HomeWorld Cup QualifiersArgentina World Cup qualifying match dates vs. Uruguay, Brazil in March

Argentina World Cup qualifying match dates vs. Uruguay, Brazil in March

Argentina are currently in second spot in the South American World Cup qualifiers as they play two eternal rivals in March.

Lionel Messi will lead his Argentina team against Uruguay and Brazil in March as the two time World champions will look to maintain a high place in the standings. The dates and hours for Argentina’s World Cup qualifiers have been confirmed.

The first match for Argentina will be at the Estadio Único de Santiago del Estero Friday, March 26 at 9:00pm local time vs. Uruguay. Lionel Scaloni’s team will then travel away to Recife where they will play on Tuesday, March 30 at 9:30pm local time vs. Brazil.


  1. There are some discussions below about club vs. country and also about Argentina local football. I make a comment on each.

    1. Argentina club football: The word is not “disrespect”. But there is nothing to be proud of it either. It can do lot better. In terms of structure, administration, talent development, financials and many more. It is fact. Doesn’t mean I disrespect local football. Being critical is not equal to disrespect or lack of love. I still respect the local football for whatever they are doing for the raw talent.

    2. Club vs NT: There are books written on this. The poll is not silly. It gives you very important insight. Every country where club is bigger than country, when it comes to sentiments, the country fails. England and Argentina are often the best examples. I would let my favorite club team be in bottom division for whatever numbers of years, in exchange of two world cups. That’s just me.

    • 1.disrespect for Argentina football was exist from some people here in past.
      i don t remember something from you. if somebody don t like the local league it is not problem. everybody is free and welcome. critics welcome too. speak rude and bad is not critics. it is disrespect. i repeat i don t speak personal for you.

      2.i don t know if there are books written on this but if exist my personal opinion is that is completely nonsense. waste of time energy and idiotic subject. you can t compere one country with one club. i don t put myself in this kind of tricks. i don t exchange anything with anything. i want the success of my country and i want the success of my club. i get extremely sad with the fails of my country and i get extremely sad with the fails of my club.
      it is not matter of my choice and sure God will not ask me what i prefer. That is just me.

      • 1. Yeah, I guess you are right. There have been some comments. I ignore them. I feel bad for the local situation. But respect all the coaches and people who are doing to bring the young talented boys, with limited resources. Something should be done.

        2. Off course we want the best for both. But its there in every sport. Football is just one example. Davis cup in tennis never made it big, there is not much interest from top players. They don’t give it all. Economic power of clubs ruin national teams. If the emotion is also higher for the club the nation is doomed.

        Anyhow, my friend, I just want us to win something. Its been so long. vamos!

  2. Our team really miss players like Richarlison Firmino Jota. They are real contenders of false nine. Most of our strikers are pure strikers. The future of the game is more into false nine rather than pure forwards.

    • Messi, Dybala, even Aguero and Lautaro could play there, and Nicolas Gonzalez in Stuttgart too. Neirly neither of our strikers are pure strikers, only Icardi and Alario. Richarlison, Firmino and Jota are made strikers, not natural born, and score less goals than a real striker.

    • Do you think Klopp would be unhappy with a ‘pure striker’ Lewandowski like his Dortmund days instead of Firmino or Jota? Cmon…Richarlison scored 4 goals in 20 matches, and played there cause their pure striker Calvert Lewin had a small injury (with his 13 goals).

    • As Csabalala said the only pure strikers Argentina has are Icardi and Alario, the latter works really hard for the team while the former is evolving his game under Pochettino and is showing versatility.
      Lautaro can play as a 9 or an 11 and he’s not the lazy type that waits for service, he’s constantly hustling, pressing and moving.
      Dybala can play as a 9, 10, 10 and half or an 11 same goes for J.Correa and to a lesser extent Nico Gonzalez.
      Angel Correa can play support striker, winger or central midfielder.

      [The future of the game is more into false nine rather than pure forwards]

      Disagree, pure forwards will always be useful if placed in a team that knows how to create chances, hence why Haaland and Lewandowski are 2 of the best players on the planet and why Ibra is tearing it up at 39yrs.

