Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni bursts into tears after World Cup win


Argentina national team coach Lionel Scaloni bursted into tears as Gonzalo Montiel scored and Argentina won the World Cup.

Lionel Scaloni is the first Argentine coach since Carlos Bilardo to lift a World Cup. And his emotions at half time were a thing of beauty.

Scaloni would sit on the bench before standing back up and letting his emotions out as he was hugged by Leandro Paredes.


  1. Messi proved again he doesn’t need locelso. He makes player look like a better player than they really are. With locelso depaul paredes midfield we would have struggled to win against European sides. This trio of Enzo McAllister depaul played far better. Whatever happens happens for good. Nico Gonzalez is idiot in front of goal his injury was a blessing. Because of Locelso injury we suffered initially but once this trio play some matches and built chemistry they were immense. Molina struggled big time we need to find a better rb. Initially depaul covered for Molina but after 70-75 minutes depaul lost steam and Molina was exposed both the goals would not happened if molina was not weak. For 1st goal he was out of position for 2nd goal mbappe destroyed him and he couldn’t cope. Otamendi was also poor in last 40 minutes or so. Otamendi nearly costed us the cup. 1st penalty was his mistake and kolo muani chance was because of otamendi mistake imagine if emi didn’t make that world class save we would have still lost 4-3 and the match would not have gone to the penalties.

  2. Enzo – I’m dying to see what club he transfers to next and for how much.

    Mac A – he recently signed until 2025 but i’m sure brighton looking to extend. I really hope he doesn’t and a much better club comes knocking with offer brighton cant refuse. He’s way too talented for current club.

    RDP – Doubt he’ll be at ATL much longer.

    Alvarez – shame he still has to compete against Swedish Goal Machine but Pep prob going to figure out how to play with both, at least i hope.

        • Lautaro blanco is the best bet he is from rosario central,he had a great season he is 23.nicolas fernandez is from san lorenzo orginally but he signed for elche in the summer he is 22 these two are rated highly

  3. when out on a limb when I expressed my reservations about Lo Celso, some months ago. A particular member of this forum criticised me harshly. I noticed that after calling him out some people here found their voice(and started expressing their reservations about him) I wasn’t saying Lo Celso wasn’t a good player, my point was that we could get better players. Look at how things panned out. I’m still of the opinion that we should continue looking out for the best players, irrespective of their age or where they play. We shouldn’t rest on our laurels.
    Congratulations once again, to everyone.

    • I still don’t think Mac A is a better player. Give me a break. Mac A had some incredbile games but he was not consistent and his lack of progressive style was blatant some games.

      I’m actually looking forward to seeing the 4 man mid with

      Mac A ———– RDP
      ——–GLC – Enzo

    • MacAllister was phenomenon and prove alot of us wrong. That role he played Lo Celso was master of it but MacAllister had to adopt it during high intense game where stake was so high that’s why he deserves our praise. For me he adopted and got into the role finally from Croatia game and in final. We are world champion guys so everything happened for a reason

      • 100% he deserves praise. He was fantastic in the final. Really stepped up. It was so crazy that Enzo and Mac A had to step in last minute and grew into a formidable midfield during the actual tournament!

        • If a coach trusts u with all the minutes, you better perform. MacAllister plays good in the World Cup, at least as good as De Paul if not better. So no complaint.

          Lo Celso will be back soon, maybe he will lose his starting spot as Paredes already lost it to Enzo. But that’s OK. Most likely Enzo, De Paul, MacAllister, Paredes, and Lo Celso for 3 spots. The best in midfield is without doubt Enzo. I rewatched the match again, Enzo had at least 3 major interceptions in key France moments. 2 against Mbappe. Plus the third goal of Argentina was due to his excellent passing too.

  4. I can’t wait to wear our 3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ kit at Copa 2024 in USA. This super exciting world champion will boost our local youth academy to a new level, and I believe we will have many more talents in the near future. We also have a coach that can build championship team, so I hope our 4th ⭐️ is not too far down the road.

    • wonder if the stars will be horizontal or triangle shape? Not sure which i like better!! Damn im still over the moon!!! VAMOS CARAJO.

      > I hope our 4th ⭐️

      2022 should be our 4th and 2018 our 3rd!!!

      • @ Choripan Lol, as for me 90’ should had been the 3rd star and 2014 the 4th star as 2022 should had been the 5th star, but things in life will allways end the way they are more or less to ment to be…why ? Please, dont ask me as i won’t have any clue or proper answer to give back, lol ! Keep on staying positive as u allways been and keep on posting as i will may need to TaKe some time off soon, but i will keep reading at least and most propably as now can’t help myself as what come’s to posting, lol ! Enjoy the third star and let’s see if Arg and even with Messi could win the 4th star at 2026, which btw should be Still the 6th star, lol !

  5. What’s up with Barco? Argentina participated in a junior tournament a couple of years ago and he was my favourite player(in that tournament)

  6. People does not understand how hard it is to take the ball away from alexis McAllister.
    Some of you guys need to apologize.
    Gonna say this until some of you bow down in shame

    • Absolutely He is supremely talented. I never doubted him. Positional sense, incredible technical ability. As per some uninformed snobs he was Meza/pavon. Cant help those who have blinders on.

  7. The future is very bright for the NT with Nico Paz, Soule, Sarmiento, Carboni brothers, and Cristiano light(Garnacho).
    Lots of great young players. I just wish LoCelso and Nico were not injured as really Thiago and Correa did not give us much and the full display of our dominance would there for all to see.
    This undoubtedly will bring a bunch of attention to our youngsters and hopefully the much deserved respect they have earned.
    I am interested in the next several call ups to see what Scaloni sees as part of the future. Vamos Argentina!

    On a separate note, new FIFA rankings are out and Brazil is the new number one. Only FIFA can run their own tournament and rank a team number one that didn’t even make the semifinals smh

  8. Will Messi continue till Copa 24 or just 2-3 farewell matches to celebrate the victory and score 100 goals with the NT? Copa in Ecuador with altitude for an old Messi would be not good.

  9. Along woth Messi kissing the WC trophy, This for me is one of the favourite moments yesterday It relates to me a lot. Some one who is afraid to show his emotion and cry. I relate to Scaloni. Man he is the best thing happened for us after the 2018 debacle. Many a times we all have doubted him. But he never jumped of the ship and his legendary team of Aimar the midfield legend and Walter Samuel the wall. Has brought the pinnacle of all trophies to us.They never gave up.

    Continue marching, make a new generation of Argentina NT. Its a new challenge without the legendary Messi generation. In one way it will regenerate the coaching teams interest in the NT. Dont sleep now. Pay as much as possible to these team AFA they deserve every penny. We cant get a better team to guide us.

  10. The interview with scaloni speaking of his dedication to his father who passed broke me down. I broke down in tears a dozen times yesterday. Lost my voice.
    Congrats everyone 😢😭

    • OMG ! Yes, that sounds pretty more than emotional interview as obviously Scaloni being as more than good human being as i’m sure his father was too, so R.I.P Scaloni’s father and all the best for his whole family ! And GONGRATS to the RIVER & LANUS boys !

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