Paulo DYBALA spoke with Ole in Argentina where he discussed playing alongside Lionel MESSI and Sergio AGUERO while also the team’s Copa America.
Despite not having too much playing time at the Copa America, Paulo DYBALA did well with the minutes he was given while on the pitch. There had been talks in the past that he can’t play with Lionel MESSI and DYBALA quickly squashed those comments. Here’s what he had to say:
“I think I showed that I could play with MESSI. It’s a question of getting to know each other better, finding the harmony, of seeing where and how each one of us moves and being more comfortable with each other and making the other feel comfortable. There was good play between us. Against Chile, it was me with Leo and also with Kun.
“Before the match, we spoke about the movements, that if one stays up front, the other has to stay back and get the ball. We did things well, it left me happy. I always try to give my best, when I play and when I don’t.
As for the team and the referees:
“We started badly and we had to regroup and after that we deserved more than third place. But due to things which can be seen, we stayed in third place. If things were done for a team to win or not, I don’t know if we’ll find that out. But the doubt is there and it’s ugly.”
Hello all and yes im back after a hiatus that is called a baby 🙂
I have been reading a lot of what you have been saying but time is not my friend to reply.
The copa-as expected we were never going to allowed to win it in yellow land and I ask exactly what is the point of var if its not going to be used, var was supposed to change the game and make it honest and fair but as we know the ref was told to go to var but he refused-call it what you want but corruption is one word id use and this of course this is nothing at all new to fifa and of course south America.
The aftermath: why is scol still their?-this makes no sense at all as another coach will be appointed but it seems 1 month for the 1st qualifs? this is insigne and way to short for any new coach to implement any ideas at all-simple crazy but as always the afa and crazy walk hand in hand.
Oh my congrats to messi for his words of truth, the powers that be know hes correct but simply will not chance their corrupt ways as their pockets are always fill of money while the game crumbles around them from messi paying the security guards from his own pocked to youth teams going to tournaments with no food, other with no strips and coaches not being paid-all in all a casual days work for and from the afa.
Always nice to hear from you old friend.
thanks and I appricate it 🙂
Congrats Bro. nice to hear from you again 🙂
its a busy buy fantastic time and thank you 🙂
Congratulations for the baby. 😊
thank you for your kinds words and thoughts 🙂
Spot on Paplo D. Feel exatly the same way as u wrote in your post. As many members allready has mentioned like waweride and cox etc. corruption has allways existed in world football and it is true that Argentina is one of teams which has suffered from this for decades, offcourse there are obviously others too, but now in the era of VAR as u said it ” everyone had high hope’s for this and in big european leagues where it has been lately used there were only praises from basicly everybody including players too ! But now after this ”copa Brazil ” it suddenly looks very vulnerable and a bit scary scenario too ? I allways had my fears about miss using this tecnology even in the other hand i thought it was going to finally change things to more positive and specially make the game itself more fair to everyone ! But now i have to admit that it’s very vulnerable system which can be easily misused by certain people who are fully corrupted and are just destroying the game and after the money and false glory !
What come’s to Messi’s comment’s i feel even more happier now than before and i’m much more proud of him than before though even i have been allways huge admire of his behaviour and humbleness and offcourse how he Plays his football, because there is simply no one else like him and i think also that there will never be a player like him, even he haven’t had success with arg NT, but that is Simply because AFA’s stupidness and nothing more ! If AFA would have given time earlier to decent coach who were willing to bring our youth’s talent around arg NT, then i think arg would have allready won something for sure, because we can clearly see the progress done by our youth’s or younger players and which have make Messi also more happier, because he can clearly see the potential of theese certain players who performed so well in this time at yellow land ! And what messi just said was the absolute truth and what really happened and went on this”copa Brazil” and it’s about time to make theese right comment’s because bloody hell theese corrupted bastards with Var now at their hands are controlling and just ruining the whole game and i fear that not only Arg game’s, but this i quess we will only know and possible in the worst case scenario witness in the future ? Though hopefully a not ! But i’m pretty pessimistic about what fifa would do because i feel they are as corrupted as conmebol or anyoneelse who plays with ”big boys”! I never really wanted belive that in the end football is as much politics as anything else in this world, though i allways knew this deepnin my heart, but because of my love and passion to football i never allowed myself fully accept this even there were clear evidences way before like waweride and cox etc. have mentioned. I quess i was just basicly allways just standing on the edge and allways year’s after year’s wished that justice will be finally brought in to the game and when they started using VAR it felt like that for a whole even offcourse there were some blunders but Still it really seemedcto work pretty accordind stats of VAR itself etc. But now unfortunatly chaos has entered and this scandal is way too big for anybody to handdle, because the STAKES are just simpöy way too high and that is why they will just try to avoid and hide this scandal as best as they can and we all know allready how good they are with handling stuff like this so i’m not expecting much, in fact things could go really crazy and many heads will be choped if they were about start to investigste this scandal as they should and that is why it will never happen and they will just somehow sorted silently as usual !
Damn idiots ! AFA as well is just sitting at their chairs and basicly doing nothing which is offcourse nothing usual either, lol ! I don’t know if i should cry or laugh ? All i just know all of this what happened in ”copa Brazil” and berween blody refereeand VAR too is just too way too much for me to accept and now at last i have lost my appetite for this game which should have propably happened allready way beforecthis allready ? But when u are in love with something u have watchedcand followed basicly your entire lifetime it is very hard to let go ! But i think i will stick to cricket for a while and follow from distance how things will be developed overall in football, but i allready know in my heart that i just can’t simply stop following and supporting arg NT until the day i die. Hopefully we will have great future in head of us as Zanetti mentioned too, but knowning how things are done by AFA i’m pretty scectic even i can clearly see that there are clear signs of improvement though !
