Two possible changes for Argentina in World Cup Qualifier, Juan Foyth, more


Argentina national team coach Lionel Scaloni could be starting Juan Foyth with one doubt in midfield.

Lionel Scaloni is set to make some changes to the team which beat Ecuador 1-0 in their opening World Cup qualifier game. Per a report by TyC Sports, Villarreal man Juan Foyth could start instead of Gonzalo Montiel at right back.

The other change could also see Marcos Acuña, who is not fully fit, relegated to the bench. Eduardo Salvio could be brought in for Acuña in a more traditional 4-4-2 formation. The other two options could be Nicolás Dominguez or Exequiel Palacios.


  1. I get what Scaloni is doing, building a team of young players who will be ready for the 2022 WC. I get it, and he is probably doing the right thing BUT, just because a player is entering his early 30’s (banega, di maria etc.) it doesnt mean they are ‘too old’ and wont make it to 2022. Imagine how much better and more creative this team would be if they play this team.
    Foyth Otamendi Garay Tagliafico

    Paredes Banega


    Messi Martinez Di Maria
    (pref Aguero)

    Also, I believe the national team is way ‘too cautious’ with the way they build their attacks. I believe they wait for the ‘perfect’ opportunity to shoot, rather than whip a ball into a box with numbers or have a crack from distance. Even when they break on the counter, you see Messi play the ball back inside to either Paredes or De Paul and the break away halting completely just to hold possession and not take a risk. This team would be much better if they selected the BEST player and take more risks.

  2. I have been following argentina since 2014 and i have been following many clubs like tottenham , ajax , barca and noting down details and some analysis about argentine players briefly. So i would like to have your opinion in my starting lineup which i have prepared and i think is the best for argentina .

    Lautaro martinez

    Ocampos dybala messi

    Paredes lo celso

    Tagliafico montiel
    Lisandro martinez lucas martinez

    Emiliano martinez

    Foyth for montiel
    Neheun parez for lucas martinez
    Gomez for dybala
    Nicolas dominguez for paredes
    Palacios for lo celso

  3. I have been following argentina since 2014 and i have been following many clubs like tottenham , ajax , barca and noting down details and some analysis about argentine players briefly. So i would like to have your opinion in my starting lineup which i have prepared and i think is the best for argentina .

    Lautaro ma

  4. There’s lot of negativity going on. We all know that how these SA WC qualifiers go. Scrappy and foul play. And if we play shit against Bolivia, it doesn’t matter. Its fucking 3600m high! Players can’t breathe properly let alone play. Once we play an European opponent or Brazil, Uruguay I’m sure we’ll perform well. Let’s not hate scaloni.

    • Guys what about if icardi in the team? taking barco, Adolf gaich, Thiago almada in the national team??jus let them take part on friendly matches so that coach can take them in qualifiers if they deserve..
      Maxi moralez pablo piati Mauro zarate all these were in team of U20 with Dr maria and aguero..those 3 didn’t get chance to represent Argentina in competitive mathches

  5. F. Medina will be best substitute for Tagliafico, no need to keep Acuna. Acuna and Salvio should be discarded, they are waste..Emi Martinez deserves to start ahead of Armani. Emi Martinez is the best goalkeeper for Argentina. Argentine club players are not good enough to be included in the squad except Quarta Martinez and Armani.

  6. Dimaria should be on bench and banega is the best Enganche player we have (besides Messi)
    They both need to be on roster !
    Age doesn’t matter, quality does !! We are missing a playmaker whom can control the center of the midfield. Banega is the man for that until someone like Palacios matures

  7. Why there is so negativity of Argentina playing? why? Argentina played thier first match after a long time..I believe that this team will qualify in world cup easily..
    Remember when there is die hard situation when there is a important match Argentina always played thier best.. remember last WCQ
    Vs Ecuador 0-2 lost
    Vs Paraguay 0-0 draw
    Vs Brazil 1-1 draw
    After that Argentina won 4 matches consecutively
    They then drew with Venezuela and Peru
    Lost vs Paraguay
    All lost games and drew games till this point is no messi available…
    In that situation also Argentina get qualified.. definitely there is no scarcity of talents in Argentina.jus the point is managing the team well..
    Bolivia is nothing except they had advantage of high altitude..

  8. In many ways we’re all (myself included) like wall street ‘pundits’. We can never predict how we will do as a team, but we can always explain what just happened and find a gazillion reasons within the team, coaching staff etc. I chalk it up to our passion.

    After we have some time to calm down we need to think like Scaloni. That is the toughest part of being a manager, thinking not reacting.

    Yes we made mistakes, we didn’t play to our potential, but that should come from every player. Nervousness shouldn’t be an issue, never. Almost all of them are getting regular playtime so can’t be match-day nerves. It had to be something else and it is for Scaloni to figure out. Sampbaldi tried to address this with constant experimentation but perhaps what we need is consistency in the squad. If players know who they’re going to be playing alongside in long term, players can watch each others matches and understand their strengths and weaknesses. That is atleast one thing we can try IMO..

    Yes I realize I’m being that ‘analyst’ now 🙂

    • Sampbaldi is much much better than Scaloni. If sampaoli would have stayed till date we would be a world force. He didn’t have enough time. His preferred high intensity attacking football like Bielsa. No players can adopt his system in 6-7 months. Hope Argentina would have continued with him.

