Mauro Icardi rumored to make Argentina national team for September


Mauro Icardi is rumored to be included in the Argentina national team for September’s World Cup qualifiers.

If rumors are to be believed, the PSG man will be returning to the Argentina national team. Per a report by Ole, the AFA have contacted PSG notifying them that they are “reserving” four players. Those four being the four Argentine players at the club; Lionel Messi, Angel Di Maria, Leandro Paredes and Mauro Icardi.

While the three Copa America winners will be included, despite Icardi being “reserved”, he could still miss out on the team as Lionel Scaloni and the coaching staff can still change their minds and decide to exclude him from the squad.

As we reported a few days ago, Lautaro Martinez might not be fit for September’s matches while Lucas Alario is in the same situation. Sergio Aguero is also ruled out with an injury until October. Icardi has managed two goals in PSG’s first two matches of the season.

Per other reports in the Argentine media, the squad will resemble that which won the Copa America with a possibility of one or two new inclusions. The squad is expected to be announced in the next few hours.


  1. Just came home from Pink Stadium in Fort Lauderdale. Saw the Inter Miami vs Chicago Fire game live. Gonzalo Higuain played absolutely brilliant. Miami won 3-2 and Higuain had footprints in all the goals with inch perfect passes.
    There were some celebrities in the crowd today. Notably Claudio Canniggia was one of them.
    Here are the highlights-

  2. is their any chance of dybala back to national team this time….. or does juve interfere in this situation …. dybala is must in our national team…

  3. Everything indicates that all the 28 players of Copa America excluding Aguero and the 5 reserves that were cut excluding Lucas Alario will make the final 32. So 27 + 4 players. The last addition is Mauro Icardi.

    It is not official but a couple of websites give the list of 32 players:

    Arqueros: Franco Armani, Emiliano Martínez, Agustín Marchesín y Juan Musso .

    Defensores: Gonzalo Montiel, Nahuel Molina, Cristian Romero, Nicolás Otamendi. Juan Foyth, Lucas Martínez Quarta, Germán Pezzella, Lisandro Martínez, Nicolás Tagliafico, José Luis Palomino y Marcos Acuña .

    Mediocampistas: Rodrigo De Paul, Leandro Paredes, Giovani Lo Celso, Exequiel Palacios, Guido Rodríguez, Nicolás Domínguez, Emiliano Buendía y Alejandro Gómez .

    Delanteros: Lionel Messi, Lautaro Martínez, Lucas Ocampos, Nicolás González, Ángel Correa, Mauro Icardi, Ángel Di María, Julián Álvarez y Joaquín Correa .

  4. Icardi is an assassin, give him a loaded rifle and he’ll most likely hit the target and now more than ever Argentina has a midfield that can supply the forwards and so I say calling Icardi (and Dybala) is a no brainer especially considering the fact that Lautaro, Alario and Kun are all out.

  5. I am fine, in fact happy, to see if Icardi gets called up to the national team — so long as his whore wife keeps her mouth shut and out of the business of our team

      • my friend olive respect women and me too.
        This is other subject. Icardi s wife/manager/tv persona/whatever else she is truly slut and like it or not.
        The rest of women doesn t have to do anything about her.

      • Of course I respect women, 99% of the women that are relatives and wives/partners of our players are incredibly supportive and respectful of our players’ careers and took great care of their families during the long and difficult covid bubble period during Copa. On an individual level she is different. This isn’t a worthy subject for us to talk about or stress of. Most of us are ready to move on including the national team and teammates seeing as though Icardi is close to being called up. Whether she wants to move on or not is another question. Everyone will have to pretend she doesn’t exist unless the day (which hopefully doesn’t come) that she starts drama again.

      • if it suppose to be only that then it would not be problem. She can waste her husband career. This is their problem. what is my concern is the national team. that “lady” have big mouth and influence in media. in past she had create problems in national team with her big mouth and with her friendly media. not only in Inter. Anyway we will see. future will show us.

  6. River seems getting eliminated. Their defense against counter attacks really weak. Zaracho hits a super goal & now makes a dumb miss.

    • Zaracho gets his 2nd goal. Another acrobatic effort. His run into striking positions is good. Someone we really missed at Olympics.

      • i have watched a few AM games. It really seems zaracho seems to have carried his Racing form to Brazil. Of course he could have easily doubled his goals today, but man, his positioning and coverage is quite nice. Every time scaloni called him he ended up injured, I wonder if he is going to get a look now. Midfield is not really a position of need I think but might be interesting in a game like venezuela or bolivia.

  7. The 2 players i want to see get solid playing minutes in these qualifiers is Angel Correa & Papu Gomez. They were severely underplayed in Copa due to the larger cause of team formation. But both of them delivered whenever they were called up.
    On striker – with Lautaro , Alario & Aguero out , Icardi is a no brainer as a starter. But we will also need a striker in squad who presses well. Icardi is not that breed. With Icardi & Messi in playing 11 , there will always be extra duty on other players on press & defense. Hence a striker who is more mobile is also needed a sub option. In my mind i would think Braian Romero should be in squad. Hardworking & in form. Chimy Avila still needs to prove that his injury is behind him. Dybala also needs a break back – but i guess he wont be a Lautaro kind of CF. More of a false 9 or secondary striker. Assuming there are 6 spots for attackers – i would want to see Icardi, Messi, Dybala , N Gonzalez , A Correa & either Braian Romero or a future investment like Gaich/ Girotti. While Gaich had a poor Olympics , too early to write him off. He played very little last season between 2 clubs & is rusted . He needs to urgently find a club in a top Europe league & settle in. Currently there is some interest in Leeds & CSKA Moscow has not registered him for season – which means he is surely moving.