If we could just follow this step bit longer and and some few very needed ingridents to it like a point someone at helm with Scaloni and his staff remaining and just fix our deffensive proplems and our middfield too which literally hasn’t existed at all since riquelme quit until maybe now a bit of improvement was finally showed moreless of De Paul’s work rata and offcourse paredes was good too even we should use him more higher on the pitch as bit of old school playmaker with moderate and upgraded version of offcourse surrounded with right players as de Paul, palacio, lo celso or some true wingers and battaglia or another good DM. So in fact i think arg should play a bit like pochettino’s spur’s. Maybe only with 3 at back which can be easily changed during the game to 4or even 5 at back if needed because De paul’s work rata he can easily play on either side as offensive wingback and then we need to find just someone like him who can do same on the other side too, maybe o campos, or even angel correa could do that job and maybe he could be used a bit more higher up than De Paul on the other side depending offcourse who is defending behind him ?
I personally would use foyth on the right as kind of mixed cb/FB and tagliafigo on the left also as mixed cb/FB but who to put in the middle as true cb i’m not really sure of this, yet ?
Battaglia would be my first choice to use as our true DM !
Then i would use 2 offensive wingbacks like de Paul and someone else with samekind of workrate and who can be as offensive as deffensive as De Paul ! ( maybe o campos, or a. correa or anyone who can do that job) i hear much of Zaracho and it is also another very intresting name, though i do not know basicly anything about him because can’t follow arg primera division matches at all off course sometimes i just check which team is in form, but this purely becausevof betting and nothing else ! Even ibwould be delighted to wach at least some of the games as i have heart recently good stuff not only eritoten about Rover or boca, but for example velez too etc. developping players etc.
Then i would put paredes as true cm maybe together with lo celso or palacio.
And use Messi as false nine or in free role and put lautaro up front let him run like crazy and change him after 60-70 to aguero or another striker who will be currently in form of future times like dybala or some one else like someone j.correa etc. maybe. ?
Or sometimes i would only leave paredes Alone at center of things and put lautaro messi aguero or dybala up front and let them play like dybala described in his Late interwiew, if they all are happy with this and all agree on this as well ? If icardi will be back to his best offcourse i will bring him back to the team as well, but i’m bit scared that we have allready ruined his NT Carieer because allready Sabella should have brought him to Brazil !
The main thing is that we need is to find coupé of stable systems with basicly same players playing as much together they can because this is the only way to let them have that needed chemistry between themself and we have allready witnessed this in copa Brazil so just bring in battaglia and ascribar and drop those 2 guido’s, diva, suarez etc. and find the best possible player to play as true cb ! I dont know if who that would be but i think time will show us who it will be ? anyway there is so much talent around theese days with our youth’s that those talent’s have to be given a chance at least to show if they are capable playing with same high quality on the senior side ! Otherwise they will might end up like another wasted talent which i fear has happened with icardi, though i hope to be wrong because at his best we all know how good finisher he can be with both of his legs and most importantly his headers too ! I hope he get his shit together and comes back to his best, and i dont want to hear nothing about his or anyone else’s personally life’s because it has nothing to do in the end when it comes down to playing good football. And if someone in arg NT is against him then he should speak his mouth like messi did in copa Brazil, no more exuces or rumours or any nonsense bullshit around arg NT team !, please ! Because it will only create disharmony with our team !
It is about time to move on and show rest of the world who are true champion’s of world football ! And offcourse AFA must solve that coaching question in the way or another as soon as possible, because there simply no more time to be wasted by the blody AFA !
im with you, its crazy var is fast becoming a joke and at the end of the day its still up to the ref to play god and this in turn leads to the suspicion of corruption some where and some how..
the champs lge final is another example, he did not go to var and its also not a pen and it completely changed that game-according to the epl rules this upcoming season that final pen will not be given this season via var if it happens.
Lol. I’m sorry, I misunderstood your point.
I feel so sorry for Messi and for Arg NT and for all the fans of it as this dissater major fuck up’s done by purpously of full corruption and bribing etc. happened in both of the last 2 games Arg NT played which were deffenitly the best 2 games of Arg NT in the whole tournament, oops, i meant to say soap opera, because that is the way i saw it ! I still can’t belive what happened specially because of using VAR theese days, oops, again i meant to say not using VAR at all or deffinetly not in the proper way !
