AJAX VS JUVE played a replay at 1996 CL final, which JUVE won or, maybe it was a year later….past history anyhow and sorry to say, but so has been LVG since then, maybe some domestic Championships won around Europe or maybe not that many…?

    But, deffenetly nothing major as Rattlehead mentioned allready…so personally never rated guy nothing special in football terms or never really liked his attitude either alkready long or way back a go…

    though i do get offended everytime, when people keep on barking about some nonsense and specially, when they do bark about ARG !

    As, that is something i can’t obviously never change inside of me !

    BTW anyone perhaps…?…know’s what time will the game start if talking about Central European time zone…? As i would love to see the game as it has been long time waiting for ARG to play a competive match again….

    missing Acuna El Huevo, but good, that Tagli is there and hopefully in near future some one new for LB as at least first for cover, but also both Acuna and Tagli are not getting any younger, so i’m sure Scaloni& Co working hard to find Solution for future LB’s and obviously there are some possibilities allready available to them, but the most important for me will be the results and to gain as many points as possible and to Qualify to next WC as early as possible so, that younger players will get properly part of team as the future will be allways a heavyload to present ARG, but also a gift to be be able to play and present ARG on NT level, whether u are Champions or not…

    but at least now they are in good hands with ARG’s COPA, FINALISSIMA AND WC WINNERS and, that is huge advantage for the younger players to be part of a team who has won it all and in a row !

    Don’t know and won’t go yet, that far ahead to talk about next Copa and WC as obviously super exicited and so blessed filled with pure joyness and blissness by this current team, and how it has been managed since day one til’ now, though i agree that some names of the old guard should not be selected anymore as they are most propably there only as back up’s of backups so if,that is the case, then i would rather prefer some younger names to get around team and be able to train with the treble CHAMPIONS as the time will allways be limited unfortunatly for ARG NT to be able get together as Club Football is killing the National football in terms of so many Club games played in one calender year etc..,as obviously only, because of money….

    Anyhow looks like a good very goid team and smart played by Scaloni & Co to select those Italy may and will be after…

    as it such a sad story for a country as Italy not to be able to produce enough by themselfs as it sounds completly insane, but time’s are different what they used to be even is nothing new for Italy forexample to have some their NT players borned in another country, but chose to play for Italy as we seen in past history and obviously Italy ain’t the only country who have intergrated players borned in another country to their team in Europe as nowdays anyone or anyplayer from where ever is basicly able to choose who do they want to play for as NT level, because of dual passports or to live long enough forexample in Europe to get their European passport and the more good and promising player,

    well the more countries will try to lure them as Country like France one of the European Conquerers in Africa get’s directly the way or another most of their players from Africa as also maybe from other Continents too, though England also has many players obviously who either were borned in Africa or in some other Continent or their parents or grandparents were borned in Africa or in a another Continent as anyway around obviously it is up to the player in the end to choose who will they play for if they do get in posession like that in the first place…etc…

    but, as England no part of EU anymore, well those who have moved there from another country by whatever reason….might not be so easy to go for them to play for their ancestors as NT level as i think it never was so easy to get to go live in England from another Continent as it was compared to some EU countries and now as England not part of EU anymore,…

    well it might be even more difficult to get go to live there, though i might be wrong about this as it could be the very opposite as well for example as labour wise they might be intresting many to move there as wages for Jobs are much higher than in rest of Europe, but as i said i don’t know about their current imigration policies…etc…so i’m only quessing in the end, lol !

    In the end all it matters for me is about ARG and hopefully they will start their new journey as CURRENT CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD and as CURRENT CHAMPIONS OF SOUTH AMERICA by winning their first WCQ’s and by gaining the maximum points as for those playing in Europe will have long season ahead with many, many games to be played and just hope that as many as possible will get to play a season in Europe as injury free as possible and therefore it also so important to keep on improving constantly with the team and it’a players and bring new potential close to the team just even to get train and know the team and it’s chemistry etc…VAMOS ARGENTINA !

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