  3. @olive_majestic, “There are some people on this forum that disrespect and downgrade Argentinian club football”

    Yep! Too many, ignoramuses galore at times!

    One thing they don’t realize is that virtually all NT players they admire would not share their opinion at all! In fact they might be offended and insulted by that attitude.

    • It is not about disrespect or downgrading Argentina club but all would agree that European club players are more skilled than Argentina club player and that is true. There should not be favoritism only skill should be criteria otherwise national team suffers.

  4. ………e martinez………..

    ……….rodrigo de paul…….peredes………
    Di maria………….messi…………..alexemdro gomez…

    Still our strongest team now????

    • Depends on how things evolve by the Copa America time. Saravia has been injured for a while and has not played and it’s entirely clear that he is better than Montiel. Otamendi has been sharply declining. So I’d rather have one of Quarta or Romero alongside Pezzella in central defence. I would also prefer an in-form Lo Celso over Di Maria and think that while Papu is a good player, Nico Gonzalez is more impressive, useful and versatile when healthy and available.

      If Kun regains form and Lautaro declines then maybe Kun can start. We’ll see…for now Lautaro for me.

  5. The conversation below about club vs national football reminds me of something very interesting I saw a couple of weeks ago. I saw a poll on social media for argentinians asking if they would want to win the World Cup twice consecutively if they are willing to relegate their club team for two years. At the time of me reading it 46% percent had voted no, they would not let their team relegate even if it meant winning two WCs. The passion for club football is that intense in Argentina. Personally, I would vote to win the World Cup twice, although it would be painful to see River relegated. There are some people on this forum that disrespect and downgrade Argentinian club football, but I hope this shows just how important it is to many people. It is more important than many may think

    • while i find that poll very silly my friend i will tell you this. i cry 2 times in my life for football reasons. when i say cry i mean in level to damage my health. the first was after 1990 world cup final when the referee/fifa/Havelange stole 1 world cup from us. i couldn t handle the sadness enough well because of my youmg age then and if my father wasn t there i could not be in life to speak to you right now.
      the second time was 2011 when River plate was relegated. because i was in age to handle better myself and the sadness i succeed to pass that with less price on my health than 1990.

      so what i want to say is that i don t want to live anything like that again in my life.
      for some people this kind of silly easy light polls it is just for fun to full their time. in real life it is not joke. people that really love those people can be effected in their lifes very much.i want to be happy with my national team success and i want to be happy with River plate success.i don t exchange any sad with any happy. any kind. whatever comes it comes. in happy i will enjoy and in sadness God may protect me to get over it.
      this is my personal point of view my friend.

      • I thought the poll was a little interesting, but in all honesty those types of things are silly and only designed for people with short attention spans. You and me, we live and breath real football, and will until our last day. River plate has become amazing since the relegation so in a way that is corrected, all that’s left is another World Cup to make me feel complete.

  6. waveride

    i really don t understant how it connected that you stopped going to stadium to see your team with Argentina national team love.
    i am 100 % different about that. as you know i am River plate fan. i am going from child to stadium and i don t even consider to stop. yes i am not young age anymore and for that reason i don t watch the games from Sivori up chand of Monumental stadium together with Borrachos del tablon (name of River plate fan club). i am going in other little more quiet chand of stadium. i love my team as i can t explain. After my family is what i love most in my life. this will never change. Argentina national team is not has to do anything with River plate. the one is country and the other club. this 2 loves how can be mixed? how can make my love for Argentina stop love River plate or opposite ? how your love for Argentina national team make you stop going to see your beloved club Panathinaikos? i really don t understand that and if you heve desire please explain me to understand.


    • My friend cox4,

      I also enjoy reading from you and chatting with you and i believe that our characters are close as well. I will try to reply to your questions.