So my next question will be : why do we even have VAR if it is not used when Arg NT plays in the semifinal of this soap opera shitty fixed&bribed tournament against bloody brazil or when it is used against chile Messi get’s straight red card because of doing nothing than resisting to bow down as he did’nt bow down with his comments either which where btw very honest&brave comments and only told the truth and about nothing else ! This kind of things can’t simply happen when VAR is supposed to be in use during the full game of itself in the competition of which is called copa america, oops, i meant say copa brazil ! It is so shameless that i can’t even described it and still can’t belive that theese kind of things will happen when VAR is supposed to be in use ! I mean it is so obvious that Messi didn’t do nothing else than just Stood bravely and resisted to bow down and even i allways been huge fan of him( i have never witnessed so brave Messi before and i’m talking about his mental side now and not his magik on the field which offcourse can’t allways happen for several reasons etc.) and offcourse since 1982 fan of Arg NT at age of 6 and have watched 1978 games so many time’s in replay as well and also watched them alive sitting on my old man’s lap at age of 2 so obviously can’t remember anything else basicly as kid than all that white paper pieces flying around everywhere etc. Anyway as been allways fan of Messi mostly because he’s very humble and good Person on the pitch and hardly never get’s gought with the dirty stuff during the game’s even he’s fouled allmost all the time(offcourse sometimes he get’s pissed and do stupid decission’s as every human being does when they get pissed etc.) but i can clearly see that something has grown inside of him and i’m not talking about this because of his continuesly dissapointments with Arg NT, actually i think he has allready passed it and have accept it for example now he singing the national anthem of Arg etc. And i think lot of pressure has dropped from his shoulders, maybe because there where not so many exeptations for this time and also he has been clearly happy and very positive about our brave” youngsters” if i may still call them by that name even they have clearly show’n and done very good job since and finally they been included in the Arg NT and forsure after time will pass they will show us even more moments of joyness which we all been missing for so long time and like many members of mundo have allredy said it is also clear that also Messi is very happy to play with them as they are very happy to play with Messi too etc. Anyway i know that the whole team will stand behind Messi and support him as same goes for coaching staff etc. But still they made one very crucial misstake which is ofcourse understandable because many of them never had played on this so called level or which used to be copa america and now has turned in to something else. Offcourse during copa’s history there has been most propably huge contreversy, but so what, that was was before VAR and has been also in Europe or in the world cup’s or in any previous tournament or league game’s or what so ever, but now we have entered the VAR era and what happened in the past is not comparable at all. Offcourse we can discuss about it as much as we want etc, but still what happened this time is completly non accetable ! And what i meant by saying about rest of team after that Chilean’s game and by the one crucial misstake they made was that specially some of the old guard as otamendi, aguero, and diva should not go and pick those medals given by theese shitheads who were involded in way or another in this whole Scandal and now are threatning to give basicly lifetime ban to Messi who did the right thing by saying what he said and did not went to pick up that medal given by theese motherfuckers ! But i can understand those mixed emotions by the young players and the coaching staff and why they went to pick up those medals, but still if i would have been the coach of the team or the manager or whoever was in charge i would not never have given permission to go pick up those medals, i think i would have even not let them play against Chilean’s, but in the way i understand that it was very competive game and good experience specially for most of our players specially for the one’s who had never played in the game like that even i recall the brazil game as fault final for myself, though it was nice to see Messi playing with dybala and aguero too and it seemed to work very well until Messi was given that bloody red card for only his comments and it had nothing to do with the game itself ! Well i might be little bit maybe too Harsh and pissed off about of all this bloody bullshit what happened in those 2 last games of Arg NT, and i do apoligize to every member by my comments and it is just my own thoughts and nothing personal against anyone not even the Arg NT though i still think they should have stand by their captain and did as he did and never went to pick those medals given by theese shitheads, but then in the other end maybe something more bad would had happen for example maybe conmebol would be now threatning to throw us all out, lol ! Anyway i hope and do belive that they can’t ban Messi for basicly lifetime, but AFA should deffenetly act more than they have so far and not give up on this matter at all and keep resisting and asking for VAR to release that piece lunatism ! So we all could hear it, but i dont think they will never give it for the puplic to hear because it could be end of VAR, permanently !
And why fifa won’t get involded is because they favor or worrship the VAR as god !
And they know how serious matter this hole soap opera with referee and specially with VAR and all blody politics and money behind is so i don’t think they won’t do more than only maybe tell conmebol to cool down with Messi’s ban and in the the end give him maybe ban of few games which is still a fucking joke and blody unfair decission ! And why and what make’s me so pissed at the moment is that Messi clearly said that he will be happy to continue if given chance with current crop though obviously some of them have to be dropped as 2 guidos, diva, suarez, and we should organize our defense and middfield obstacles as soon as possible and AFA should make clear decissions about coaching staff as well too ! Personally i would’nt mind to see all of our current coaching staff to stay or at least some of them because if we just throw them all away i think it would be big misstake !
And i think it will unsettle our players too ! If Menotti has health issues as someone mentioned then let him retire as Sabella did, and hire a new manager or techinal director like Pekerman for example and if gallardo is willing to take job then maybe give it to him, but him too in that case should hurry which i don’t think will happen so if we can’t get anyone decent at all because of AFA(offcourse as usual) then i don’t think we have any other option than our current coaching staff and i think AFA allready know’s this because what i have heard they are bankrupted without any money and personally i dont’t belive that any foreign manager or any decent manager will come to coach us, so my one and only conclusion’s of my own is that sorry to say,but we might have stick with our current coaching staff maybe bit longer than we all think ? Why ? Because there is no money available to hire any decent coach or has there even been any coach at all to willing take over !? Even for free ? ! I don’t think so ! And how would we know that they will do better than our current coaching staff(which i’m not yet fully convinced either), but to change everything now will be allmost suicide because we all know how little time they have to get to know each other by friendlies or adapt to new tactics and most propably player selection as well by the so called new coach who so far hasn’t showed his face until now or AFA have basicly done nothing at all to even get somebody, which i belive is true scenario, because all the rest is just bullshit in the end of the day ! Until someone is hired ! So no point of talking this anymore because we all should know our dear AFA by now ! Instead we should focus on this fucking Scam of conmebol and get that shit sorted first which is AFA’s job to do, but would they really fight back is intresting to see, because now they have to also show their real face’s as our players and coaching staff did in copa brazil ! But i think in the end this matter will be solved as hidden as possible which might get Messi even more pissed because seems like no one is not really willing to stand by him even they all say so, and this fear of unjustice is comparable to any dictarship that have existed or still exists on earth ! Fucking conmebol ! Just go and fuck yourself like allways with your blody friends fifa too ! This neverending story will just go on on as same goes for all the other unjustice done by our politics and big major companies behind them !