  9. Otamendi is the only current Argentina defender (not named Garay and Rojo) who have been playing at the highest level in the past several European seasons. Nothing wrong with Otamendi, he is a good player. A lot of people here don’t understand a player with class compared to a player who is just so, and so..Otamendi is a class player and was world class a couple seasons ago both for Valencia and Man City. You don’t have a single new Argentina CB right now who have either participated in the UCL/Europa League semi/final at any point in their career.

    Pepe Portugal national team defender is 37 years old, did France score against his team because he is too old? João Moutinho is 34 years old and is still playing for Portugal yet Banega who is 32 years old is too old to make the Argentina roster. Not even going to mention Di Maria because it’s all politics why they drop the best Argentinian player after Messi. Then you have class act players like Lamela who is being snub for players not good enough..

    Argentina football just doesn’t look good on the eye neither are the current players. Where did they get weird players like Salvio and Acuna from? Do you guys honestly think you’re going to win any competition with these guys? Overrated Mr. Back pass general Parades, how many assists have he gotten since playing for Argentina? Then De Paul, Valencia flop turned into everyone’s best player here..This Argentina team is mediocre, the coach is a local media puppet, how is this team going in the right direction? Scaloni has had more time as coach than the likes of Buaza and Sampaoli with the Argentina national team. Both men came in under huge pressure and high expectation while local media puppet Scaloni is given a pass for taking his team backwards..Argentina is still playing 18th century football with a philosophy that is no longer viable in modern football.

    Look at Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, England, Belgium, Brazil, and Holland rosters compared to Argentina? These teams are all tier one teams while Argentina is a tier two team, and I’m being generous here because with the way they’re playing and the players they currently have I’ll put them at tier three level!..Teams like Poland, Colombia, Uruguay, Switzerland, Croatia, Sweden, Chile etc. are tier two teams. And this current Argentina team would struggle to win against any of these tier two teams in a major tournament today..

    If Argentina was a club in England, Spain or Italy they would be a bottom half of the table team..Argentina has been playing shaky ugly football for three years now yet people keep on drooling over the team and it’s below par players who can’t even get into a top five club across Europe. Football in Argentina needs to change direction because they’re being left behind by the bigger footballing powers in world football.

    • Although I’m angered with alot that u say, I agree.
      I love scaloni, but yes, he is just there to take orders from the mafia. Although I see him trying to advance the team in his heart, he has limitations.
      Di maria should be on the team no matter what. You have to understand that us argentina fans will love you for the 3 years of good play and hate u for the one bad game or one time you choked. That includes otamendi, higuain, heinze, cambiasso etc… I can go back to 1994 on that point.
      You have to also notice that none of the major divisions in the world are flooded with argentine players anymore. Just ten years ago every team in spain, france and italy had an argentine in a position.
      Ten years ago we had an issue producing defenders. 5 years ago midfielders, … I am worried that soon we will have just a striker from inter milan.
      Also, the pressure for these players…. Unbelievable pressure from family friends fans media teammates… Not only that, you are playing with messi. Tough fuckin pressure.

      You are right, but u should have known about argentine soccer culture, even if we have the worst team in the world we will critised and speak of them like we should be holding 9 world cups.
      I will tell u one more thing, I hope scaloni plays classic argentine style box football …. and goes back to the outdated …That is our style at the end of the day and even the first 15 minutes vs ecuador shows you the fluidity. …and of course Messi has to find a way to play with his team, especially if he wants to leave as the greatest

  10. When all teams prefer players from European league and regular first team players but Argentina prefers players from local league first then lower level clubs of European then bench warmer of European and last preference for regular starter of big European club. When Maria in great form they call salvio, Acuna as starter!! Alario over Dybala…Armani over Emi Martinez where Armani downed Argentina in last World cup ….Now he is calling Otamendi because he is not regular starter right now. Though Otamendi still not that bad.

  11. Cristiano Ronaldo didnt score in from 24 of 26 matches against World Cup winners elite club. Never against France, Italy, England, Germany, Brazil or Uruguay. But yes he will be an even bigger statspadder than Ali Daei one day. More Andorra, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Feroer Island, or Desert Island for the Goat.

    • no need to talk about cristiano this kind of talk has been over for like 7 years he has proved his greatness it
      doesn’t give any sense now

  12. Is Scaloni watching portugal vs france match?Every one should watch that match to understand how top class teams play. France and Portugal is playing top class football currently. No South american team including Argentina is ready to play against these teams.
    We are no where near these teams. I can not see any improvement even after 2.5 years of scaloni coaching. Still playing with same old tactics. Same old defence line up. He is happy after winning first game of qualifier. I mean are we satisfied 1-0 win against a below graded team?
    What the hell is going on. Are we playing top competitive football? He is still selecting Acuna, Old otamendi, montiel.why? Why we can not give a chance to Sensei, fedrico fernandez, Romero. They deserve chance. Scaloni is playing with the same old tactics as if he is more concern about his job and his reputation than national team.

    • Maybe you can tell us what is the special thing you saw?

      I will say what I saw. Two very patient teams who preferred to keep very compact shape. A defense first approach with almost zero desire to press the forwards to pressure for both sides. Regular side to side switches of play to try and generate space on wide areas which is from where both teams were able to find any advancement of the ball. Occasional long balls down the flanks to find a winger open for both sides. In the final third Portugal looked to have more chemistry due to link up of silva-fernandes-felix and carvalho advancing sometimes but france compact and sucking up any space. Portugal also slightly more willing to take risk by pushing semedo up. Goalkeepers not trying anything adventurous in line with the defense first approach. I stopped watching after 60 minutes.

