HomeMundo AlbicelesteA new look for Mundo Albiceleste, more changes to come!

A new look for Mundo Albiceleste, more changes to come!

Hello everyone,

No, don’t check your eyes or close your tab, this is still Mundo Albiceleste! Some changes have happened and more will continue to happen in the upcoming days!

We are less than three months away from the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. This World Cup marks a special time not only for sports or football fans world wide but especially for us here at Mundo Albiceleste. It will be World Cup number 4 which we will be covering here on Mundo (yes, Mundo is 12 years old)! We’ve come a long way from 2006. To give you an idea, when Mundo first started, Roberto AYALA was still Argentina’s captain!

I’ve been continuing to work a lot behind the scenes as well as trying to update any information that comes my way. I’d like to thank everyone here on staff for helping out, after all, this place is a community and none of this would be possible without you, the readers. We continue to grow here as a family and with that said, you have obviously seen a change in the look of the website. Maybe not a massive change but definitely one that catches your eye.

The look of the website feels different but similar to what we had in the past. This change allows for more flexibility (especially with the World Cup coming up, there are some things I’d like to implement). We have also changed servers which will ensure faster load times for everyone.

As mentioned, the changes have already started and if you notice some bugs (images not loading or anything of the sort), don’t worry, that is completely normal. I’ll also be rolling out a World Cup page which will be complete with match times as well as information on previous World Cup tournaments.

I hope everyone likes the change, it’s been much needed. Please leave your input below, what you like, what you don’t like, what you would like to see done!

Thank you,



  1. Looking nice. Please add an easy option to go to the old pages like Next button or, page 2. I couldn’t find out any older news once it passed the Home page.

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