Lautaro Martinez better scoring start than Lionel Messi, Gabriel Batistuta, for Argentina


Lautaro Martinez has a better scoring ratio for the Argentina national team than Lionel Messi, Gabriel Batistuta and other legends.

Despite just turning 22 years old, the current Inter striker has had a phenomenal personal start to his Argentina national team career. Lautaro has scored 9 goals in 13 matches for Argentina.

Scoring three goals vs. Mexico in just 22 minutes, the numbers moved the former Racing Club man ahead of certain big Argentina names.

In short, in their first 13 games for Argentina, both Gonzalo Higuaín and Diego Maradona had scored 7 goals. Gabriel Batistuta had 6 goals in his first 13 games and Hernan Crespo with 5 in 13 while Sergio Aguero had 4 goals in 13 matches.

As for Lionel Messi, he had 2 goals in his first 13 for Argentina.

Lautaro Martinez: 9 goals in 13 games.
Gonzalo Higuaín: 7 goals in 13 games.
Diego Maradona: 7 goals in 13 games.
Gabriel Batistuta: 6 goals in 13 games.
Hernan Crespo: 5 goals in 13 games.
Sergio Aguero: 4 goals in 13 games.
Lionel Messi: 2 goals in 13 games.




  1. Young players doing good job in nrecent games.Scaloni so far made a young is important to keep these players together in many matches.Arg.blessed with talents.Lautaro paredes locelso Taglfico depaul quarta etc.r findings and fitting of these youngsters into NT is one of the major benefit of NT.
    I think Scaloni doing a very good job with less experince.

    • The team not sure, but inferior players compared to Messi ,Di Maria, Aguero, Higuain, Mascherno its clear, maybe one day Lautaro will be world class too, he has to work a lot to be a feared player

      • Only Messi will be out of reach for the upcoming generation. Lautaro ATM is already more prolific striker than Aguero. Higuain? We have also other outstanding talents on striker position (Gaich, Salas) Mascherano, Di Maria? – no doubt we can replace them (I believe for example in Ferreira/Barco or Paredes/Ascacibar and others) as possible replacements . Of course new players need some time but so was with the previous generations. Do you remeber first tournaments of Aguero, Higuain, Di Maria, Rojo, Garay and others. WC 2010, Copa 2011. Not really succeded.

        So only Messi is something beyond reach for this upcoming generation.

        • Please Higuain with Gaich and Salas, they are hardly professional players yet, Lautaro more profilic? He struggles in Seria A so far, Aguero at the other hand the best PL striker ever….world class player definition: could play in every team of the world, we have not really single one, Icardi and Dybala are the closest, but their last year were pathetic, clearly see Lo Celso, Paredes are not atm…so Lautaro more prolific than Lewandowski in your book with this logic too? You suggest he is better striker than Aguero atm, but Aguero is over Lewandowski any day, so do you barter Lewandowski with Lautaro (who is more prolific)?

          • Yes, Lautaro is more prolific in NT than Aguero and I consider over Aguero if I had to choose just one striker. Club doesn’t matter here. Some of our biggest club stars were more or less disappointing in NT. And other way look at Sergio Romero. Benchwarmer, even is mall clubs and always kept good level in NT.

          • “Yes, Lautaro is more prolific in NT than Aguero” Aguero scored in every 126 minutes in NT, this is the best in the world, better than Messi, Higuain, Lewandowski, Benzema, Luis Suarez, Cavani, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar and every other striker of this generation, one good friendly match is not enough from Lautaro. In friendly matches Aguero was/is great too.

          • “Aguero scored in every 126 minutes in NT”

            “Lautaro ATM is already more prolific striker than Aguero”

            read correctly:
            after first 13 games in NT

            still I suppose Lautaro is now and will be more prolific than Aguero in whole his NT career. Club does not matter really here.

        • “WC 2010, Copa 2011. Not really succeded.” You underestimate Maradona with an amateur coach that was good result….Copa 11 was faillure, but not bigger than this Copa 19, just more unlucky, same problems few goals scored, but played two draw against Columbia and vs strongest team Uruguay, now 0:2, 0:2 (Argentina would have won thet Copa easily after that shootout just like in 2004, 15,16 now we was million miles far from it)…big difference, that team were stabile with an average coach, this current team could be stabile too with Scaloni (another mediocre coach), but i dont see the growing potential with Scaloni now.

          • “Copa 11 was faillure, but not bigger than this Copa 19, just more unlucky”

            So was in semifinal against Brazil 2019.

            “Argentina would have won thet Copa easily after that shootout just like in 2004, 15,16 now we was million miles far from it”

            Really?! Brazil was the only obstacle while we played good game against Brazil. Not that I blame referee but we missed luck on some moments

        • > Lautaro ATM is already more prolific striker than Aguero.

          Agree with you about Higuain and Di Maria but not all with Aguero.

          Aguero is one of the MOST PROLIFIC STRIKERS IN PREM HISTORY and WORLD at the very moment. His name gets tossed around in candidates for balon dor or worlds best 10-40 players. Martinez is NO where near this level yet….what the hell are you talking about?
          For the NT, Aguero was one of our better performers in the last disastrous WC and he was our BEST attacker in Copa (involved in all goals and off the ball movement was superior and was critical for Scalonis tactics). Martinez is phenomenal but chill out with this desperate nonsense of trying prove he’s better than Aguero. I actually think Martinez could become as good as Aguero if he stays on this path but he has some ways to go.

          • “Lautaro ATM is already more prolific striker than Aguero”

            All the time I think only about NT level. I feel Lautaro is now and will be more prolific and have more influence on our NT than Aguero in his NT career.

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