But it is incredible that Arg NT have to most oftenly pay the price, offcourse there are others too who have been treated in the same way too ! But still i dont know what wrong Argentina has done because first the fucking IMF bullshit and all that blody economic crisis shit and the story just goes on and on…Ofcourse there is obviously as much corruption in the country and rich fuckers are robbing the whole country etc. as everywhere else too, but when will this shit end ? Well, i quess never, though i will never give up supporting my one and only team no matter who is in charge or who is playing, though offcourse as everyone else i do have my own wishes and prayers too for Arg NT !
VAR introduced to prevent unfairness and injustice. But In this case it was same scenario as when there was no VAR. They used it for VARSIL benefit. They actually showed that you can also cheat with VAR. You just need to buy the referee who wants to open a restaurant too because he is also a part time chef. Fucking filth
Varsil has beaten us fair and square so many time in official game not denying it. They played better than us so many occasions but we deserved that semifinal. Our only fault was their first goal after that we were on top. But that Motherfucker referee was said that he thinks Varsil was superior whole game and deserved it and Messi should apologise. So now think of this that He think Varsil was superior!!?
That gave away what happened in that game and what was he doing! He knew what was he doing from begainning of the game.
It was he wanted Brazil to win….
If he wanted Argentina to win or doesn’t have any partiality…he will 200% go for VAR.
VAR staff blame Referee…and Referee blame VAR staff. Anyway Conmebol has to give their car conversation audio will show who’s the culprit. For me all of them part of this curreption.
Choripan, actually the violin is being played limitless by others, surely not us. Before the start of this copa i was almost sure that Brazil was going to be favoured. They had a humiliation record on their soil in the 2014 wc and if they had failef again, Tite would have been fired and they would have gone back to zero. Therefore, this copa was a must win for them.
I knew that from the beginning, but i wasn’t that frustrated about that because our team was not ready for that copa and my expectations were low.
But i went mad because surprisingly we played well and were at least even to them and still those pathetick thieves used their politics once again against an inexperienced Argentina where 80% of its players where young lads having their first tournament!
That is why my frustration hit red!
like you my friend i was thinking same just in my case i was fooled because i never expected that it was possible for one referee to ignore VAR.
i thought stupidly that with VAR was not possible Brasil or anyone else could have favor.
VAR was used in tournaments so much even in plays that was very clear with just only your eyes.
sometimes i was getting ungry because they delay the games for check every simple thing.
so i could never imagine that suddenly in one game the referee for his “reasons” will be able to ignore completely the VAR.
that is why i am frustrated so much like you.
Same as me. I wasn’t that much hopeful about match against Varsil but our boys played a gem of a game in their soil against seventy thousand home fan also a referee who was corrupt. Did even @Choripan see what the referee has to say about the two incidents. He said kun tripped against Alves so it was Kun fault & Otamendi went 50-50 so he gave it to Arthur. His statement even makes whole thing even more fishy. VAR came to exactly for this reason and which was using through whole tournament. So point is if he thought like this should not he or VAR people see that matter or atleast reply the whole thing in big screen. Only TYCSPORTS (I believe) has the reply of Kun penalty non other did even show it. Note that it would been a penalty and might be second yellow for Alves. Also Arthur foul on Otamendi was a criminal act even in Rugby he would have get a red card for that. So after this if someone says that we exaggerate then these people are corrupt too. Even Chilean players and other coach and Colombian players came out and said it was wrong what happened. They could not said it like Messi but I am sure they mean exactly like this. Basically they said Argentina got robbed!!!
i shouldn’t have used the word “violin” because it came across as antagonistic but i didn’t mean it that way. You’re right, violin is played everywhere especially with Brazil.
Also, Im not defending the shitty calls us. ie Ota, Aguero, messi red, etc. They were shady AF….
Another video from ESPN about Copa and the infamous game, I wont post the link because the site wont allow it
Youtube, type ESPN (SHOCKED) Argentina vs Brazil 0-2 post game……
I wonder why is it taking this long for CONMEBOL to rule on the matter??
It didn’t take them but what seemed like 24-36 hours to slap Messi with that BULLSHIT 4 game suspension back at the qualifiers!
Once again, Ghostdeini and cox4 just spoke my thoughts.
Cox4 my friend, it is exactly as you said, evefything started from wc 90 and thank you for saying how things were and still are.
After wc 90, Havelanze and Fifa wouldn’t just let Argentina take its chances so they did what they did with Maradona but still they were not huppy enough until banning him for other two years when he was 34 years old and just return to action, ending his career with the nt. Things since then are as you said.
We haven’t won anything since 93 and because some fellow Argentina fans said that we are exaggerating, apart from the off side goal that Tevez scored against Mexico in 2010 wc, i would be greateful if someone could mention just one controversial incident regarding Argentina since 93, just one! Because i could recall tons regarding Brazil! Even about doping control, did they ever made a test to Brazil? Ever? We were subjected to doping control again in 2014. Is it a coincidence too?
As ghostdeini said, we have to fight against everyone and as you said this not something new.
I’m just as frustrated as you are but we have got to limit playing the violin here.
