
  • Katherineander posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    A complete Guide For Descriptive Writing
    Did you get assigned a descriptive essay? Are you wondering how to start and go about it?
    As the name suggests, a descriptive essay describes a particular object, person, place, or event. You must present your topic in such a way that it creates an image in the reader’s mind and it becomes easier for them to understand.
    The key to descriptive writing is using figurative language, adjectives to convey your emotions and feelings clearly.
    There are certain steps and guidelines that you need to consider when writing your essay.
    Start by analyzing the topic
    When you decide on the topic you’re going to write on, the next step is to observe different details and aspects. Pay attention to the object and its surroundings.
    Consider the physical setting
    For descriptive writing, focus on the physical setting and the physical features of your object. Talk about time, lighting, expressions, texture, etc.
    Show emotion
    You need to present your feelings and show emotion so the reader can relate to it and read the essay with interest.
    Create an essay outline
    Descriptive essays follow the typical four-element outline consisting of an introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion.
    The purpose of your introduction is to gain the reader’s interest and educate them about your topic.
    Your thesis statement will differ based on the topic you decide to go for. The main idea, however, is to present the main idea and purpose of the paper.
    The body holds the major chunk of information, describe your topic using five senses, and paint a picture in your reader’s mind.
    End your essay by restating the thesis and summarizing the important points.
    If writing isn’t your forte, then there is no need to lose hope. There are several options available for students. Get in touch with a reliable essay writing service and have their professional writers assist you with your assignments. Just ask them to write my paper. Don’t risk your grades when help is easily available.