Enzo Fernández states he wants to go to the Olympics with Argentina


Enzo Fernández has stated that he wants to go to the Olympics with Argentina.

Fernández arrived in Argentina and had the media surrounding him at the airport. When asked about the Olympic games, here is what he had to say:

“I spoke to Mascherano and told him I want to go to the Olympic games.”

The Argentine is 23 years old and would not occupy a space as an overage player in the team. Argentina Olympic coach Javier Mascherano will have to cut his preliminary list of 35 players for the Olympics down to 18 players.


  1. Those two not easy but good chances missed by Alvarez sums up the second half of his season. Garnacho again when gets going causes a lot of trouble because of his pace and when he has a good game United seldom lose. Both had a very good season overall and next season will be very important for both players in regards to their future in their respective clubs.

    • Julian hasnt score for the NT since WC ended. Luckily Lautaro already break his duck in the last game with Argentina. Garnacho is faster than Nico and he also likes to track back and win the ball in midfield. I hope this Copa would be his breakthrough performance for the national team. He managed 10 goals + 4 assists this season for a terrible MU team, including goal in FA cup final .

      If Julian remains in bad form during Copa , we could be in trouble since Scaloni doesnt take Dybala. He brings 3 winger forwards (Correa, Nico, Garnacho) but only 2 finishers.

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