Calls have gone in our favor before. Just this Copa with var, Foyth should have been given a penalty in the box against Colombia or Qatar (I forget the game). Just one example, im sure there are more.
are you joke my friend?
tell me when and in which game we had in our favor the referee.
because i can write you a book about opposite.
the only you can say is 2 plays.
in 1986 and the other in 2010 which was just 2 referee mistakes in those games.
in 1990 and in 2014 !!!
without i even say anything from the rest they stole from us !!!
and not because of a human referee mistake BUT FROM MISTAKES THAT HAPPENED BY WANTED TO HAPPENED for steal us.
Not checking VAR is not a mistake!
Giving yellow to our players and let Varsil players go isn’t a mistake!
It was a well PLANNED mistake that some of us claimed that it happens in football. Any blind person can suspect the way they handle it in semi final.
I’m just saying…i find it hard to believe Arg never benefited except for 2 times in the past 30 years.
You probably remember allot better than I do but generally speaking in league and international, i see ref fuck ups and terrible officiating all the time especially pre var so it’s hard to believe 100% of all fouls or the lack of fouls never benefited Arg for the last 30 years (except 2x).
I really don’t get when our fan talks like this. Foyth contact wasn’t acpenalty. They checked with VAR. But in our case they did not even check. This is really outrageous. Unbelievable
Yes its unbelievable, not defending shit calls against us.
my friend i don t care if people here or elsewhere thinking that we exaggerating.
from 1990 till today i have lived deep in my skin everything that happened.
i am speaking for things i lived and i see with my eyes.
not for things i listen from somebody or i saw in video or internet years after.
i remember everything because i lived day by day all those tournaments and i remember all those feelings i had then.
so i don t care who is believe i exaggerating or not.
as i had post in past i was small child before 1990 so i don t remember anything before 1990.
but from 1990 and after i remember everything and i have personal experience.
so nobody can fool me.
I think scaloni should find two lineups to attack,one through middle and other through wings. He has found out how to attack through middle,now he should find out attack through wings in a 433 formation using either inverted or traditional wingers on both sides of pitch. I also think it’s time to give more chances to franco cervi and pavon as they both are real wingers from current crop. They both are really pacey and we need pace on wings which is not found yet. I really like both of them. They should not be subbed of so early I think! More chanses should be given. This will also allow paredes to use his long range passing to great effect in transition from attack to defense.
WE have j correa and ocampos
Is there any way to report on Josh Thomas disgraceful article?
Such a shame that a popular website like allow this asshole to write this bias article on Messi. He even called Messi a hypocrite!!
Btw, the points he made here are ridiculous to say the least. Bringing Barca’s 2009 CL semi against Chelsea, bringing 2011 semi against Madrid and of course the PSG game are ridiculous. Considering VAR didn’t exist that time. Moreover Messi don’t win a CL since 2015, but the asshole here ignore this facts and blame Messi for not response on those decisions. Haha….
I feel, the football world is really getting jealous of Messi’s success and talents on even as a humble guy. They’re simply started hating Messi for no valid reason!
How can anybody expect a leader of a national team not to say a single word against 2 major ref decision which caused his team badly? While there is a thing called VAR exist to check it out! Even ref saying, “I don’t know why they didn’t check the VAR. They refused to check it!” But the writer(asshole imo) here didn’t bother obviously to mention this too!
I am afraid, the honesty and pure respect is no more exist in football. Not defending Messi here, but in overall if we look on it. Just look how Balon D’or contenders this media trolls are promoting in a single season just to cover Messi’s individual success this season! First Liverpool’s Van Dijk, then Ronaldo(media boy) and now Allison. They just want controversy to make Messi’s achievement questionable.
Sorry for this long post fella. Just couldn’t keep silent after read this poisonous sh!t! is should name as
They always hate Argentine
They promote Brazil….they have some deal…
Fuck them…. Log on and talk shit!
On balance: Scaloni did a reasonable job given his relative inexperience. His strengths are that he moved to a fresh 23 and a few of his risks really paid off. Foyth at RB; Paredes as 5; De Paul as a central B2B; and playing with 2 Box strikers.
He does have some weaknesses. He didn’t pick a proper 5; He left Dybala on the bench and it took him maybe a little longer than most to repeat a line-up. The last bit is somewhat forgivable. He was initially building a team for the future without Messi. And when Messi came along it became clear that the system was ill-suited for him. It happens.
I think that his biggest question mark are his subs. Still, that’s something you can learn. Need I remind everyone that Pekerman was an exceptional and experienced coach who blew it with subs when it mattered most.
I’d actually like to keep him, for continuity’s sake.
Remember even Bilardo was about to get fired for his performance before the 1986 World Cup.
You can’t blame entirely Scaloni for his subs though. The players too have responsibility. It’s not his fault that “the experienced” pro Di Maria didn’t do well( not for the first time though). His experience brought nothing: the guy was short on confidence and seemed he can’t handle the pressure anymore. Once again proving that “the club form” and its “international transformation” is a completely different thing. Angel had a decent season at PSG, but it only stays at PSG.
And can’t forget the fact that some of his (supposed)key players were unavailable due to injury and fitness issues. This is were “the need to experiment” in friendlies becomes vital. You have to give as many players as possible chances as you never know what will happen in future, just like the injury crisis.
This topic has been discussed and done and dusted but once again; People criticizing Scaloni for experimenting in friendlies and say that no other major team is/was doing this and won anything. Hello: Germany 2014 WC?? Low always experimented in friendlies and given players chance to prove themselves. He rarely played his big guns and first eleven in the meaningless friendlies and mickey mouse competitions. You can’t be sure of a player/players unless you see them performing on the pitch.
all are saying that mamanna is better i also admit it but he is out of football long time or bench warmer for long long time… we need player who plays for their club in regular basics…. time to introduce christian romero nehun perez foyth….. specially i like christian romero who is regular in his club and his maturity progress quickly…i request scaloni to give him e chance at least in one match
If Messi gets banned for Qualifiers then without a proper coach, we will be doomed. Serious chance of missing the 2022 WC, wake up AFA, soil under the feet is getting washed off.
