
  • Bragg Knudsen posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    The new tranny will be first be offered in the brand-new designs, the Engage and Encite. The Engage can be found in three versions: MX for dirt, SMR for racing, and SMS for street riding. The Encite is a mini motorcycle. All included swappable battery packs. The new bikes will be officially presented tomorrow at the MimiMotoSX race in Las Vegas.

    It’s a bit harder to nail down the details on the Evolt Bull1 as the Italian business only has an Italian-language site that is under building and construction. Nonetheless, the bike was introduced in 2009 at the Milan International Cycle and Bike Exhibition with a proposed price of $12,540. Top speed is provided as 55 miles per hour with a 2-hour variety on the battery. Recharging is stated to take 1 hour.

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