
  • Bachmann May posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    If you’ve ever watched an episode of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares, you have seen a disgusting grease trap. Cleaning the waste from their grills seems completely alien to the subjects of the restaurant rescue reality series. If

    grease trap maintenance in Florida ‘ve ever owned a restaurant, you should be well aware of the importance of grease trap cleaning. Even ignoring the obvious health hazards, there are a number of safety concerns. The fats and oils caught can clog a drainage system, causing sewage backup into sewers and even into your own kitchen. This could lead to enormous monetary loss from fines, property damage, and potential lawsuits. In order to avoid these risks, here are a few tips to keeping your grease traps clean and safe.

    First, keep an eye on the level of grease in your trap. Use a small wooden dowel or measuring stick to see how high the level has gotten. If you keep a record of this data, you will be able to tell when you are potentially dealing with a serious clog. If a major clog is present, ignore the following steps and call a professional service.

    After measuring and recording, remove any standing water from the tank. Put the water in a bucket or trashcan and pour it back into the drain after you have finished your cleaning. Next, use a small bucket or cup to remove as much waste as possible. Put all the solid waste into a water tight, heavy-duty trash bag.

    Once you’ve removed as much loose grease and oil as you can, use a sturdy utensil to scrape the sides and lid. Cleaning in this manner will ensure that you’ve removed all the waste effectively. You can then scoop the scraped waste into the trash bag or use a wet/dry vacuum.

    After every possible bit of waste has been scraped away, scrub down the entire grease trap and disinfect everything. Use a steel pot scrubber and warm water to ensure that all waste has been removed. Add soap to the water to remove any foul odors as well. It is recommended that you wash the trap multiple times, cleaning your scrubbing instrument between washes. If possible, disassemble your grease trap during this step to clean every surface thoroughly. After an extended scrubbing session, rinse everything with room temperature water. Make sure all oil, grease, dirt, and soap is completely removed. If you’ve disassembled the trap, allow every piece to completely dry out before putting everything back together.

    Following these steps on a regular basis will not only keep your drainage system free of dangerous clogs, but also will extend the life of your trap and keep your kitchen employees happy and healthy. While this process should be enough on its own to solve any major issues, you should still have your kitchen serviced by a professional grease trap cleaning service at least once a year.