  8. Icardi deserved to be call; forget the past, the N/T should be able to optimize potential players unless it disturb the harmonize and unity of the team; as long as the player can contribute, especially the “On Fire ” one should be given a chance and open door.

    Scaloni must be more comfortable and confidence to select and bring 1-2 new faces after Copa wins

  9. Icardi should be there at this point. There are not much available. About his problems…

    1. Although I don’t appreciate what happened between Icardi, Wanda and Maxi Lopez and how it happened, I don’t put all the blame on him. The woman is equally responsible. Also, they have stuck together to each other for many years. Its not that he is going around stealing wives.

    2. There should be a clause to keep Wanda out of NT. She can be her agent at club level but she can be kept away from NT.

  10. Lautaro injured
    Aguero injured
    Alario injured
    It’s unfair if we still not calling Icardi. We don’t have good options there other than Icardi.

  11. For me personally I am never against any Argentina players with the exceptions of:
    1. Talented players but don’t get along with other players: such as Tevez (in the past)
    2. Players who are very average but always seem to be the coach favorite such as: Maxi Meza, Lucas Pratto, Benedetto, etc (in the past)
    3. Players that clearly are not national team materials such as MacAllister, Gaich.

    Icardi does not fit all those categories. First of all. He is very talented, quite possibly our best pure goal scorer when it comes to scoring the goal, yes better than Lautaro.

    If you say he does not get along with other key players? I disagree. It is too early to judge. I mean how many times he has played together upfront with key players like Messi and Di Maria? I don’t remember? once? twice? Not like Tevez who has played 50-70+ games with the starters and always seemed to never work out.

    I am not saying Icardi has to be the starting number 9 replacing Lautaro, but Lautaro needs a back up. We know that Aguero won’t make it and not sure if he can even make the World Cup next year. In my understanding there is no better back up number 9 as of now than Icardi.

    The only other one that suits the back up number 9 role other than Icardi is Alario, who is also half injured. And please don’t tell me Gaich, Benedetto, or Simeone. They are not NT material today. Dybala? Not number 9. Joaquin Correa? Only as an emergency number 9 and he won’t score. Julian Alvarez? Raw.

  12. About damn time!!!
    Let’s just hope it’s not just for 1 or 2 matches.. I’ve been saying this for the last 4-5 yrs now. Regardless of all the rumors out there as to why he’s not called up, he needs to be our # 9 for the team. I love Lautaro, but I feel he’s not very consistent

    • Lautaro not very consistent, yet his goal ratio in NT is higher than Saviola, Tevez, Dybala, Higuain, Aguero, etc. Crespo is slightly higher, only slightly.

      In addition to his goal, Lautaro won 7 penalties which converted by Messi & Paredes.

      So whats the standard of consistent? Batigol ?

  13. For me personally I am never against any Argentina players with the exceptions of:
    1. Talented players but don’t get along with other players: such as Tevez (in the past)
    2. Players who are very average but always seem to be the coach favorite such as: Maxi Meza, Lucas Pratto, Benedetto, etc (in the past)
    3. Players that clearly are not national team materials such as MacAllister, Gaich.

    Icardi does not fit all those categories. First of all. He is very talented, quite possibly our best pure goal scorer when it comes to scoring the goal, yes better than Lautaro.

    If you say he does not get along with other key players? I disagree. It is too early to judge. I mean how many times he has played together upfront with key players like Messi and Di Maria? I don’t remember? once? twice? Not like Tevez who has played 50-70+ games with the starters and always seemed to never work out.

    I am not saying Icardi has to be the starting number 9 replacing Lautaro, but Lautaro needs a back up. We know that Aguero won’t make it and not sure if he can even make the World Cup next year. In my understanding there is no better back up number 9 as of now than Icardi.

    The only other one that suits the back up number 9 role other than Icardi is Alario, who is also half injured. And please don’t tell me Gaich, Benedetto, or Simeone. They are not NT material today. Dybala? Not number 9. Joaquin Correa? Only as an emergency number 9 and he won’t score. Julian Alvarez? Raw.

    Also Icardi relationship with Messi is improving. They follow each other IG not long ago and their wives Nara and Antonella also follow each other IG recently.

  14. Truth be told, Scaloni has a plethora of offensive players to pick from and Icardi is just one of them. I always wish whomever is picked, performs regardless of who it is.
    Icardi and Dybala are real talent but both yet to make a serious effort to be looked at as NT’s quality and I hope the next few months solidify their chances.

  15. Palacios,Armani and N. Dominguez should be dropped. Lamela,Dybla,Foyth Icardi and Buendia should be on the list.

    • Agree about Armani dropped and Dybala + Buendia call.

      Palacios and Nico Dominguez have done nothing wrong, they are useful central midfielders to have. Midfield is an engine of any team. Imagine Lo Celso and De Paul injured, then what?

      Lamela needs to stay healthy and in form to warrant a call-up. Foyth is a liability.

      Finally, we may have no choice but to call up Icardi, but his toxic wife better keep her mouth shut.

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