      If you disagree, you can tell me where. If you agree, you can tell me what is the difference with this and scaloni conservative first approach (actually our forward press is way more aggressive than what both these teams showed today)

  13. After finally being able to watch our beloved team play after 11 months, I see a lot of negativity here towards players, coach, AFA and everything revolving the NT.

    Let’s put things into perspective.
    Team didn’t play together for 11 months. They got 2 days of practice and preparation. 7 of the 11 starters never played a WCQ before. 3 key players missing (Lo Celso, Dybala, Agüero + others). We played against a highly physical & pacy side with questionable refereeing. We won the game and got 3 points.
    With all this in mind, don’t you think it’s silly to start crying about everything after one game, which we won..?
    Yes, some things need improvement. It will come with time and continuity after such a long break.

    And let’s look at Scaloni’s record since he took over:

    16 games (6 Copa games, 10 friendlies)
    9 wins
    4 draws
    3 losses

    30 goals scored
    15 goals conceded
    (15 goal difference)

    Unbeaten in the last 8 games.
    This is also during a rebuild of the team.
    The players are very happy with the state of the team and coach and have expressed their confidence in Scaloni.

    7 WCQ games until Copa. One game on Tuesday, two next month, two in March and two in June before Copa America starts. Until then, we should see the team improve with continuity.

    Relax! And enjoy being able to watch our players together on the pitch in Argentina colors.

    Vamos Argentina!!!

  14. Not sure what you guys see in paredes.
    He can’t defend , now he’s having de paul
    Doing his job.
    We need someone like who do rodriguez
    Sitting in from of the defense sniffing out danger, so we can free lo celso and depaul
    The holding midfield position is a liability
    In the team.

  15. Gomez needs to start along with messi….arg lacks creative spark which gomez or lo celso could provide along with messi…its a no brainer that gomez is more talented than salvio….salvio is not young either, he is 30 yrs old and gomez is 32 yrs old….i seriously dont understand why scaloni is not selecting gomez

  16. Regarding coaching if some believe names like Pellegrini, Mourinho etc will be NT coach then I am sorry to say they have no understanding of Argentine culture. It has very little chance.

    Regarding the European based home coaches, each of them had a chance in 2018, but they choose to look the other way and hide. One of them is unemployed now so maybe he will think about it. But I have the doubts he has personality to work with AFA.

    The highest names that are discussed now are Gallardo, gareca, heinze, and beccacece. There are plus and minus to each of them. In any case, it will not change at the minimum until the November dates are played out barring a disaster next week.

    • Afa won’t change and shouldn’t change
      The coaching staff so far they done
      Very good job last thing Argentina need- is to change Manager. Nt need stability remember there are always people unsatisfied unhappy cose Some of thier choice players isn’t call up. We can throw some fancy lin ups and big Name Managers
      For sure that won’t solve the problem
      Argentina nt need big stability it’s last
      Country to think change Manager.

      • There are many other things this core group placente, aimar etc are also establishing similar to the 00’s. They have separate regular councils with the north and south to highlight principles of play and philosophies with local coaching academies, clear pathway to ezeiza, steps to complete in order to achieve senior call up from u15 onwards. Of course this is all farmer league stuff so I dont want to get too much into it. Throwing the head out is throwing all of it out UNLESS it is someone of similar vision willing to work together on it.

        In any case, game is not done yet so no need to write obituary. Conmebol qualifying is similar to getting top 4 in a mini league. Principles are same at high level – you go through with consistency and squad depth.

        Also the coach has specifically said in public- NO player is categorically ruled out yet – So we will see.

    Nice article on high altitude football. Since local league had not started, what stopped AFA from sending a team of local players to lapaz 2 weeks in advance. Undstd Boca, River, racing had Copa liberatodres. AFA cld have looked at other clubs or even these clubs had last CL games on Oct 1st. If it was cost saving , this is a missed opportunity. What’s the point having many European based players who just travel & don’t have a chance for both games like Jeremias ledemas , j correa, simeone , macclister etc.

  18. Honestly I want is the football that we played last year at the copa after the Colombia game and all of the friendliest after , especially the Brazil 1-0, Germany 2-2, and Uruguay 2-2 .

  19. If you take altitude into consideration and the fact that most players will be exhausted in 60 minutes a 4 5 1 formation makes sense. Messi won’t defend in La Paz so if Bolivia have the ball you’re playing with 10 men. The coach needs to prepare for that.

  20. I still think it’s about time to bring a good experienced coach who has vast technical knowledge and can choose right players for defence and line up. The team should be mix with talented young and some experienced players like Di- Maria, Aguero ,Ever Banega and Diego Perotti . Argentina is very weak in defence and they should bring Mateo Musacchio, Matias Silvestre and Jose Luis Palomino in defence line.
    This is should be the possible line up for Bolivia.

