Emiliano Martínez and his penalty kick record with Argentina


Emiliano Martínez has a solid penalty kick record with the Argentina national team, having never lost a shootout.

Martínez has taken part in three penalty shootouts with the Argentina national team, saving three against Colombia, one against France with another kick going wide and two saves against Ecuador. Emiliano Martínez has faced 24 penalty kicks with Argentina and here is his record, including penakty kicks taken during matches:

He has let in 12 goals, saved 9 kicks, 2 off target and 1 off the post.

Here is Emiliano’s performance for Argentina vs. Ecuador from the quarter finals of the 2024 Copa America, courtesy of Argentina Comps!


  1. France made it to the semifinal without scoring a single goal from open play. Two own goals, one penalty so far. Mbappe broken nose is clearly preventing him for going all in and his idol Ronaldo missed a huge chance today otherwise Portugal would be through.

  2. Like I said earlier, sit, relax and watch the games today and see how other teams F up and both Germany and Portugal did that, Germany couldn’t hold on playing at home, giving up a 2nd before Pks and we all know how good they are in that department. Portugal was the better team today to my shock, Frenchy looked lost and the Golden Child didn’t step up when I wanted him to do so but all is very good.
    Canada vs Venezuela and let the chips fall where they may, ARGENTINA WILL BE READY TO BATTLE, I have no doubt.
    Tomorrow will be WW3 South American style, let them chop each other to bits, the more the better.

    • Martinez, Portugal’s coach will go down with the ship as i predicted, notice the subs he made toward the end, took out his best offensive threat who created havoc anywhere he went close to Frenchy goal, took off Bruno who was running their offense and put Felix who missed the pk while Jota was chilling on the bench. He did all that in order to stay away from Penaldo’s spot LOL. I always admired Martinez but kissing ass has limits and he sings the Portuguese National Anthem too!

  3. We played bad but won like against Australia.
    Some players are not fit and in form.
    This is a wake up call so hopefully we use it and rekindle our form.
    I hate this falling over by certain players.
    A piece of me was hoping that we would go to penalties because nothing triggers our haters more than Dibu saving penalties.
    Dibu needs and deserves to have his moment.
    We have 2 games in front of us.

  4. FIFA memo to all REFs. in Copa and Euros, do not call easy-semi hard fouls, PK calls are to be a rare occurrence, extra time will no where be close to where it’s supposed to be……………basically going against everything they did and empathized on for the last WC.

  5. They say, “things always look better the next morning” and I fully agree.
    Watching GER/SAP as we speak and HOPEFULLY i get my wish for the coming game 😉 and the COPA game at night.
    Sit back, relax and enjoy football and don’t think too much about ARG’s game, we will be OK.

  6. Enzo lost his shooting boot, he lost his confidence, current Enzo is not the same WC Enzo. Chelsea move clearly killed him.

    Also, he requested Poch to use him further upfront than in DM position. Scaloni also used him there. Now, Scaloni and Enzo in confused state.

    Currently Palacios is in better form than Enzo. I never trusted Paredes as single DM.

    De Paul is not in form but I don’t see any replacement for him, may Carboni..but not now.

    Mac Allister – Palacios – De Paul… ❤️

  7. We are blaming Messi too much. Yes, he is not more than 50% fit but still presence force opponents to park the buses.
    Couple of things, how come Nico G. continues to play in front three for Argentina without scoring/assisting matches after matches while no game time for ADM/Garnacho !!??? Depaul needs to concentrate on his game rather than making too many drama.Why on earth you replace Lisa with Ota when Lisa was playing well! Scaloni every time becomes defensive after just 1 goal!
    It was not bad first half but second half was very poor!
    Good luck for the next two matches to crown again!!

  8. Someone needs to tell Depaul to stop falling down for every touch – the rhythm goes away..and moreover his physicality is much stronger than many folks playing…so it is not acceptable..he is not pastore, lamela or messi (at this age) in terms of injury prone..

  9. TBH, Messi seems unable to run or dribble effectively even when he is fully fit but out of nowhere he manages to create chances with his exceptional accurate passes and bird eye view & often drops deep to collect ball if he isn’t involved for an extended period of time. However yesterday he never dropped deep to collect the ball which allowed Ecuador to successfully keep him out of the match throughout the first half. I would not be surprised if Messi was playing cautiously to avoid potential injuries as he has been doing for the past couple years while forcing Ecuadorian defenders stay deep to mark him. Since he didn’t suffer any knocks, he is likely to play the semifinal in a much better shape which after 5 days of rest.

    Having said that, given Messi’s recent struggles, Enzo’s lack of form & abysmal finishing and minimal contribution from our left fullbacks , we need to capitalize on MacAllister’s offensive abilities by playing him in a more attacking position rather than wasting him in a deep lying central / defensive midfield role. We need to play a conventional defensive midfielder to unleash MacAllister potential and cover for Messi’s inevitable loss of possession multiple times during the course of the match. Guido Rodriguez often receives unnecessary criticism but he is our only conventional defensive midfielder who might not be flashy when going forward but performs his defensive duties competently. If I were Scaloni I would make the changes in the semifinal and if it works out keep the formation and playing Xi for the final. Unfortunately, Messi starting means Dimaria will have to come off the bench that means Nico has to start because we can’t have two aging players starting against fresh opposition legs & Montiel over Molina who is having a disastrous Copa America so far!

    my playing xi for semi final and final if it works

    —-Messi ———– Nico–

  10. I felt Otamendi was not trying much. He could have done better for the Ecuador goal and he did not do much for the last Ecuador header..that would have been a winning goal..

