HomeMatch HighlightsLautaro Martinez scores for Inter in 5-2 win vs. Benevento

Lautaro Martinez scores for Inter in 5-2 win vs. Benevento

Lautaro Martinez came on as a substitute and scored for Interi n their 5-2 win vs. Benevento.

Martinez, who started the match as a substitute, scored a goal from the edge of the penalty area and made it 5-1 for Inter. His goal made it two goals in two matches this season.

He has been selected by Argentina national team coach Lionel Scaloni for this month’s World Cup qualifiers.


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  2. For me Lautaro is the best young striker in the world. Give him supply…he’s going to score most of them. He has all.
    I see him playing for Barcelona and Mbappe for Real madrid soon. Another Messi vs Ronaldo type rivalry will be there for some years.

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