    EMI Martinez

    Foyt — L.Quarta — Ottamindi– Tagg

    De paul — Parades

    Ocompas — Messi — Gomes

    L. Martinez

    • Great XI for the Bolivia Match because Gomez and Ocampos both are hard working also in defense…

      If everyone is fit my line up would be




      —-de Paul————-Lo Celso



  21. I think a narrow victory of 1-0 will be good because at the end of the day the 3 points are important no matter how well you play.
    I would focus more on not conceding goals and keeping clean chit because in Russia it was our defences that we were Raped by France and Croatia.

  22. Erik Lamela is doing very good in Tottenhm, both Lamela and Lo celso will shine in Tootenhm. Lamela should play in midfield along with Paredes and Locelso. Argentina will be a force to reckon with. If Lamela is injury free he is great assest. Lamela, Lo celso, Paredes, Messi,Aguero, Dybla in pitch at the same time creativity will be overflowing.

  23. This will be perfect playing 11 as well as subs-
    Goalkeeper-Emi Martinez 2nd choice Armani
    CB-Pezella,Otamendi,Quarta,Nehuen Perez
    LB-Tagliafico 2nd choice Medina
    RB-Sarvia 2nd choice Foyth
    DM-Paredes 2nd choice Guido
    LM-Lo celso 2nd choice Papu Gomez,
    RM-Erik Lamela 2nd choice De Paul and Nico Dominiguez
    CF-Lautaro, Dybla, Aguero, Alario
    LW-Ocampus,Nico Gonzalez

  24. Scolani should go on this lineup against Bolivia,

    EMI Martinez
    Foyt L.Quarta ottamindi tagg

    De paul occoumpos parades gomez or palacious

    Messi lutaro martinez

  25. Guys I saw in one of the articles in TYC sport that the team will travel to La paz only on sunday evening and will only have one session before the match. Can anyone tell me what is the logic behind this? Shouldn’t they have travelled the very next day and try to get used to the conditions there?

    • You need atleast 15-20 days to get used to that condition. Idea is to go there and play immediately before altitude sickness takes affect. This is what Boca Juniors did last year and won 2-0 at la paz.

  26. Transition Philosophy- You play Armani over Emi , You play Otamendi over Medina , You play Salvio over In form Pappu and don’t even take world class in form ADM inter squad. Yes this is transition. Paredes is also an average player , we don’t have a world class CDM after Masherano . If Scaloni would have played Thiago Almanda etc I could have understood he is trying to transition . Scaloni is a manager not a coach and he is a assistant coach material and doesn’t have credentials to Caoch Argentina NT. I will not blame Scaloni since what he can do he is doing, Its Tapia who is the main person who saw money over getting a good caoch who might cost more

  27. Looks to me, more than some of the players being of political influence, scaloni stays only because of his political influence or else How come this sampa’s assistant still continues. Unless a proper coach is used, I don’t see anything out of Argentina team.

  28. International football needs to revamp the calendar. Two games is not enough, little time to travel, little time to train, little time to prepare. As a result players phone it in or are “injured” as a result can’t play although next week for their clubs they are fine.
    The result is horrible, unwatchable football.
    I watched the game and it looked to me as if they wanted to win the game with minimal approach, do as much as it is necessary, not as much as they can.
    In their mind they won, job done.
    The team needs some changes but I hope they win games now so we have enough points and are on course to qualify. We need to secure points and when we have enough points we can later experiment.
    We must also use the time before the tournament to prepare, and what is more important stick then to the plan and not panic.

  29. current arg teams possible lineup under scaloni
    ocompas(lb) gomez(cb) messi(cb) dyb(rb)

    salvio(am) parates (dm) depaul(cm)

    otamendi(rw) qarta (lw)


    • lautaro pass the ball to messI, messI pass to gomes-Gomes pass to ocompas- ocompas rum with ball toward striker Armani but unfortunately he face defender immediately ocompas pass to parades- parades- pass to depaul- depaul pass to parades- again parades pass to depaul- again depaul pass to parades- parades pass to defender messI- mess direct pass to right wing otamendi- otamendi pass to parades- parades back pass to gomes – gomes pass to dybala dybala pass to depaul- depaul run towards striker Armani and pass to him now Armani kick the ball to lautaro but lautaro fall down

      this is Argentina team play

  30. Scaloni neither did exceptionally well nor did drastically wrong still I believe when Pochettino is available what the hell AFA is doing. Scaloni was appointed as Interm manger then made permanent and have contract till 2020, not sure if it happens or not but AFA need to take bold decision before appointing coach until 2022.

    • Talk some sense dude, if Argentina was able to afford and pay such massive checks for pochettino then we wouldn’t had to here, moaning about our youngster’s sudden loss of interest in Europe. We would have a better League and would have had the best infrastructure to develop our talents, from the financial point of view.
      And let me tell you( I don’t know if you are aware of this but you should really know this, since you have so much knowledge to post shits in here) Argentina were bankrupted for the ninth time. The economy in the country has literally got down to drain. So burning bucks and spending millions over a coach is big ask. People who make means by daily labouring are dying of hunger and now this pandemic.
      Think before you say anything.

      • Did Sabella cost millions of dollars? I m sure Poch would have taken a massive pay cut to coach NT. Coaching ur country is every coaches dream

  31. How on earth Salvio is supposed to start for Argentina and Di Maria is not even on the squad? I mean both of them are in 30 and one them is world class and another one is washed out bum.

    Many people criticized Argentina’s performance last match. Given that they don’t have a manager, I say that was a splendid performance.

