Jefferson Hjorth

  • Part 1: Which Industries can benefit from GPS Tracking?

    It’s hard to create a time before GPS, but it wasn’t too long ago when people navigated using nothing but the stars or tools like astrolabes or compasses. People even relied on clever tools like cane maps and miniature scrolls hidden inside watches. But thanks to advances in satellite…[Read more]

  • Pet GPS Tracking

    It’s natural. Pets (dogs, cats) are prone to stray away, go amiss, or be stolen. Being a pet owner, you always feel fear of their safety and unwanted thoughts come to you like what happens if each of you never get a in order to be reunited again.

    Luckily, technology is here to help and game titles enhance the return rates of…[Read more]

  • Jefferson Hjorth became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago