Manuel Lanzini scores twice for West Ham in 3-2 win vs. Crystal Palace


Manuel Lanzini scored twice for West Ham in their 3-2 win vs. Crystal Palace.

Lanzini was back to his best as he scored one of the goals on the season. With the score at 1-0 for West Ham, Lanzini received the ball on the edge of the penalty area, dribbled right to left and hit the ball into the top of the goal to give West Ham the 2-0 lead.

The Argentine scored his second of the match as West Ham were awarded a penalty. It was Lanzini who took it and scored as he hit the ball with power onto the ground and made it 3-0 for West Ham.

@mundoalbiceleste Manuel Lanzini scored 2 goals for West Ham. #Football #Futbol #Soccer #Argentina #WestHam #messi ♬ West Ham Till I Die – West Ham FanChants & Hammers Fans Songs


  1. Dfox allow me to disagree here. Those vaccines are not like other medications for three reasons.
    In any other case in the past, people used to get vaccines in order to protect theirselves. Plain and simple. In this case, people will be protected by covid if the whole population gets vaccinated, as they say. Well, this doesn’t work like the well known old vaccines.

    Secondly, those vaccines haven’t got a permanent approval yet but a conditional approval and still it is the first time they make a medication mandatory.

    Thirdly, noone talks about side effects, while there are researches published in famous scientific journals, stating that side effects being caused by those specific vaccines are way to many in comparison to the old conventional vaccines.

    Just make to yourself this simple question: You get a medication in order to protect yourself. But if your safety doesn’t rely on the efficiency of that medication itself but on whether rest of people will also get the same medication, doesn’t this make you think that maybe something is really wrong here?

    After making this question to yourself, we may then wonder your own very good question, why are we still in it?

    • “Shakes my head”, Ok, I appreciate your candor, let me respond and hopefully that will be that.
      The vaccine initially was not approved by the CDC until they did what they do best from testing, side effects, level of effectiveness, longevity ………….etc they did that and approved it and whether that is permanent or temporally, Its APPROVED.

      All medications have side effects and that’s why they ask you a whole host of questions before they approve your appointment for the shot and just like anything else, some do not qualify because of preexisting medical conditions and its their job to let you know of any complications that might occur if you choose to take it or NO you can’t take it period.
      My sister lives in Arizona and few months ago called me to ask if i have taken the vaccine and I said of course and asked her the same and she said NO. I immediately asked her WHY and she said her doctor told her NOT TO TAKE it because she has a preexisting condition that might cause complications and that was that, he’s a doctor and that’s what he advised her and obviously I’m not, END OF STORY.

      Finally, the 500Ib Gorilla in the room question………………WHY worry about others not being vaccinated if I’m myself OR why worry since I would be protected?
      Answer as the following: The vaccines WORK and they do protect Vs original Covid-19 and the Delta variant but will start losing effectiveness as times passes.
      Here comes the Omicron variant which is 6x more contagious as the original Covid-19 (Delta is 3x contagious as the original) but luckily not as bad as the Delta and that required a booster shot to be fully protected. The vaccinated are Less prone to serious illness, death and Less contagious, NOT MY WORDS, BUT THE WORDS OF DOCTORS!

      These variants didn’t come from outer space, they came about because many are not vaccinated which in turn perpetuates the spread of the disease whether you believe it or not…..that’s a fact.
      The fact that I’m being attacked for stating the obvious which everybody should know by now and not something from the figment of my imagination that IN ORDER FOR THE THIS DISEASE TO BE ERADICATED, a large percentage of the population must comply otherwise it will continue to go on indefinitely and more future variants will appear, NOT MY WORDS, that’s what scientist and science says.

      • U are a scientist now.. go and work with the doctors or something u have to much education to be wasting your time on this chat. And when they tell u to jump… ask them how high..

    • Wave,

      > Secondly, those vaccines haven’t got a permanent approval yet but a conditional approval

      Not true. Pfizer got full FDA approval already. The rest are on course.

      > and still it is the first time they make a medication mandatory.

      Not true in the States. Vaccination mandates are an American tradition. The supreme court ruled over a century ago to give government the right to impose vaccines. Hell, even American Founding Father George Washington had a mandatory immunization for the military. Immunization, Vaccinations, Mask Mandates have been around for a while for things like smallpox, Influenza, the Spanish Flu, etc. Also, every kid is already required to take vaccines against polio, measles, hepatitis, etc.