Forget the Copa 2020,it already looks like a lost cause because AFA continues the waiting game. Scaloni can’t take us far. If they can’t see it then future will teach them.
I think this team will play even better without Messi. I didn’t see any Messi dependency in this team. With Palacio box to box play will more natural and Lo Celso can slip in as playmaker. But it doesn’t mean I want Messi to be ban. The GENERAL has to be here with his troops
Casco is better at least he can hold the ball unlike Sarvia who is just one dimensional player.He has nothing to give when team is in offensive mode.Manamma is not a pairing for Foyth this will make our defence weaker.But it will give pace to our defence too.I think CB and should be young and fast so Manamma stands a chance.Right now there is no good CB for Argentina as well fullbacks this is putting pressure on our forwards and midfield.
Cristian Romero that Juventus just signed from Genoa is a young and promising CB.
We need our back 4 very strong.Right now i see only Foyth is good for our CB spot.We need a good pair with him might be Kannamen.Our fullbacks are worst we need tall and physical fullbacks.Tagliafico is small stature his crossing is not good but he is performing well.Sarvia should never be called Casco is better than him.Foyth should have been used as CB rather than FB and Casco as RB.Casco is good in offence.Pezella is of no use every second defender is like him in football.Di maria bye bye.Otamendi should not be called as we need to prepare team for WC.There were some good defenders in u-20 world cup they should be tried.
You should be banned from this website for saying that CASCO is better than Saravia. That level of stupidity is simply amusing. Montiel will beat both of them. And Mammana is the best pairing for Foyth at cb position.
Yep no way is Casco better than Saravia.
I’m eager to see montiel get called up.
Truth hurts El Masche when you like to live in dark
Hahah are you a dumbass?! We played Casco for 2 games and the second we removed him, 80% of our attacks came from the right side with Saravia. You are the only one living in the dark my friend, in fact you might as well be dead!🙆♂️
you will use a LB as RB permanently.
not only that but you believe that Casco is better than Saravia.
you are amusing as el masche said true.
who is your teacher about coaching?
It’s no secret that FIFA and CONMEBOL f us over whenever they can.
Lahm fouled Maxi Rodriguez in the box 2006 and it was a penalty but it wasn’t given, not only that but there was no replay shown during the match.
Find me a game when Argentina won with LUBOS MICHEL as referee!
Higuain was almost murdered by Neuer.
Higuain was the same again.
Calls always go and will go against us.
Look we haven’t won since 93!
But somehow we are in most of the people heads!
They hate us without winning titles, when it looks like we are going to win they go berserk, now imagine if we won we would burn their souls slowly.
We must realize this and work together to achieve winning.
We improved during the tournament but I think we weren’t prepared enough.
This team found a spirit.
Messi grew some balls.
Now we have to build on this.
We must get a little faster and integrate more young talented players.
Ged rid of Taboo’s like Messi can’t play with Dybala.
We are against the world, it is hard winning.
We would fucken drink their tears ! I have jotted my feeling down in a post below. We will give them hell.
this story with this war against us from FIFA and CONMEBOL started from 1990 world cup.
i am sure you remember that.
just remember who was FIFA president then and from which country and remember too
what was the order to Diego before the game with Italy.
Diego and our team didn t “listen” the order and what happened to final against Germany
it was just the beginning of punishment to us.
1994 you know
1998 red card to Ortega you know
2002 penalty to England you know
bla bla bla and the story continue till our days.
1990 WC was the first one I ever saw. 🙁 I will never forget that penalty.
If messi wants to win something with this team….. He should not miss any international match….. Especially training…..
How many match did he missed under Scaloni ?
If you think that he can gel in with the team when ever he comes just because he is Messi then you guys are wrong…. Same goes for Aguero and Di Maria…… I m sick and tired of this….. I m tired of seeing them on the big Tournaments without all the training and Friendlies…..
It is not scaloni’s fault that he didn’t got a chance to work with them…..
Messi fanboys might hate me….
i love him as much as you do….
But no player is Bigger than my team Argentina…..
> It is not scaloni’s fault that he didn’t got a chance to work with them….
You do realize scaloni (or menotti or AFA or all of them) refused to call Aguero and Messi until the first fucking game of copa???
Look, im liking scaloni but let’s not rewrite history or forget THE FACT that scaloni established 23 squad 10 days before Copa and played first game with core 11 against Colombia!
If he played with core 11 3 or 4 friendlies then we would have started Copa off much stronger and our chances to win the tournament would have been much higher.
So yes,. Scaloni and gang fucked up big time and possibly cost us Copa all the name of dumbass player selection.
Those that cried for change of “oldies” got it and it cost us.
You should be ashamed. Talking big but you have not been pressured or harassed by the media a single day in your life. You think taking a break from national team is wrong when you have been their shield from criticism. Imagine waking up one morning to go to national team training and the entire world is talking about you online. “Did I screw up?” And when you want to take a break, they start talking more? That man, our captain, has done so much for our country and yet you still say this. Your not a fan, you just think your smart. The truth is, until now, there was no team. Only Messi.
A little late but about the controversy.