      First of all my friend, the reason that i chose Argentina has nothing to do with my country Greece. Yes, we have similar colours and i also believe that Argentines and Greeks are very close in terms of mindset but the reason i love Argentina is that i fell in love with its football. Plain and simple. Argentina and Brazil traditionally have the flair, the magic touch, but except the fact that i was thrilled and attracted by Argentina and not Brazil, i could never support Brazil because in my eyes at least they were always “too soft” for my likes, falling down too easily and they have shown a “wannabie” character, something that i dislike. Moreover, in front of my eyes, they were always fifa’s favourite team, something that i dislike even more. On the other hand, Argentina except from the flair and the magic touch, had always the “never give up attitude”, the nerve and the grit, attributes which were always very important to me. Imagine Argentina and Brazil like two very beautiful women. Brazil, a very beautiful woman, who can cause your admiration but nothing more and Argentina, an equally beautiful woman who has something special on her, can electrify and take your breath away and eventually fall in love with her, like your wife.

      Nevertheless, someone has said once: Brazil has the flair, Uruguay the grit but Argentina is the combination of the two above!

      The one and only reason that i chose Argentina, is simply because i fell in love with its football.

      Secondly, the reason that i have stopped going to the stadiums to watch my club team Panathinaikos, has nothing to do with Argentina. I still care and support my club team but i have to admit that i never loved my club. Love is a very serious word for me and has a very deep meaning. I know that you love your club team River Plate my friend and that is wonderful and your team is a wonderful, attractive and legendary club and i also know that this doesn’t have to do with our beloved team Argentina. But the reasons that i support Panathinaikos have nothing to do with love, are different from the reason i support my beloved team Argentina. The reasons i started supporting Panathinaikos had more to do with the territory i grew up, the people i used to have as friends back then and the political beliefs we used to and still have, supporting the working class, free of any political party, trying to live as a free human being. I don’t want to mix politics with football my friend but let me tell you this: Football can usually have direct relationship with society parts and hence politics at times but i also don’t want to mix politics with football anymore either. I stopped going to the stadiums because i didn’t feel the excitement to go and chunt for my club team anymore and hence being in danger of having a fight with ultras of the opposition team as well, but if it was for Argentina, i would have gone with pleasure!

      Sorry about my long post my friend and everyone in here, i tried to reply to you with honesty and i wish at least i gave you a clue.

  7. Csabalala, unfortunately i couldn’t be there because i was at the army at that time, being in army for a required period of time is mandatory here in Greece. But you are right, that Argentina team was magnificent, blew everyone up playing beautiful football and Tevez was top scorer and player of the tournament if i remember correctly.

    As i said, i haven’t gone back to the stadiums for a very long time and if i will do it again, go and chunt for my beloved Argentina would have been ideal! I lost the opportunity back then but i hope one day i will be given a second chance!

    • my friend i am always exited to read posts from you because i feel your character very close to mine. plus we have same age too. i really need to tell you my thoughts about what i read. No you are not weirdo. Greece coulours is almost same with Argentina. similar flag too. it is not matter you don t love your country here. it is matter i believe that you choose Argentina because you love football and Argentina football reminds you one more advanced version of Greece. it is not about cups or trophies. you could choose Brasil easyly instead. you choose Argentina because Argentina inspire you. Argentina is the football giant that mirror Greece.

      allow me to tell you about me something as example. personally i like many sports. except football i like basketball , volleyball and hockey. in Basketball i support Greece when has to do about Eurobasket competitions. the reason is very simple. Greece reminded me Argentina. in the ending of generation dorada we lost one game from Greece in 2014 world cup. i didn t get sad because i knew that we couldn t win one medal from beginning of competition because Argentina team was in the sunset of generation dorada. so after the game i said to myself “don t be sad. at least Greece have very good team and by beating us maybe it lift them to win medal for them “.
      so my friend i am weirdo or i love Greece more than my country ? No of course. i am thinking same way about you too.
      later i will post you something more about the other subject you mention about club football.i really need to say some things about that too.