      > Thirdly, noone talks about side effects,

      Everyone talks about the side effects. Except they’re focusing on the side effect that has much greater risk which is covid. Vaccinations risk are negligible. Covid side effects are much more of a threat.

      > while there are researches published in famous scientific journals, stating that side effects being caused by those specific vaccines are way to many in comparison to the old conventional vaccines.

      Sure, a minority within the medical community may have that opinion but there is a general consensus and it isn’t a negative opinion of the vaccines.

      > Just make to yourself this simple question: You get a medication in order to protect yourself. But if your safety doesn’t rely on the efficiency of that medication itself but on whether rest of people will also get the same medication, doesn’t this make you think that maybe something is really wrong here?

      Not at all. There are many reasons but vaccines do the following and its proven to be highly effective.
      1) reduce viral load so less probability of passing it on and if you do, the symptoms are not as severe as some mouth-breather antivax
      2) reduce probability of symptoms
      3) reduce probability of severe symptoms.
      4) reduce probably of variants. The more people get it, variants are greater risk. One of these variants could be WAY nastier than even Delta.
      5) reduces hospitalizations and strains the the medical system. Theres an extreme shortage of nurses and doctor. resources are slammed.
      6) reduces economic risk to businesses
      7) reduces economic risk for the individual.

      > why are we still in it?

      Because we are dumb as hell. Covid could have been handled way better from a government and citizen perspective but we have proven to be absolute morons on multiple levels. Masses of people believing in non sense fake science from facebook and twitter. Non compliance, lack of vaccinations rates, lack of mask wearing, lack of social distances.
      Just think about Covid as a trial run for the REAL thing. Thankfully were getting through this one but I’d grade us a C- to a D…when something more serious comes along we are TRULY fucked.

      • Chori, first of all, i am not against conventional vaccines. I am talking about those specific vaccines. You say that Phizer got final approval, which was supposed to be in 2023, but i don’t think that it is true. Secondly, variants are the natural sequence of a virus. In order a virus to survive, it produces variants. Variants are not being produced because other people are not getting the vaccines.
        Variants can be spread more easily but are less dangerous than the initial type of the virus.

        Governments have not faced the problem as they should have done. Why? Because instead of using “first degree medical care”, they have forbidden antibiotics in case of covid and drag people by force to get the specific vaccines. When someone who has covid and can’t take any medication for that such as antibiotics, most probably his condition will get worse. They got a vaccine for H1N1 as well, but you can also take antibiotics and additional meds to face H1N1, why wouldn’t do the same with covid? Why they had forbid any other alternative treatment in case of covid other than the vaccines?

        No medical act can be mandatory to any human being without his/her consent. I don’t know about the states, but this has been established by medical law conferences of Nirbugring, Oviedo, Helsinki etc.

        Those specific vaccines differ from the conventional ones in terms of technology and approach and most importantly they haven’t fullfilled the required period time of testing prior to be used in humans as they were expected to get the final approval in 2023.

        At the beginning they were saying that vaccines will stop covid. They were saying that with one dose everything would be ok, then it came the second dose, then the third and now the doses seem to be neverending. They were saying at the beginning that if someone gets the vaccine, he wouldn’t have spread the virus nor would be in danger from covid. We all know that neither of the above is true. They were saying at the beginning that vaccines could not be mandatory and now they mandate it. And in order to excuse their lies, they always do the same thing, putting the blame to the ones who don’t want to be vaccinated.

        I don’t know about you, but i never trusted governments and especially mine, and when i see them dragging people by force to do something for the “common good”, it surely stinks badly at least to me.

  2. Dfox 1942.. u saying vaccinated less likely to spread the disease? U are the stupidest person I have come across… u should stop talking and go and shit through your ass.. cause is only shit coming out your mouth.. and about your dentist topic.. I choose to.go by dentist no one didn’t drag me .. that’s the difference between choice and forcing someone.. so u still make no.sense.. u have no point..

    • I’m not going to stoop to your level and resort to name calling because I simply pity you, I hope you don’t learn the hard way but unfortunately some never learn until its too late and you’re a prime candidate!

  3. As Waweride said i do understand and respect everyone’s oppinion on this Vaccine issue that some get vaccinated and other don’t nevermind whatever the reason behind to not get vaccinated is as i’m prettysure there are quite many reasons and different one’s as well why some do not get vaccinated as maybe some people may ever even have a slightly chance to get vaccinated at all…???

    And this make’s me wonder as i pretty much had to get vaccinated though i Still don’t know if chose right or wrong as more i think of it this matter is just not about right or wrong infact using this term by saying this is right and this wrong is not that simple so let’s put that aside and go to my thoughts which are that even if we would be able to vaccinated the whole world i mean every single indivual human being as everyone pretty much can imagine that this is literally mission impossible as i do not even know would they ever be able to manufacture that many vaccines at same time that they could vaccinated the whole world as every single individual human being at same time..please don’t get me wrong as i’m not against anyone, but instead just thinking and wondering where will all this vaccine story end up as in my country they are allready giving some people vaccine no. 3 and it is not yet even a year that people got the first one alas at same time they told us that we need to have the second one as well, but none did talk about the third one back then, anyhow now everyone will need the third one according my countries health authorities as i think it pretty much the same case in whole EU etc…this makes me wonder that it is more than a less in one year period allready 3 vaccines as before Covid or even when Covid was evident and causing deaths many doctors in my country said that there is Still much more dying every year from influenza, but offcourse Covid has past that record obviously and very sadly now etc..,anyhow during the times before Covid when Influenza was the one killing the most people per every year i never had vaccine for that and Still i did not go to TaKe it as many in my country too every year as i’m not seeing many people at all…in fact just my kids and wife who do have both of theese vaccines as she works as nurse etc.,,so if she refused to TaKe those 2 vaccines as one’s for Covid and also the for Influenza, well then she won’t get any money as there will not be any work for her anymore etc… as this is the case for many i belive, because they are constantly working with many people around them etc…as now in my country restrictions are getting tighter and tighter and now with even Corona Passsport i can’t go to see my kids training football on daily basis which sucks big time as at same time people in my country are a aloud to sit in the pub to drink whatever they please even if it is just water etc.,,but, Still i can’t go to see my kids football practice or to go training what so ever in a place where there are others so as adults we are only aloud train by ourselfs at by ourselfs alone…but, Still i see full what so ever shops, events etc… packed with people, but Still i can’t go to my kids training as there more than 50 kids at least there at same time as there are much more greater Numbers of masses of people together in where so ever constantly…this make’s me wonder why did i got vaccinated in the first place as only place i go is my kids training as i just love to see any kids playing foitball or train what ever sport it is…and if i need to go the shop offcourse i protect myself fully with mask and gloves in my hand and do wash my hands as i alkways have done etc…

    If now in my country they are allready giving vaccine number 3 to the people and at same time there is a country somewhere who do not have any acces to vacciness nearly at all etc…i do consider this as not fair at all as i do care of every country and of their citizicens and what is the pointbto just giving as many as possible vaccines to the people only in certain countries as at same time others may not even have acces to any vaccine at all…i’m sorry to say this, but in this way of handling this Corona business is not the right way at all and guaranteed if the world will continue doing it this way, well i highly doubt that Covid will never vanish from earth…though offcourse i wish the opposite and as i have had 5 lungfevers allready before Covid was maybe also one the reasons that i took the vaccine, but mostly i did it for others and mainly for my MOM and other family members as i allready said i have been pretty much isolated allredy even before Covid as i simply choosed to not live in the city anymore and because of i have had a terrible history with my health as for example having allready 5 lungfevers which ultimatly where a cause a scar in my left lung which they only found at the 5th time and then they tooked a better look at it as not only by x-ray and luckily it wasn’t anything bad so i got a permission from my Doctor as recomendation as well to go and TaKe vaccine for against Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus and after i never had anymore lungfevers and that is allready some year’s a go and offcourse i hope it will remain also in this way as i also started to eat lot of different kind of natural medicines and i can assure everyone that even they may not work against Covid or something else serious, well Still i dont see any harm of eating those different kind of natural medicines from all over the world which humankind have used for Century’s etc…all the best to everyone and try to stay as healthy as u can !

    • Yes, my friend waweride ! All the best to u and to the all the people of your country in Greece ! I truly hope that u as others as well there in Greece will stay as healthy as they can ! As Greece has suffered allready a lot from that blody economic Crisis and now because of EU loan money are constantly told what to do by EU as the main ” authority in Europe”…it’s so weird that it goes beyond my imaganition really and i really hope that things will somehow get better, but with this pandemic around the world, well i quess EU is Bossing even more hard with their basicly ” virtual loan money lended to Greece” if i may say so…as i do not mean that this money won’t help
      , but it feels so unreal that what ever happened in Greece economics is now bossed by EU as they are playing the hero’s as the same way what IMF did to Argentina etc…

      Back at 1998 i think ii was, in Northern Greece north from Thessaloniki lifes felt so good and pure and now it just a distant memory of mine…any how i hope to return to Greece with my kids to travel around your beautiful country and hope that they would not only get in love with your culture, but also to get intrested by the great history of your country ! All my biggest respect’s to everyone to Greece and specially to u, my friend !
      Best regards Ricky

  4. Cox 4, Enganghe and all the rest of Mundo members from Argentina, please could anyone maybe be able to give me a hint of how to get hold of River shirt with Alvarez name if possible other River great’s will do as fine as well as Aimar, Saviola, D’ Alessandro etc…the eternal list goes on and on even i do respct every club from Argentina equally and wish all of them the best of luck for the future etc…as there so many great clubs from Argentina who have produced so much of great Talent since i was a kid starting past from 70’s etc…if i would mention them all it would TaKe age’s !

    So instead this time i try keep my post as short as i can and this request of mine actually came from my 9 year old son who’s playing football regurlarly as he is studying history of football in general as well, but his favorite country is offcourse Argentina which is quite obvious choice from him as he want’s to respect also the older and former players of Argentine who allways stays in my family’s hearts forever and because his grandad who past away 7 year’s ago exactly from today 2.1.2022 was huge fan Argentina as well and nicknamed me as young kid by Ricky Villa etc…

    So, please if anyone just have some xtra time any info of how to get hold of River shirt for a 9 year old boy would be so so preciated !

    And if sended by post by someone personally i will pay for everything offcourse and also something more as gift to that Person who might be able to give or make my son’s biggest wish to come true…

    All the best for everyone and try to stay as healthy as u can at theese times of blody Covid circling around and constantly forming new variants of it etc…

    Also greetings to Waweride to Greece and also to rest of Mundo members etc…

    Best Regards Ricky Villa

    • Unfortunately this is bound to happen these days and Messi is no different from any other person walking down the street in this prospect.

      BUT, at least he is fully vaccinated and has done His job by being so, the BLAME solely falls on those who are not vaccinated and walk around like nothing is going on around the world screaming……. lies, conspiracy, fake news, my freedom bullshit!!
      All those who died, dying, and seriously gotten sick doesn’t move a hair on their head or a brain cell in their head because their brain is EMPTY.

          • Have you ever bother to make a research and eventually find out that the number of fully vaccinated people who still died is surprisingly high??

            Secondly, can you submit or recall any medical research to verify what you have said, that vaccinated people are more safe than the ones who chose not to be vaccinated?? Do you know, that at least here in Greece, doctors and the rest of the medical staff in hospitals are not allowed to work if they are not vaccinated due to the pandemic, BUT STILL THERE ARE MEDICAL STAFF WHO ARE BEING TESTED POSITIVE??

            And even what you have said is true, then the risk of getting severly damaged by covid goes on people who chose not to be vaccinated, since as you said, the ones who are vaccinated are more safe. Why put the blame on them then??

            It is the first time in history that the blame for the inefficiency of a vaccine is put on people who chose, and you know it is their rights, not to be vaccinated!

          • my friend i know personally at least 3 people that died from covid even they was fully vaccinated.
            i am not doctor and i don t know much. i am just saying my experience.

        • OkAY!! First of all let me say this, I am not a doctor nor am I pretending to be one and what I’m about to say is not an attack on anybody and If somebody takes it as such then its their problem…….Gonzalo, “U r the biggest illiterate asshole I ever came across” LOL. do you know what illiterate means?
          When this pandemic first broke out and everybody was sitting home away from their jobs, loved ones, freedom of being outside with family and friends, not seeing sports, or even living normally…….we all prayed and wished for a solution and then the vaccine became available and all of a sudden everybody and his mother became a doctor overnight!
          The numbers of deaths caused by Covid-19 between the vaccinated and not are NOT EVEN close in any shape or form and the data is there in the open for anybody with eyes and few braincells can see unless…….YOU……. fill in the blanks.

