
  • Barbour McDermott posted an update 6 years ago

    Since childhood, I firmly think that animals are way smarter than we believe. And now we humans, being a species, are merely being too arrogant. Scientific evidence proves that our planet is not epicenter with the solar system, currently it also demonstrates we are really not the only real center of intelligence.

    But what are viewed amounts of intelligence? How and who defines them? Do you think that some animals are way smarter than some people?

    Throughout my experiences, I’m sure so. Simply because animals cannot speak or read, for example, doesn’t automatically indicate that they can cannot think or feel. Comparing one types of animals to an alternative, or even to humans, we could see different numbers of intelligence.

    So, were deceiving ourselves into convinced that, for thousands of years were more intelligent compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. And that, despite growing evidence these days on the opposite. Obviously, I would not deny that people, human animals, are smart in terms of doing what needs to be implemented to survive. But other species could be way smarter than we have been, believe or think.

    Intelligence is Relative

    Numerous animals have exceptional brains, most people purely misunderstand a lot of their abilities. These day there are facts that crows, dogs, octopuses or koalas, in order to mention a few, reveal superior intelligence. It really is widespread truth inside the animal kingdom. In some instances, animals possess greater reasoning faculties than any man. So, some of them are probably way smarter.

    And a few with their actions or behaviors cannot merely be looked at instinct. When we have a look at various animals, we often cannot do what they do. Sometimes, where did they act or the things they are doing are extremely complicated, just like a bat flying at night. These creatures can capture flying insects in midair directly with echolocation.

    So, this doesn’t only takes instinct many brainpower to realize such feat. Yet and we don’t pay attention to such things because we think it’s irrelevant. Most people usually do not measure the skills of animals, but alternatively do a comparison to ours in term of intelligence. If they cannot reason, speak, or read, then they ought not to be as bright as we are.

    Outlining Who is Way Smarter

    With the ages, the ruling classes, from religion to scholars, do repeat that very same belief: "We, humans are incomparable because we are the cleverest finding yourself in your pet kingdom." They also pretend that animals have no soul or feelings. However, science and life show us that animals have feelings, a soul, and reasoning faculties causing them to be way smarter than we presume.

    So, this belief of assuming that we’re superior in intelligence extends back some 10,000 years ago. It started when man created agriculture, farms, and domestication of animals. It then gained momentum with the beliefs of religion, which regarded humans as the principal species in creation.

    But will it mean that our intelligence reaches to the next stage? Of course not; they’re just of types. When a foreigner endeavors to talk with you employing an imperfect, flawed or broken form of a foreign language, a impression is they are not very smart. However entirely different.

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