
  • opzobo posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago

    Bill Smith : Ceo about Double Iron Consulting.

    In 2000, Bill earned his MBA from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. Then moved from Royal Cup’s Field Sales team again to the company headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, where he joined the company’s Operations Division. Double Iron Consulting After various immersion roles in most facets of operations, Bill assumed senior management responsibilities for Operations. Bill successfully built out the Operations Management team, increased the ability and capabilities of each department, and assumed executive leadership responsibilities soon thereafter.

    In the 2010s, Bill first was promoted to executive leadership over Operations, Commercial Sales, and Office Coffee Service. Then, in 2014, Bill was named President & CEO of Royal Cup thus following in his uncle and father’s footsteps for your loved ones business.

    Throughout his career, Bill is a dynamic supporter and participant in United Way annual campaigns and he’s served on multiple Birmingham and Alabama nonprofit organizations such as the Red Cross and McWane Science Center. Currently, along with Bill’s director and strategic advisor role on Royal Cup’s board, Bill also serves on the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama board of directors.

    Bill is an energetic fitness leader and enjoys running, swimming, cycling, and hiking. Having done many running road races, Bill will probably do his first triathlon later this 2021 calendar year. Bill is a ready partner to go again and join anyone who wish to celebrate a landmark birthday with a skydiving jump.

    Where did the idea for Double Iron Consulting come from?
    As a household business executive and owner, Bill achieved numerous milestones across his experiences. Now, while still being fully a manager and board director, he wants to work with those learnings in a fresh way and a fresh direction. Bill started his business to provide him the platform to generally share his experiences with other business owners and executives who’re facing and leaning into the identical situations and challenges he faced in his family business career.

    What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?
    Bill’s day often includes mental, physical, professional, and social or service development. Mentally, he seeks to see and study and also practice with new languages. Physically, he works to enhance his fitness and training for road races and triathlons. Professionally, he invests quality and degree of time into his new business. Socially or service-minded, he commits to helping others whether that be connecting people, listening and encouraging friends, or acting to steer or empower others through service.

    How are you going to bring ideas your?

    Many folks have great ideas. Bill embraces new ideas with a conviction and resolve to see progress in results.

    What’s one trend that excites you?
    We must any or all be excited to see people step out and return to eating at restaurants, supporting town through active engagement again, and traveling both domestically and internationally.

    What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?
    Listen along along with your eyes and hear along along with your ears.

    What advice would you give your younger self?
    Bill would tell his younger self to embrace those first five years post-college with the goal of achieving a more impressive amount of new experiences, especially including more happen to be different countries and cultures.