  32. Papu Gomez Gomez should start. I’m not a fan of Acuna. What of Palacios? Was he invited?
    Players who are comfortable on the ball should be allowed to play. Centurion and Almada should combine with Messi to make us potent.
    Cleanball compared Centurion to Neymar, accusing him(Centurion) of indiscipline, like many fans do. But my question is, are we concerned with good behaviour or do we want to win trophies. Having said that, I don’t see Centurion misbehaving ‘ in the presence of Messi. ‘
    I love that Cleanball compared Centurion to Neymar. Neymar helped Messi win at Barcelona. There’s also a chance that Centurion will help Messi win trophies with Argentina.

    • Neymar didn’t help messi if that’s true than Barca could have dominated in UCL like Real Madrid. Modric and Kroos helped Cristiano similarly Xavi Inests helped messi, in 2015 when Barcelona won treble Inesta playing on top, he was MOTM in UCL final and won Europe player of the season 2015. Also Raketic was in prime plus Xavi contribute coming from bench. After 2015 when Xavi departs and Inesta starts declining Barcelona failed in UCL continuously so Neymar didn’t help barca at all otherwise barca could have won more UCL.

      • I was referring to Cleanball’s analogy but the problem with you is that you can’t seem to see the wood for the trees. My point is that Centurion is a very good and skilful player who’s comparable to neymar and that he’s supposed to be in the team.

          • Have you really watched Centurion play? Well you’re entitled your opinion.
            If Argentina continues ignoring talented players, then it’d be difficult for them to win trophies.
            To me Centurion is more talented than ADM. For starters, ADM can be an impetuous player and he has an almost non-existent right leg.

          • > Have you really watched Centurion play? Well you’re entitled your opinion.

            Yes but never really followed him. Centurion can be dangerous. Fast and very skilled on the ball.

            > ADM he has an almost non-existent right leg.

            He has a godly left. All good.
            I’ll take a godly left over 2 existent legs any day.

            > To me Centurion is more talented than ADM.

            I can assure you there is no world where Centurion is a better player than Di Maria.

    • Fucking AFA. They don’t give the value of good players. Note my words. Without changing their mentalities, they won’t win anything.

    • Agree, however N/T should call Centurion 4 years back. And maybe he and with Messi guidance will be more calm and show his potential, like what we saw in Neymar and Suarez totally different attitude after the friendship with Messi in Barca. Unfortunately it didn’t happened at N/T with Arg ‘high tempered’ players

    • Agree, however N/T should call Centurion 4 years back. And maybe he and with Messi guidance will be more calm and show his potential, like what we saw in Neymar and Suarez totally different attitude after the friendship with Messi in Barca. Unfortunately it didn’t happened at N/T with Arg ‘high tempered’ players

  33. Scaloni got 2.5 years to do the transition and form the team. We are not able see any plans. People say he is transitioning looking at 2022, is that reason players like Armani, Salvio and event Otamendi is playing. The team doesn’t have any philosophy. We are seeing European teams and and also South American teams how they are playing and we are accepting it saying we didn’t play for 1 year. In a home game we have 2 shots at goal vs equador, we couldn’t Create the play and chances , which is more concerning. Scaloni is an assistant coach material and what he has done is what he can do, no point blaming scaloni because he has done based on his limited experience. AFA has to think where they want to take this team, if they want to save money, god save us

    • Scaloni is a puppet coach, no point judging him. At least 3 players in the squad are purely political selection. While the rest of the world has kicked on with their football and life in general, the AFA mafia are holding up the start of the league for political reason, for ironing out and completing business deals and for some clubs to do transfers as they please. It is a circus out there run by a group of selfish businessmen. Might sound like a conspiracy theory, but it is a truth any one following Argentine football will agree on.

      • I agree with you. Player selection is very suspicious. We have good attacking players but why dont we concentrate on defence. We cant play Against big teams with this defence. No build up play.seems like scaloni is very stubborn with his team selection. Stubborn is good in football. You have to chance to new defenders.Otherwise how do you know who is the best. How can you compare.Same defence line up is playing from 2018. Please try some new defenders.

  34. We need a playmaker in midfield who will provide ball to messi to strike if 4-3-3. If 4-2-3-1 then paredes and de paul as CDM. When Aguero injured it is Lautaro as striker.
    E Martinez
    Foyth. Quarta. Medina. Tagliafico
    De paul Paredes
    Messi. Dybala. Ocampos

      • Scaloni’s tactics and ideas are saturated it seems. He had to do much more work to give something more to the team. Squad selection is not everything. He’s not a world class or even a proven coach. But still he can make this team better and an organized one. So far he didn’t do much. Need to improve a lot.
        Said that I’m totally against to replace Scaloni with another Manager. We have seen a lot. Let this guy try whatever he can till 2022. No more abrupt changes.

  35. We do not need to hate on Scaloni,he is the best there. Just keep Acuna, Salvio far from national team. Emi Martinez should be undisputed starter. Our top 3 goalkeepers should be
    1-Emi Martinez
    2-Franco Armani
    3-Juan Musso
    Emi Martinez adds confidence and steel in the defence so we need to start him always. Emi Martinez is more well rounded than Armani,Armani should be No. 2 now.
    Emi Martinez, Papu Gomez, Dybla, Foyth should be starter and everything will be all right. Scaloni needs to put skillful players. We just need chemistry with right players on the pitch.