          When DOCTORS, real doctors not some batshit wack running his/her mouth on T.V. or online to sell something or to gain favor with this group or that TELLS YOU vaccines save lives and prevents one from being seriously ill, I LISTEN.
          When you call to make a doctor’s appointment and even before you get to talk to anybody, the recording comes on in detail, telling you what you NEED to do before you show up at their doorstep to protect themselves from YOU, I LISTEN.
          I live in Atlanta, GA, home of the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services.
          The agency’s main goal is the protection of public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and worldwide.[4] The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease control and prevention. It especially focuses its attention on infectious disease, food borne pathogens, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention and educational activities designed to improve the health of United States citizens. The CDC also conducts research and provides information on non-infectious diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, and is a founding member of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes.[5].

          IN SIMPLE TERMS FOR THOSE WHO ARE MENTALLY “”Challenged”” AND IT SEEMS WE HAVE A FEW IN HERE, the CDC is the authority on diseases that not ONLY respected here in America but around the WORLD.
          When the CDC says THE VACCINES SAVE LIVES AND EVERBODY who does NOT have preexisting conditions that might be exasperated by the vaccine SHOULD TAKE IT, I LISTEN.
          When Dr. Anthony Fauci, the authority on infectious diseases TELLS YOU the same thing the CDC has said a billion times, TAKING THE VACCINE SAVES LIVES, “”””””I LISTEN””””.

          I am fully vaccinated and just took the booster shot few days ago on Wednesday and unlike the 2 previous shots where I had no negative affects, this one was different where I felt sluggish and tired for 2 days before going back to my normal self……..I took the vaccine NOT BECAUSE I wanted to, BUT because I HAD TO.
          I wear a mask indoors everywhere I go, I don’t want to wear the damn must but I do to protect myself………………WHY do I still wear a mask?? to protect myself from WHOM?? FROM people WHO Don’t want to wear one
          WHO don’t want to get vaccinated
          WHO think what, the disease is just going to disappear??
          What the hell do you want to happen, to go on with your lives with your heads buried in the sand until when??? what will it take for YOU to Listen…..getting sick yourself or a loved one????? will you listen then, hopefully it wont be too late.

          In closing, Doctors, nurses, medical staff…….who’s been telling us for almost 2 years now, protect yourself, get vaccinated, wear a God damn mask BECAUSE WE ARE overwhelmed By the number of sick people coming into the emergency rooms and hospitals because they did not PROTECT THEMSELVES and in doing so taking rooms and beds for people who are fully protected and are in need of medical attention for other needs….heart disease, cancer……..etc
          By hey, no don’t listen until you get shitfaced sick with Covid and then run to the Emergency room to take care of you because you are STUPID.

          Look, this is not a popularity contest, I could care less who likes me or not, I don’t give a damn, the point of all what I typed was for those who don’t know or to wise up……even if its just one person saved from this horrible disease but more from one’s SELF.

          • U said the unvaccinted is the problem… how the hell the unvaccinted is the problem when any one can get and spread the virus.. vaccinated people is spreading the virus more than anything.. this is not a vaccine!!! If u want to give up your freedom of choice and want to take a 100 booster shots u go right ahead. That’s your choice.. but don’t go around blaming unvaccinted people..

          • WOW, I see none of what I said got through to you…………
            Taking the vaccine MAKES IT LESS LIKELY to get sick and in doing so spreading it.

            NOT TAKING THE VACCINE MAKES IT MORE LIKELY TO GET SICK AND SPREAD IT………..!!!??? do you need a calculator or something to understand that???
            Give up my freedom???? if protecting myself, family, friends, coworkers and any INNOCENT person that comes in contact with me is giving up my freedom……i don’t know how to answer that…….you seem to be hung-up on your freedom.
            I go to the dentist with a rotten tooth and he/she says, ” you need a filling” I say NO, they say, “it will get worse, more pain, root canal which costs a shitload more money than a simple filling” and I say “hey NO, its my freedom of choice”.
            GETTING SOMEBODY else sick that might die or seriously ill is not FUCKING FREEDOM.
            hey please stop talking.

