babyteehing . posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
our child has red cheeks, whines and sleeps restless? It grabs greedy for every object and nibbles on it slobbering? Many babies are sensitive when they get their first teeth. A slightly elevated temperature or swollen gums are also possible, as a baby tooth breaks through the gums.
At about half a year, children start to teething. It is a process that can take up to 30 months. First, the lateral and upper incisors grow and finally the corner and molar teeth. By the third birthday at the latest most children have their complete milk dentition.
If infants suffer too much from teething, simple tricks can relieve pressure pain and relieve inflamed dental arches.
Tip 1: Biting reduces the pressure
Teeth babies instinctively stuff everything into their mouth to chew on. Above all, biting on tougher objects relieves the itching and pressure at the point where the small tooth makes its way.
Cooling teethers with nubs without plasticizers and toxic cooling substances massage the jaw, the cold dampens pain.
A chilled washcloth has the same effect and can not be swallowed like a teething ring. In no case shock-freeze the washcloth, because the lips could freeze on it.
baby teeth Even a piece of violet root from the pharmacy acts like a wooden stick – but with analgesic effect. It is important to keep the root germ-free. It should therefore be sterilized regularly in boiling water for five minutes.
Carrots, apples and bread edges are welcome bite aids. However, with two restrictions: Once they contain sugar. So please do not overly give. And on the other hand, there is a risk that your child could swallow it. That is, only under supervision, the baby should be allowed to chew.
Tip: Analgesic teas
Sage, chamomile and clove roots are known for their pain-relieving power. Lukewarm teas can be dabbed on the sore with a washcloth or cotton cloth and given to your child to drink.
3rd tip: relax massages
A massage with, for example, cool chamomile tea at the acute site relieves the pain.
A cheek massage – preferably with an analgesic tooth oil – at the level of the affected tooth bar also helps.
Because the toe caps have the reflex zones for the tooth ridges, lightly stroke the tips of the toes to relax the child. You can increase the effect of such a reflexology with lavender oil.
Tip 4: Analgesic tinctures
Treat painful pine plank with tooth oil. To make your own: Mix one drop of chamomile extract from the pharmacy with one tablespoon of oil (organic rape or sunflower).
Followers of alternative medicine recommend so-called emergency drops from the Bach flower therapy , which have a calming effect.
Help gentle tinctures and drops no longer, because the pain is too large, Zahngels in consultation with the pediatrician are the last solution. They usually contain locally stunning substances.
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