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Cleaning Services
We are giving away free carpet cleaning coupon for people contributing to our blog content, share your thoughts and tips in the comments for a chance to win.Going forward, let’s highlight your responsibility in keeping your carpet clean first, and when it’s necessary to use professional carpet cleaning services.
Your Part of keeping your carpet clean!
It’s highly recommendable to keep your carpet clean all the time to eliminate the health risks for not doing so, that’s why you need to regularly vacuum your carpet. Here are some tips you can follow before vacuuming:Clear out everything – See to it that the area you will be cleaning is free of any small obstructions that can damage your vacuum.
Move your furniture – Find an area in your house that you will not be vacuuming and put the rest of the stuff there for the meantime. In this way, you can move around freely in the area you will be cleaning. If you don’t live in a house that big, what you can do is move most of the furniture in one corner and start cleaning the freed-up space.
Brush the Carpet – Also before vacuuming, you can work out your scrubbing muscles by using a brush to scrub off deep-seated dirt and grime; this enables your vacuum to suck them out of your carpet quickly.
However, the problem with regular vacuuming is that it still doesn’t unshackle you from health concerns. Manually vacuuming your carpet or using one of those robot vacuums only remove small particles that the naked eye finds hard to see like dust and tiny debris; harmful microbes could still be proliferating in the fibers of your carpet which is why you may need professional carpet cleaning services.Professionals employ different techniques to rid your carpet of any health risks temporarily. They have standards to follow to ensure that your carpet is cleaned thoroughly.
Professional company’s part of keeping your carpet clean
How to select the tight carpet cleaning company?
Of course, you can’t just go willy nilly in hiring professional carpet cleaners. You must make sure that they will do the right job for you. Here are some ways for you to select the best one:Inquire about their work history. Try to determine how good and well-experienced they are from the responses they will give you. Have they done the service several times before? Are they following any external cleaning standards?
Look for reviews online. Search the name of the company and try to look for any feedback from their customers. This is just a way for you to understand how well they’ve handled their jobs with other people.
Know what cleaning agents they will use and research about it. You should also ask these companies about their cleaning methods and the cleaning substances they use. Do they pose health hazards to you and your family? If they claim that their cleaning solutions are safe, research them.
Use Rafeeg App. With the Rafeeg App, you can view the work portfolio of the companies listed on the app and the customer reviews as well.
Types of carpet cleaning:
In Dubai, there are two types of carpet cleaning methods:1) Steam cleaning 2) Shampoo cleaning
Steam cleaning makes use of Hot Water Extraction Cleaning (HWE) which starts by applying a cleaning solution on your carpet, followed by brushing and finally, the extractor finishes the job by rinsing the entire surface. Shampoo cleaning, on the other hand, doesn’t involve the use of steam. Instead, it consists of cleaning solutions and some good old-fashioned brushing either by hand or by machine.
The difference between the two is that shampooing may have some residue after the cleaning, which can attract unwanted stuff back on to the carpet.What we recommend is the steam cleaning because it can clean just as well as the shampoo, but it isn’t as abrasive, which means that your carpet will last longer.
Carpet Cleaning Prices in the UAE
The average UAE market price for carpet cleaning is as shown in the table below:Carpet size & type Average Rate
Carpet (Small rug- up to 3ft x 4ft). AED 75
Carpet (Medium rug – up to 4ft x 6ft) AED 100
Carpet (Wall to wall room – up to 14ft x 14ft) AED 200/room
In comparing the rate for steam, and shampoo cleaning, the steam cleaning is more expensive, but with more value, as mentioned earlier, it costs approximately AED 25 per square meter. While the shampoo cleaning costs, on average, of AED 15 per square meter. However, these prices are for reference purposes only as these prices may vary depending on different factors such as the type of carpet, your apartment location, and quantity.Carpet cleaning equipment & products
For cleaning your carpet at home, you should have all these tools:1. Cleaning Gloves
2. Vacuum Cleaner
3. Cleaning Brush
4. Carpet Shampoo
5. Dust Mask
6. Spray Bottle
7. Bucket of Water
If you are treating a stain, you may need the following:
1. Baking Soda
2. Vinegar
3. Spray Bottle
4. Carpet Cleaning Solution
5. Brush
6. Damp Cloth
Carpet cleaning procedures
1. The first step in cleaning your carpet is to put on safety equipment like the dust mask and the cleaning gloves.2. Prepare the area to be cleaned by removing all the obstructions (furniture, pieces of toys, etc.)
3. Start by scrubbing the area briefly with a brush followed by a quick vacuum session.
4. Next, grab your carpet shampoo, apply it on to the carpet and start scrubbing again while completely foaming the entire surface.
5. After that, rinse with water and let it dry.
6. Once it is dried, vacuum it once again.
Treating a stain
1. Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area and let it sit there for a few minutes.2. Grab a damp cloth with water or vinegar and rub the area until the stain lightens.
3. If the previous step didn’t work, you may want to buy a carpet cleaning solution and use that instead.
Even though cleaning your carpet at home is economically preferable, it’s still best to avail the services of professionals at least two to three times a year. Certain companies adhere to strict standards when it comes to the quality of cleaning they implement on your carpet, and it gives you peace of mind knowing that your carpet is professionally cleaned. But the one thing you need to keep in mind is that not all companies are akin to quality, it’s your duty to figure out and select the best one.
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