    • Real contenders into the Olympics squad, while Palacios, Nico Dominguez and maybe even Macallister will play on the Copa and some talented midfielders suffer (Zaracho, Almendra, Robertone, Matias Vargas, Cristian Ferreira etc.). Most probably Montiel, Foyth, Cristian Romero (hope so), Exequiel Palacios, Nico Dominguez, Nicolas Gonzalez and Lautaro will play on Copa, so the strongest squad could be something like this (without O23 players): Lautaro Morales, Cambeses… Lisandro Martinez, Facundo Medina, Senesi, Balerdi, Nehuen Perez, Nahuel Molina…Ascacibar, Fausto Vera, Capaldo, Payero, Galoppo, Macallister, Zaracho…Thiago Almada, Ezequiel Barco, Julian Alvarez, Ponce or Gaich or Nahuel Bustos (only Ponce is playing at all regularly) Pedro De la Vega and Alan Velasco.

      • Would add enzo fernandes from defensa in the olympics team instead of asacibar who i feel has lost out. Enzo is also doing very well. LB can be franciso ortega from velez. Macclister i think will be our main man in tokyo.

    • Banfield are an interesting team. They made the final for the Copa Diego Maradona and scored a dramatic last minute header to take the game to penalties against boca, but sadly for them Boca won the shootout. Recently they sold their striker Fontana to River as we want a back up in attack and competition for Borre. They also have Urzi, one of the more interesting young talents of right now (although I believe he should get more playing time)

  8. Real test for Scaloni and team; keep the spirit up as the team have been doing great so far and most of the players are already settled; curiosity remains on the 1st GK and CB; mid and strikers are almost done only defense is on progress to be solved.. Vamos

  9. Who doesn’t love international football, especially when its the sky-blue and white playing.

    For those interested, the ladies are playing in the She believes cup, unfortunately ARG lost to Brazil last night 4-1 and their next game is on Sunday against Canada.

    • unfortunatelly in women football we was never so good.
      our women hockey team is the most successful team and the best Argentina team in female sports.
      among other accomplishments Las Leonas have win 2 world cups and 4 olympic games medals (2 silver and 2 bronze).

    • Quote:
      [Who doesn’t love international football, especially when its the sky-blue and white playing.]

      Sadly, most don’t! They consider it a distraction from the ‘real’ football i.e. club football. For me, while I love club football, Argentina playing is the most important.

      • International play is the essence of football…… I for one always watched the WC, qualifiers and friendlies and only started watching club football about 12 years ago and it was initially to keep tabs on Argentines to see how they were doing.
        I hope the Euros and Copa keep the same schedule they had last year…..Euros in the morning and Copa at night.

        • I used to watch club football and go watching live at the stadiums the club team i support here in Greece, Panathinaikos fc, but i never felt the joy and love for the game, i was more of a fan, enjoying and got excited about the way fans do, the atmosphere inside a stadium, ultras etc, it had more to do with supporting the team relating to the territory i grew up. As some of you may know, ultras in Greece are arguably among the most vicious fans in Europe. I was more of a fan, rather a football enthusiast.

          When i started watching the sky blue and white stripes, everything changed! I had watched other powerhouses as well, such as Brazil, Holland, Italy, Germany etc, but when i watched Argentina, i was thrilled in such a way, like being instantly electrified and fell in love with Argentina, that i started watching football differently! I realised that football can become an art and give you emotions that only an art can do!

          Eversince, i may stopped going to the stadium watching my club team for many years, but i love football because i love Argentina and for me Argentina is football itself, Argentina is the essence of football!

          I even supported Argentina when played against Greece, my country of birth and i love my country, but when it comes to football, my love for Argentina comes always first! Even all my friends here in Greece thought that i am a weirdo because of that, because watching me celebrating in madness when Argentina was scoring against Greece, lol!, but hey this is the way i feel and i am a man who speaks and act the way i feel!

          Argentina is the essence of football and it even became more than football to me and i am not even an Argentine!

          These pure feelings hardly exist in todays club football, it is all about money now so i guess that i am among those romantic fools who are against “modern football” and live with the joy of their romance. Argentina is my footballing romance!



          • Was you there on Olympics 2004? That Bielsa team was brilliant, conceeded 0 goal in whole tournament, anb the basketball team won their first olympics medal also.

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