  36. Not a big fan of Scaloni but Scaloni deserves atleast time till 5th match of WCQ before fans come to conclusion just remember during Sabellas time in 2014 WCQ in
    1. In Matchday 2 Argentina lost against Vevenzuela by 1-0 in away match
    2. In Matchday 3 Argentina drew 1-1 against Bolivia in home match
    3. In matchday 4 barely won against Colombia by 2-1
    but still AFA supported sabellla and Argentina ultimately came top on CONMEBOL WCQ in 2014 and reached WC 2014 finals.
    and also remenber that against ecuador in 2018 WCQ Argentina NT lost by 2-0 in matchday 1 itself under martino
    Scaloni learns from his mistakes thats his positive point so lets watch what happens in Bolivia match and hopefully he uses medina instead of otamendi and instead of armani he uses andrada or martinez.

      • Scaloni 2.5 years were disrupted due to COVID-19 due to which Argentina NT were not able to have more friendlies and during sabellas time there was no such pandemic issue. Sabella was appoined post copa 2011 that means he had more friendlies compared to scaloni to test his team and doing some fine tuning of the team so lets wait and watch what scaloni can do now in WCQ even in Copa 19 many were calling for his sacking but he took NT to 3rd place eventhough some people were predicting that Argentina NT would be out in group stage itself.

    • Why farmer Andrada, what he has done special at least Armani has experience which is outmost important, Andrada is worsen based on Uruguay match

      • Andrada could be useful in Bolivia match at las Paz because he has played there before and I would want Musso/Martinez after bolivia match as undisputed GK in WCQ because if Martinez dosent perform well in Bolivia match he might be destroyed by Argentine media which might lead to his exclusion from Argentina National team even if he performs well in Premier league

    • Taken ur point about Sabella. But then we had a luxury of Brazil not competing for the spot. Scaloni doesn’t have that, he don’t have Fantastic four as well. He need to work a lot. Sabella’s only priority was to Qualify safely first, to avoid the 2010 scenario in Qualification.
      But Scaloni need to focus on building the perfect system focusing on 2022, should avoid Sabella type selection of Clemente Rodriguez, Sosa…

    • Agree totally Messi 10, your opinion looks sane to me. criticizing him won’t change anything, let’s believe in his project, look for the future and give him a proper chance in WCQ before judging and analysing.

  37. Its impossible with brain headless chicken.i was one of them to believe scoloni.. he was sampoli assistant but he is more bad than sampoli. Alraedy waste 2 tactic, just useless bus parking that ruined our Argentine pride style..
    How can salvio made team? Stupid bus parking scoloni should leave..please dont waste Messi’s last chance.
    I think poechetine is good replacement of scoloni
    #scoloni out

  38. Argentina needs a coach strong personality like Mourinho, Conte, Bielsa, Simeone who can fight with the board and stand against all the bullshits and have clear picture about his playing style not a AFA’s puppet like Scaloni who just licking Argentine media and AFA to save his job and has no idea how to deal with situation neither on and off the pitch.

  39. Does anyone know what’s going on between Almendra and Boca?
    A few minutes ago I read an article telling that Almendra has not shown up for training and this act has ignited Boca’s wrath and now they’re considering to push for an economic sanction on him, if he doesn’t cite the reasons for his disappearance.
    If I remember correctly, last year and even before the pandemic he was the hot sensation of Boca’s talent pool. Every other European clubs were linked to him and some clubs from Italy like Napoli and Roma did place real offers. But, unable to satisfy Boca’s greed, none of them were able to buy him. It’s horrible to think that a player like him, who was strongly linked to Barcelona few months ago, went down to disappointment so quickly. It’s strange indeed to think how life changes in the blink of an eye. I hope it’s not serious enough.

    Read this article to find out more:

  40. guys, note my words. scaloni is like sampaoli. he is experimenting the team for wcq 2026 instead of 22. he never stop to experimenting till 2026. messi better you can choose to play for Spain or Italy. you don’t trust this AFA board and coaches. they are all wasting your careers ( palaces, dybala) please find another country to play National games. scaloni & co is useless.
    this team will loss to Bolivia.
    will lose against Venezuela:2-0
    Will lose against Peru: 3:1
    Will lose against Colombia 1:0
    Will lose against Brazil: 2:0
    Will draw against Uruguay: 1:1
    note my words.

    • Sony has stopped broadcasting laliga since penaldo has left and always showing penaldos friendly matches this channel sucks… I always watch tyc sports its argentine and its a good channel to watch wcq…. Vamos💪 we will win it…🔥🔥

      • too from India. How to watch tycsports ? Is it app only working on Android devices ? Also how much is the subscription ? Unfortunately fans passion is nothing compared to money. We in India list laliga because Facebook is streaming it. Slowly whole world will be slaves under giants like Amazon Facebook Google. We miss those good olden days when everything was simple and humble. Anyhow all the best blues against Bolivia.

  41. I would prefer to have Palacios and Papu in the starting XI; drop Salvio and Ocampos. Hopefully Lo Celso recover and can start as well; the double pivot of De Paul and Paredes has to be improved and re-evaluate; give more freedom to De Paul, need to attack from left and right wing with good crossed, Alario is good with his aerial. Bolivia will put their 6 players in the defense and used the counter attack with Compos as their target man.