First off I am off the opinion that Scaloni and team were reasonably good and good enough to warrant a longer rope. I wouldn’t blabber on the point too much but initially he tried setting up a system which did not work out well will Messi and so he had to do some changes. So as much as it might have looked clueless in reality I do not believe he was that bad. So count me in the Scaloni camp for now.
There are some jackasses who think we have one gear and Brazil has 20. I just think they are misinformed and are making judgements not based on the game that was played on the pitch but names on paper. So , i will put that down to sheer idiocy. I think we were very very good on the day we peaked at the right time but bad luck and horrendous refereeing saw us go down.
Then there are the jerks in the establishment who thing a player(Messi) should be a investigative journalist and gather evidence before talking about corruption.
How about not do “suspect” stuff that makes even the calmest guy like Messi go nuts ! Figure out what about VAR implementation went wrong. Submit a report and make it look like you are serious about protecting the integrity of the game. Shutting down a voice with authority only shows the pussy that you are !
After the Sepp Blatter fiasco the FIFA already has enough clouds hovering over its integrity. Now is really not a reasonable time to put down voices of players ! Accept that either the implementation can be improved or something.
Now coming to the real feeling that I want to convey to my fellow fans.
I think this is the watershed moment that we were waiting for in Argentine football. Be as it may of Scaloni was good or not we have already seen the excellent bond this group of players have. Messi and Aguero are behaving like true senior leaders. Being the mouthpiece and standing up for the juniors. The events of this Copa America coupled with how the “external” world is turning hostile against us will only make this group(including anyone who will get called up) get even more well bonded and result in them “playing for each other”. This might just be that moment when we turn against the world say “enough is enough” and get back with “fire” at them. This might just be the moment when we realize that football field is not a pitch , but a battleground !
Enough of the good boys play. Lets inject some El Diego and f*ck the world over !
Lets give them HELL !
Well said
That’s the blood of my heart in words man !
Thanks Man
[…] Source […]
Mauro Icardi and his love for Inter Milan
May 2018 – Wanda Nara said publicly that “With just a lift of a finger, Mauro Icardi can hunt or bring down any player in Inter Milan, but he’s humble.”
Jan 2019 – Wanda Nara in her TV show Tiki-Taka went on to criticise Mauro Icardi’s Inter teammates publicly referring them being not good enough.
Days later – Inter snatch captain armband from Icardi after her constant public criticisms of other players and inappropriate behaviour in national television. Then he decided not to attend training sessions.
Feb – Icardi refused the call-up to play against Rapid Vienna. Spalletti: “He was called, but is not coming.”
Few days later – Mauro Icardi communicated to the club that he’s having knee injury. Inter medical team ran check up and found no such serious injury.
March – With suspensions and injuries, Inter were forced to play with Esposito and Merola as forwards. As a result Inter were eliminated Europa League. UCL spot was also in danger. Icardi still refused to play.
Few weeks later : Spalleti decided not to call him up anymore and with the fear of his worth going down and chances of good offers, Icardi and Wanda hired Nicolletti, a lawyer, to negotiate his return to team. Submitted bills of rehabilitation of €60 per day.
Eventually Inter called him up. He was despised by rest of the teammates and was seen disconnected. As per Spalleti he didn’t even bother to involve in celebrations after Milan Derby win in dressing room.
Reason why Inter are desperate to sell him and no good offers have arrived yet. No one wants him as long as she represents him as his agent. Wanda is also the reason why Icardi hasn’t received calls from National team. Men do stupid things for women they love but Icardi has taken it to next level.
Wanda is jaan
It may sound judgmental but here goes Icardi is toxic and I would not want him anywhere near the NT anytime soon. Wanda is just as toxic and stupid and the reason for the virus. Also , he is not nearly as essential and people make him out to be. Fk him.
Juve selling higuain and mandzudic and are looking to buy Icardi.
I do think he can be toxic and I’m hoping his ban at inter, conflict with fans, and moving teams will change his ego.
Despite all of this, Im still in the camp that thinks we could use him in the nt. He might be the best out and out striker in the world today. I’d drop Suarez and go with Icardi. And since Aguero is done soon, he needs to be replaced and Icardi is next up.
* Martinez locked in 100%
i agree with you about that subject.
unfortunately this is what happening if you don t have personality and you live inside your wife
Icardi take what he deserves.
as about the national team which is what i care
that player and his wife should stay far from the national team dressing rooms.
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AFA totally mess.. the association never stand with was better to have grondona..
People not giving credit scaloni
How many coaches or managers
Can put together in same team
Lo celso messi dybala aguero
Without proper destroyer in the
Middle of the park and make
Look like a team rather than
Individual stars disjointed team
Like Argentina was recently
As long I can’t remember recently
No Argentina manager did it.
I mean from the start not when you chasing
The game .
A credit to Scaloni and his group, although a bit late to discover the strength and weakness during his tenure. Lost too much time with the experimental games with no proper plan and un-used players. His players selections still under rated. Bad of Game plan and strategy. Fortunately at the last moment he knows his mistakes and recover it ; thanks to few players who did extremely well such as De Paul, Kun and Dybala plus Fyoth and Parades it will be a solid foundation to make an overhaul; pretty sure Tapia and AFA will prolong his contract till Copa 2020.. Messi controversy comments will be blown up to cover the main problematic issue of AFA and Conmebol. This is good for avoiding another type try and error experimental game by new coach but this will not be good for the preparations of mid term WC 2022.
The team desperately need a visionary and experience coach but it looks impossible to have that criteria.
