Hyldgaard Munck posted an update 5 years ago
If you’re looking for a good deal on a home you may have some luck as there are around 1200 homes that are in foreclosure. Also many of the homes that are in foreclosure are being sold for less than their actual market value. Any buyer that is in search of a deal should look at homes that are in foreclosure.
Apart from investments from industrial sector, it is observed that NRIs are taking a lot of interest in Vizag realty. During the times of recession, Indian real estate witnessed a slowdown due to which all the major projects were stalled as they involved great sums of money. But now with their resuming and launch of more projects, the realty development in the city is at its best. Let us take a look at the rising property prices in Vizag for apartments and plots across the various zones.
Second step, use the Internet for further advertising of your property. There are many free sites to post your listing on, and even more that charge only a nominal fee to promote your ad. Do not forget that people may be looking to transfer to your area – post your ad across the web and do not just focus on one geographical area.
If you do not have any answers immediately that is O.K. Reflect on these questions for a few days and you will begin to get some insight into what some answers might be.
Again, Banks are not in the business of real estate and do not want to have any properties on their hands at any time. They want to cut their losses and get out of the home as fast as possible. Foreclosure homes are usually not going to have the bank fix much of anything and if you choose to buy one, be prepared for some major remodeling. Short sales on the other hand may still be in a decent state depending on the homeowner themselves. They usually get to live in the home until it sells and no one will come to evict them until the sale closes. The owners do not have a say in the sale though. All offers are directed to the bank for approval and even though it’s a "short" sale, it can take up to 9 months to close.
Gossip about the property when you’re in it. Decorating style, property condition and personal photos might prompt you to make unfavorable comments. Save them for later.
Always give value to the kitchen as well as the master bedroom. Simple stuff like new hand towels in the rest room and / or fresh flowers in your kitchen area go long way.
Observe starting and ending times. If you run early wait outside until the designated starting time. From experience I can tell you home sellers are frantic preparing and vacating their home before a public open house. If you arrive at the very end of an open house don’t be surprised if the hosting agent can’t wait an additional fifteen minutes after hours. They most likely have another appointment after and week-end days are their busiest, especially in spring.
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