    Most important is Scaloni to stay cool and firm without pressure; proved himself that he have the total freedom to select his players and play with his scheme; Vamos Albiceleste

  42. Let’s wait and see what happens in the match against Bolivia. The match against Ecuador was not impressive. Messi isn’t inside the box like I often see in Barcelona.

    • Yeah he was obliged to drop deep in midfield to create, but believe as long as we are winning and defending the score well it doesn’t matter.

  43. Salvio is an absolute joke, next time Andrada will start. This shit will keep on going and the team will struggle eventually and no future if we do like this.

    • Armani is scaloni first choce, Andrada Rulli Musso Gazza all of them played 2 matches for Argentina respectively, Emi Martinez yet to debut.

  44. Fucking team selection. Corrupted scaloni…otherwise how is this possible? Emi martinez is our best gk at moment. But fucking scaloni selected his bed partner.scaloni has no game mind. Acuna’s replacement was salvio, he was not giving a chance our world best dybala,gomez. Even our young talent mac alister, Palacios.. Fucking scaloni , fucking afa board, fucking midea, fucking scaloni’s team selection.. Motherfucker scaloni

  45. Why these Argetine fans are saying Argentina should go for draw in LaPaz do you think Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay will go for draw in LaPaz A BIG NO so why Argentina. Argentina should play their best team and should keep Acuna and Salvio far from national team. Scaloni needs to devlope some balls, do not take pressure from local clubs and media.Argemtina players have many time boycotted local media they are Maradona fans and do not want anyone to take his throne, they never backed Messi. Scaloni not going to have many chances just deploy the best team. Europian players are far better than Argentine club players.
    You can not compare Armani with Emi Martinez
    You can not compare Salvio with Lo celso or Papu Gomez.
    Montiel does not look like starter he is weak persanality. Only Quarta looks good and he is already in Europian radar and going to land on Europe soon.
    Only positive from Ecuador game is our defece is taking shape thanks to defence coaching staff.

  46. I think psychologycally this game against Bolivia is going to be the toughest. And that too because of high altitude. I know I don’t have much knowledge compared to our other Mundo friends. But I think only for this game we need di Maria type players. This match is not for the players like skillful players like Messi or pappu gomez. Yes they can take the advantage of opponents tired legs in the 2nd half. We need players who are work horses. I think scaloni needs to play for a draw. If we manage to win that would be a bonus for us. We need to put more central midfielders to out muscle opponents. Last time only Guido pizzaro played well in LA Paz. And if I am not mistaken it was his first match for Argentina. In 2014 world cup qualifiers sabella played gino peruzzi, guinazu, Sebastián Dominguez etc. This match is a curse for classic players like Messi, dybala, pappu gomez. Salvio should not be playing ahead of Nicolaus Dominguez, ezequail Palacios or gonzalo Rodriguez. The grit and tight midfield is the key to win the match.

    • I am confident we can break the LaPaz jinx this time & not just look at a draw.
      I was rewatching the 2017 Bolivia match . You are spot on with Pizzaro who had his debut match played well. Banega was fine. DiMaria had an awesome workrate ( bad finishing though .. we had a 1:1 with GK jus before conceding first goal & DiMaria missed that ) . Acuna also did a solid 20min cameo . The guys who couldnt adapt to the conditions were Enzo Perez, Funes Mori ( he had his career wrecking ACL injury here ) , A Correa, Pratto ( conditions he could adapt. but was useless) , Roncaglia ( contributed to both goals ). Aguero was atrocious in his sub role. We didnt have a plan & lot of blame can go to Bauza. Its crosses that was our undoing & failure to convert our chances. We were also unlucky with not just Messi missing on suspension. Our starters like Mashe, Biglia, Otamendi, Higuain were all out & Dybala was not fit.
      this time we do have few advtgs :
      – 5 subs will help if smartly used post 50-60 mins . 2017 we lost the 1st of 3 sub slots when Funes Mori had to be replaced bcos of injury in 30mins or so.
      – Bolivian team does not have some of their key players available due to club -association fight.
      – No partisan crowd. Not a major advtg .. but still a better situation to be in .
      1) we can alternate between Messi & Gomez for the creativity using 1 sub position. More of a wishlist – but i would like to see Scaloni start with Gomez & bring in Messi post 50th min as Gomez sub.
      2) Guido Rodriguez has a role to play in midfield at Lapaz. I think a 4-4-2 will be ideal for most of the match
      3) I would like to see Medina step in for Otamendi. High energy & he is in good form.
      4) With Acuna mostly out – Nico or Palacios can fill that spot.
      5) Assuming Tagliafico & Montiel are fully fit , i would want them to continue as fullbacks & they should attack bigtime in first half. I am a big fan of Foyth – but i want to see Montiel continue as long as he is fully fit. Bolivia was pathetic in width defending & Brazilian goals came from the flanks.
      6) Simeone can be Lautaro’s sub. I am not sure on Dybala – but would assume he wont be at 100% post gastroenteritis which normally leaves person dehydrated.

      • Good post Amit. Some things to note
        #2 – This TyC report is incomplete. Scaloni is also considering Guido as he has a lot of experience in Mexico City. Another high altitude venue – 2200m vs 3600m in Lapaz.
        #4 – In 2019, boca smashed 10 man LDU in quito (2800m) with Salvio and Mac Allister playing key role so this could be on his mind.

