
  • Futtrup Beebe posted an update 4 years, 6 months ago

    What are blackheads and what are the causes behind their formation?

    Blackheads come under a kind of comedones and are a sort of non-inflammatory acne. There are two forms of comedones, open comedones known as whiteheads and closed comedones known as blackheads. It’s typically perceived that blackheads form as a result of dirt trapped in the pores; however, this is not true. Factors like age and hormonal issues give rise to the development of acne. Along with this, skin cell overproduction may result in the formation of blackheads.

    Blackhead Formation

    The blackheads usually appear on our head, neck, shoulders, arms, and back. Their growth isn’t related to the cleanliness of your skin or face as they shape when the dead skin tissues grow into the pores and on reacting with the oxygen in the atmosphere, turns black. The tan oil, that is created by our body’s glands to protect and moisturize skin, oxidizes and turns into dark color and sometimes yellowish color. It is a completely natural process, which may be resisted by taking specific measures.

    Dos and Don’ts

    People often become upset and impatient when pimples and blackheads appear in their face, particularly girls. They attempt to squeeze them out as it seems to be the most efficient means of eliminating those imperfections on your face. A few items, which you need to refrain from doing in the treatment of blackheads, comprise squeezing, scrubbing, and steaming these blackheads. Prevent using oily skin care products and avoid misuse of facial masks and strips as they might expose your pores even more.

    Environmental factors that activate blackhead formation include a moist atmosphere, tight-fitted clothing, and alcoholic skincare products. Everything you could do to clear away your skin from these types of problems is exfoliate your skin each week, purchase skin products that have less comedogenic properties, ingestion healthy and fresh diet, get enough sleep and rest days to maintain the sebum level reduced. You can also go for dermatological remedies to prevent the non-inflammatory acnescars.

    The blackheads usually appear on our face, neck, shoulders, arms, and back. For more information check out