          • Dfox, first of all, i don’t have anything with vaccinated or unvaccinated people, after all, we are all human beings and i wish from the bottom of my heart all the best to everyone, vaccinated or not, including yourself.

            You have said that when a doctor speaks, you listen. Do you listen really? I can recall numerous world class doctors, some of them are nobelists too, you can verify yourself, who are against the specific vaccines and their opinions are based on published facts and scientific researches shown on numerous famous scientific journals. Why don’t you listen to them as well? Should we believe all of a sudden, that all those famous top scientists became brain dead?? Fauci?? Should we really trust what he says?

            I remind you that those vaccines do not have permanent but conditional approval. There are also numerous researches based on facts that show that side effects caused by the specific vaccines since the beginning of the vaccines up to now, are more than the side effects from any other vaccine up to now.

            You said that deaths from covid, or even people who are getting in to hospitals are not even close between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. That is not true. At least here in Greece, there are many people who got the vaccine but still occupied covid sections in hospitals.

            Things are not that simple. There is a huge difference between suggesting people to subject to a medical action such as vaccines and turning a medical action as mandatory. According to global human rights, noone can force anyone to a medical action without the individual’s consent, especially when vaccinated people can also spread the virus.

            Finally, you have your opinion, but as your opinion should be respected, you should respect different opinions as well, instead of claiming that people who didn’t get those vaccines are brainless.

            Finally, if you feel that people who decided not to get those specific vaccines are a threat to you, why did you even get vaccinated then?? People are supposed to get vaccinated in order to protect theirselves and not under the condition that every other human being in this world should be vaccinated too, especially when they don’t want to do so.

          • Waveride, this vaccine is just like any other medication where some are naturally allergic to it by nature or because they have a medical condition that might worsen IF they take it. As far as allergy goes, some people are naturally allergic to penicillin…….I have a friend who can’t take antibiotics and would seriously get ill or worse if he does.
            BOTH cases and ANY other that I’m not aware of are prime examples of people who should not take the vaccine PROVIDED a DOCTOR tells them SO.
            NOW, NO doctor is going to say, “HEY, EVERYBODY, DON’T TAKE IT”.
            You mentioned some well-known doctors that have spoken against the Vaccine, I don’t know who they are but I can tell you what I know from what I HAVE SEEN AND HEARD on the news, medical journals, the CDC, and doctors and with the few exception of some so-called/self-promoting doctors who are solely motivated by KISSINGUP to some group or another for self-gain, favor and profit and all said the same thing………”vaccines save lives”.

            You asked why am I concerned with non vaccinated and none masking wearing people if I’m vaccinated myself!
            I tell you why, because we are still in it because of them!
            I tell you this much, 40% of all Americans are not vaccinated, FORTY PERCENT!!!, that’s roughly 130million people walking around refusing to get vaccinated for one reason and unless you’re allergic or might get sick of it then you have no excuse for not taking it.
            Yeah, we have to respect the rights of others but how many more people should die before something is done to reduce that 40%.
            You keep saying that vaccinated people also get sick, which is true, and some end up in the hospital which is also true But the majority of deaths and serious related covid cases are those of the unvaccinated and that is a fact and its not a dfox1942 fact, its a medical fact.
            We can keep going round and round all day but facts are facts, vaccinated are less prone to dying, getting sick and less contagious and opposite is true for those who are not.

            Why is this disease still running rampant around the world??? maybe the vaccine is the cause, its fake? or a simple placebo? or a make belief medication?
            Just ask yourself that simple question, why are we still in it!

    • As per the news, Omicron is pretty mild. South Africa, where it originated the Omicron wave has pretty much flattened. Its seems to be quite contagious but nowhere near dangerous like Delta! Messi should be okay!! However there is news that a new variant in China is wreaking havoc there!!

  5. He is coming back, I am very happy for him, he has been a starter for west ham the last couple of games but I still don’t see how we can squeeze him in the team. Although Locelso is not playing but his contribution to the build up is fundamental. Lanzini is not a playmaker. Today he was behind the striker where we have Messi. I think it’s very dangerous to think we can replace Locelso easily in the team. When Locelso is in the team, we don’t see him but when he is not we feel it….

  6. Lanzini is good penalty taker too Scaloni should call him as soon as possible Argentina needs him in left side of the pitch. He should take penalty for Argentina instead of De paul.

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