No team be it club or international plays without proper destroyer ,so parades should perform his defensive duties and our team should not be vulnerable defensively (which we are ) for accommodating him ,yes he has been good in resisting press but he was awful when it comes to blocking passing lanes ,anticipating or covering spaces
So our team needs a destroyer if we want to keep parades in playing 11
Love that Dybala – Messi clicked..FINALLY lol. I knew it. Hopefully we see these 2 scoring left and right…
Not only two of them
Lo celso dybala messi
But the referee spoiled it damn.
Dybala was good all the minutes
He played the copa and will only
Get better from now on
The lad is pure talent.
I was pissed off when they subbed
Him against chile.
Yeah me too. Shouldn’t have subbed Dybala
It’s no doubt, Argentina’s two World Cup triumphs were without any controversy. The ’78 one with the alleged dictator influence and ’86 with the Diego handball. No one can dispute that. But the talk nowadays is on the “post VAR” controversies, these all happened in “pre VAR” era. There’s no point in discussing pre VAR Barca/ Real UCL controversies with that of this post VAR Copa 19 scandal. It’s preposterous.
And it’s also absurd to say that Brasil gets all the favours in CONEMBOL as well as in FIFA tournaments. Some of it may be like you said, but not always, no. If FIFA favours Brasil all the time, then what happened in the Swiss game and the Belgium game last WC with “VAR” in use?! There were ample reasons to chop off the Swiss equalizer and award Brasil a penalty when Kompany appeared to have fouled his City teammate Jesus. But they didn’t. So please be reasonable when it comes to these kind of allegations, not just make accusations out of pure hate.
If we’re to consider the recent CONMEBOL treatment, then what happened in that Peru game in Copa 16?! I know it was before VAR, so ref made a mistake.
I agree, and I really don’t know where this talk about the 78 and the 86 world cups come from?
People seem to forget that ARGENTINA has not won anything since 1993 and I said this on this site prior to the 2014 WC, “ARGENTINA paid for what allegedly happened in 78 and 86 in full with interest 100times over”
As you said, it is 2019 and there is this system called VAR and the MAIN PURPOSE of the that system is TO LOOK AT SUSPECT PLAYS AND REVIEW THEM and it was brought to that piece of shit REF. that the play fits the criteria of a POSSIBLE FOUL, LOOK AT IT, and he refused, TWICE!! This is like somebody REFUSING to wear a seat belt even though they are about to crash and end up flying out of the windshield and landing on the hood of the other car and people question why or how it happened!??
This is what I think, I think Messi will be penalized no question, i’m thinking 10 games, off course he’ll file an appeal and maybe it will be reduced or not, BUT SOMEBODY HAD TO SAY SOMETHING AND HE DID THE ABSOLUTE THING THAT NEEDED TO BE SAID. People that go through life willy-nilly, thinking that they can do or say or hurt anybody they want and believing they’ll get away with it, they might for a while but there will be retribution and repercussions.
It’s no doubt, two penalties to many us of here and for many neutrals as well. But I’ve said it before, ultimately it’s down to referee’s interpretation. It’s subjective. That’s one of the flaws of VAR or the VAR doesn’t bring a change to that kind of scenarios.
You remember the Nations League final? A clear penalty(for me atleast and the co commentator) on Luuk de Jong was not given(from a corner), not even gone to VAR. Nobody made a fuss of it not even the Dutch players, maybe because it was Nations League and the seriousness of the competition.
Regarding Messi’s comments, like Steve Nicol said somebody has to say something and no better person to do it other than the great man himself. if he didn’t say those things, like Nicol said these things will be forgotten and be brushed aside like any previous scandals.
“People that go through life willy-nilly, thinking that they can do or say or hurt anybody they want and believing they’ll get away with it, they might for a while but there will be retribution and repercussions.”
I don’t know if that’s a dig at me, but hey no problem, I’m no saint and I make mistakes. I try hard to make it all about football and no personal comments, but I have to admit I get it wrong sometimes. I don’t blame anybody else but me for that.
Naah man, why would you even think that??? I was talking about people who lie and cheat and think they’ll get away with it , they wont
Nice post, man.
> But the talk nowadays is on the “post VAR” controversies, these all happened in “pre VAR” era.
great point since a ton of criticism is based on pre var stuff.
For this copa, didnt some calls or the lack of calls go in our favor? Didn’t Foyth have a questionable foul in the box and Ota handball but i could be wrong.
Perhaps Mundo can help here..what were the fouls that should have gone against Argentina but didn’t?
You certainly have a point.
You’d actually never know if there was any corruption or not …but clearly, as you mentioned Post VAR and Pre VAR era, things cannot be compared on the same platform…but , the problem is, the allegation is brought by Messi himself who understands this game a bit better than all of us here…and we clearly have seen decisions going against Argentina , right from the beginning when Casemiro was not shown a card but Acuna got another card. The most frustrating part was the 2nd goal scored where the game should have been stopped immediately and the foul reviewed. Its easy for us to type saying that accusing the authorities about corruption is a bit overboard, but then its truly difficult for players who try their heart and soul , take so much pain to win the game, then comes to know that they were denied off ref’s wrong decision.
I love Paredes and he ain’t no punk either
Hopefully, you and Messi and the whole squads will bring Argentina be the champion in the World Cup 2022.
Vamos Argentina!!!!
GOD bless everyone…
I still don’t get it how the fuck Dani Alves still talk! Such a fucking moron and filth. Atleast should have some humanity. Fucking Brazilian
Funny all the coaches here was bashing Paredes before Copa. He was one of our best performers also best midfield player in Copa. Even though I don’t agree with that fake ass CONMBOEL list. They put 5 Brazilian. Bastards
The coaches here were so critical
Parades and Armani