    Otamendi..to be retired after Copa. Let young and energetic players come in place…

    • Yes deffenetly he should had taken better position and win that header, but allready when he came on there were troubling signs as he Could hardly stay on his fert too also there is no pace left in him too as been the case for Pezzella since last COPA, luckily he toojed that penalty very well as i was pretty sure he will kick it hard to either to sky high or to the post or against goalie, but he surprised me with that PK !

  11. Football has been very cruel – Ecuador should have won 2-1. I felt except Emi Martinez – everyone played with 50% fitness and still won…and the Ecuador coach is fired for losing…

    This COPA is going to won either physical or counter attack football..I think we lack both..

    Our wake-up call was actually the first match against Canada…they had very good winger and speed..Lot of comments were made when Brazil drew with Costa Rica..

    Whether we win or lose – Scaloni & Team has lot of cleanup to do…for some this could be the last international matches.

    Will not be surprised if Colombia makes to Final & beyond..they are the one who are very balanced..

  12. We should all be Argentina fans before fans of any player, including Messi. This entire tournament has not been the best version of Argentina. I think Dybala not being here was a mistake. I get it, there are only so many spots, but teams get old fast in football. The sin here is we have a lot of good young players that need opportunity. Soule doesn’t make this team. How can that be and we bring in Guido, Pezella, and several others we all know that are just there because Scaloni is being too loyal. Which brings us to Messi. Everybody loses against Father Time. Simply said, he is being selfish. Scaloni knew he was playing like shit that’s why he kept asking him if he was ok. I suspect Scaloni deep down inside knows also that this team needs change but didn’t have the heart to do it so he basically tried to quit but got talked out of it. There are some hard conversations that need to be had. Messi comes to MLS because he knows the end is near. He isn’t at the level to play any longer in top tier leagues week in and week out. He can’t even run when he is healthy, let alone when he is suffering an injury. It is insanely arrogant and selfish to say I’m going to play when clearly we are playing 10 on 11 the entire game. In the midfield, DePaul needs to sit his ass down. Start Palacios, Carboni, somebody else because he looks like he isn’t taking things seriously enough. Enzo is way out of form. He can’t play either at this point. The selection for this team was stale and it shows. There is no attack from the Acuna or Tagliafico side. You need someone like Barco there that poses a threat. I hope we win, but how we play is just as important to me as how we win. Yesterday was not a deserved win against a lousy opponent that had our number. If they had more skilled players like Colombia or Uruguay they would have beaten us. There is a lot to figure out in a short period of time. And can we all agree that enough of the nonsense that Messi will be a critical factor in the next World Cup? Unless he agrees to be a sub he will only get worse. And DiMaria not playing in what could be his final game is a sin. After all he has given this team to sub in a careless sloth like Otamendi who almost cost us another game is insane. Like I said, this isn’t a slight on any player, its just the reality of life. We all get old and are on borrowed time.

      • One last thing, maybe someone with more knowledge can educate me. Varela, Equi, and Medina are all defensive midfielders based on what I see. Why do so many people say “they” need to be called up? You need one, not three. What we need are creative midfielders, and players that can set up our forwards. Based on what I’ve seen, none of these guys are “that guy”. So yeah, one yes, but not all three. This team works best when DePaul was making incredible passes and Enzo and Macallister as well. It doesn’t need a Mascherano junior.

    • Yes, Dybala should had been picked as Pezzella and unfit Acuna and also Quarta and Guido are a bit questionable call’s as most likely they don’t get to play….

      Barco and at least one out of Perez, Balerdi, Senesi and some one for right fullback would had been much better as Molina did suffer after WC with ATM and look’s like clueless ghost at the moment

      Also not sure if Enzo was the right call as it certainly does not look like he will get his best as only and hopefully 2 games left, they might have rushed him too quick from that hernia surgery or he played/ rushed it in the way as many did for SABELLA at 2014 claiming their are fit, but, well we all saw truth and SABELLA had to change the fantastic 4 and best attacking team to an the best deffensive team in te tournament as he did as good he as he could, but also his bench call’s were way too weak !

      It hurts a lot to see theese things happen as even at 1998 when Passarella left REDONDO out, because, well everyone know’s….still back in those days and before it felt like the coaches had the ball’s more as for example Menotti left EL DIEGO out, though he had only played one game at senior level and was 17 and half, but still trained with team, well ok ARG their first WC won and only EL DIEGO suffered one his biggest disapointments….

      So yes i agree Scaloni been to loyal to certain players and the bigger number it get’s and specially if player has been past his best alkready in the last COPA like Pezzella or are suffering from injury just before the list for players will be announced like Acuna or it is quite certain and most likely that some player will not get to play as Guido or u are just back from Hernia surgery like Enzo etc… not to mention Armani, lol !

      Well, without Armani counted that make’s allready 4 spot’s free !

      So yes Dybala , Barco and Balerdi/ Senesi and Perez should had been called which also would had left Quarta out and one more spot as for example player as Soule etc…