        He will have 48 hours this time to see who handles it best. Its way to early to speculate on formation right now. Especially with goalkeepers I wont be surprised if he waits till Monday to see who handles the ball the best in thin air where flight pattern can be random.

        • Thanks el Mongol..yes betting on Guido’s Mexican experience for some better acclimatization. Maybe pizzaro also had that advantage. Andrada also played the Quito match. So assuming he’s seen this a bit atleast. Looking forward for some sensible non media influenced selections

  47. My line-up for this match which I think is appropriate and can be opted:





    Correa——- ———dybala



    – Simeone( lautaro)
    – Guido( Paredes)
    – Mac Allister(Papu).
    – Ocampos (Correa)

    depend totally on coaches:
    – Dybala( Messi)
    – Palacios( Dominguez)
    – foyth (Martinez quarta)

    • Bruh what is this line up y would u take out literally the best defender in the whole team in Martinez quarta out???? Messi is not the line up I’ll look at it as a mistake. And correa over OCAMPOS WTF!!! J Correa has never played well with the albiceleste and what’s with the hate on Ocampos on this site. He and Martinez quarta were the only bright spots in that shit game and ocampos has been playing like one of the best wingers in the world in his whole time in Sevilla. Es un crack

  48. When u play in La Paz, you have to use a complete new team to win, you need players who are fully rested to win in La Paz.

    This shows that Scaloni and his assistants are so ignorant. If i m not wrong, the only time we won in La Paz in the last 20 years was the time Bielsa used a different team during 2002 qualifier.

    To me, Emiliano Martinez must start, and Montiel played well last match, but i agree that Foyth can take his place in La Paz, and all the other players must be changed also. Messi can come on as a sub.

    • Argentin also won in 2005 WCQ when Pekerman used the weirdest line up I’ve ever seen and the team toughed it out until the final whistle.
      Sabella’s team were *this* close to beating Bolovia in 2013 but unfortunately Palacio and Messi both missed easy 1-on-1s against the goal keeper.

      I personally would use a whole new line up, which is admittedly risky but the team is so out of rhythm that using the regular squad or a completely new made up one wouldn’t make much of a difference.
      You need younger, rested players for his one and I would go for:


      —Montiel——Quarta ————Madina————Tagliafico———


      —-OCampos—————Papu——————–De Paul————


      A counter-attacking system is the way to go against a Bolivia that will come out with both arms swinging.

      Emi is a no brainer here, although Andrade would also be fine.

      Montiel didn’t have the best of games but I still wouldn’t have Foyth there considering the fact that he hasn’t played for what seems like a year (more like 7 months).
      Madina’s recent form and age makes him suitable here while Tagliafico keeps his position, especially since Acuna may not be match fit. I didn’t include N.Perez there because he hasn’t played at all since the end of the portugese seasson.

      Dominguez is not ideal for double pivot since he’s a player who likes to go forward and get himself in scoring positions i.e. a legit b-2-b but he’s rested, young, eager and a fine passer not to mention a good defender. Palacios isn’t an option because he hasn’t played at all thus far in the bundesliga.
      The attacking midfield has Ocampos and De Paul where they are most effective, namely at the flanks with the former making speedy runs and stretching defenses while the latter making his trademark crosses that Alario can feed of, also from the left position De Paul can cut from the inside to the right and score a long distance screamer like he does often in Italy.
      As for Papu, well I know I said the team needs young rested players and Papu isn’t exactly young but he is rested and brilliant and can give the team a good 60 mins or so before being substituted by Lio.
      I picked Alario up top because of his work rate, physicality and his ability in the air. The other option is Paolo but considering that he hasn’t played a game since the CL 2nd round I would say that there is no way I would let him start even if fully fit.

      • This lin up could beat any team on thier day.Lautaro was disappointing. I don’t want Be critical Lautaro or any of new blood yet Cose they need time however I do Understand that you would love see Dybala or Alario instead of Lautaro and to be honest it may work Very well with rest of the team.

      • You are right, i have just checked the record, the time Pekerman’s team winning the match in 2005 was our only victory in thr past 20 years at la paz. Bielsa did not win at la paz at all.

  49. Benching Mac Allister, palacios, Dominguez, papu and dybala to start salvio just shows how much corruption is still existing in the backroom and offices.
    Players like EMI, nehuen, correa, simeone proves their worth day in day out against big opponents and best players that they are capable of NT and you see, who’s actually being made to look capable.

    If this keep on happening then I’m sure we will see another change of manager. Because the fucking media and people thinks that their favourite players should play and when they don’t get results, then they put the entire blame on the coach. With that, the coach gets sacked and the cycle of managers coming and giving trials in NT start, but with no development of team and upon that time passes and when finally the WC arrives, they bottle up again( which is obvious) and the blame game starts again. And this is how it goes on.

    Just ugly, this is a total sin.

  50. Now it’s clear to me that there is indeed this Boca-River selection privilege in NT. And a certain power of this influences are coming from the media. It’s just bad , this is really really worse than I expected.

    The worrying sign is Scaloni is already submitting himself so easily as the previous coaches did…….
    Just worrying.

  51. Papu gomez should replace Acuna , Joaquin correa for lautaro , dybala for ocampos and emi Martinez for armani , Facundo Medina for otamendi , Juan foyth can be tried for the Paredes role as a defensive midfielder

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